Fat folk becoming unemployable?

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CASAA Activist
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We all predicted it would happen. They allowed employers to refuse to hire smokers. Nobody stepped in to stop the employers from expanding their policy to testing for nicotine, thus blocking non-smokers who use a smoke-free alternative source of nicotine from employment. This would even include the use of pharmaceutical smoking cessation products that contain nicotine.

We said it wouldn't be long before they picked out other groups to discriminate against. It wasn't, and they have.

Texas Hospital Says Fat People Need Not Apply | firstcoastnews.com

Dr. Siegel commented: http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/2012/04/obese-persons-no-longer-welcome-as.html

The really scary thing is that for many of us, giving up nicotine results in a heck of a lot more than a 7 pound weight gain. So you could get rid of one barrier to employment by quitting smoking, and end up unemployable because you became obese.

Writing in June 2005 about Montgomery County PA considering refusing to hire smokers in an aim to save money on health insurance costs, Siegel said:

Not only is this policy in conflict with the most basic goal of public health - social justice - but it also represents a very dangerous slippery slope. After all, there are a number of other effective ways Montgomery County could save money from health care expenses:

it could refuse to hire obese persons, who we know have far greater morbidity and therefore require much higher health care expenditures;

it could refuse to hire people whose cholesterol levels are greater than 200, which is a well-documented risk factor for heart disease, the nation's leading cause of morbidity;

it could refuse to hire people who eat more than 6 grams of salt a day; this is a major cause of high blood pressure and is associated with heart disease and strokes.
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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Stuff like that is already happening....just one sort of example from a year ago....

Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home - Chicago Tribune
You know, I was actually going to predict this when I posted my previous comment...

At his public school, Little Village Academy on Chicago's West Side, students are not allowed to pack lunches from home. Unless they have a medical excuse, they must eat the food served in the cafeteria.
...but I thought it would be way to outlandish to even suggest that it could happen someday.


Vaping Master
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Mar 16, 2012
It's always been that tall, thin people make the most money.... However, to discriminate publicly like this is insane... Two quotes come to mind:
"all it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing"
and the one about: when they came for the Jews, I did nothing, when they came for the gays, I did nothing, when they came for me, there was no one left... Sorry for the misquotes on these!


Drumming Member
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Dec 14, 2010
Hornell, New York
More lawyers get paid loads of money for useless nonsense. If this actually sticks, based solely on "appearance", then it is my opinion they have officially opened pandora's box! It's only a hop and skip until people are denied employment based on color or religion, or maybe political affiliation ...how about the color of your hair?

Once the box is opened, it will be near impossible to close.....sad


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
Once the box is opened, it will be near impossible to close.....sad
Pandora's Box was opened a long time ago.

I'm well over 60 yrs old and these old eyes have seen more stolen rights and freedoms
than most here can even imagine.

I have to admit that rights and freedoms are being stolen today at an increased rate.

Today, this is one big "Ban Happy" country and its bible is the ever expanding
Political Correctness dictionary.

Q: How can "They" get away with all this stuff
A: Because they can ... Who's going to stop them ??

Sometimes you can "slow them down" ... But in the end they'll do what they want

If your looking for some just causes to champion (other than "harm reduction) ...
There's a long list to choose from.


Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
Shoot, the school lunched aren't allowed to use white bread or regular pasta anymore, everything is supposed to be multi-grain or wheat BS -- so frakkin' stupid, the kids think they taste like crap and won't eat it (I've watched when I was serving; I'm a school board member in Illinois and the government here is chock full of complete idiots who are doing their best to disguise their financial incompetence with distraction stuff)) , how does this help their nutrition? They learn like crap on an empty stomach but people would rather change what was fed than have a real PE class anymore so they'd get exercise........:grr::grr::grr:


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
As an ex-smoker I can understand this as well as how it happened.Smokers were the first group to be singled out and hospitals used the excuse of higher health insurance costs.Smokers said "Im in way better shape than that 300 pound head nurse and that was probably true.
Where do they draw the line? Are they going to start telling a certain ethnic group they have to give up fried foods next?How about all the doctors who are heavy drinks with gin blossoms on their nose?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
As an ex-smoker I can understand this as well as how it happened.Smokers were the first group to be singled out and hospitals used the excuse of higher health insurance costs.Smokers said "Im in way better shape than that 300 pound head nurse and that was probably true.
Where do they draw the line? Are they going to start telling a certain ethnic group they have to give up fried foods next? How about all the doctors who are heavy drinks with gin blossoms on their nose?
I used to work at a hospital
Doctors get a "free pass" ... Money trail thing
and they are not considered hospital employees.


Ultra Member
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Mar 27, 2012
Stuff like that is already happening....just one sort of example from a year ago....

Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home - Chicago Tribune

I live just northern suberbs of Chicago, and our elementary and junior highs don't even HAVE cafeterias. The only thing they offer is a sack lunch, consisting of sandwiches prepared a week in advance. These are so nasty, the students won't even touch them. We have to pack lunch from home, but they have so many restrictions on what you can bring, that it makes it difficult to pack a lunch for very picky eaters.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
I live just northern suberbs of Chicago, and our elementary and junior highs don't even HAVE cafeterias. The only thing they offer is a sack lunch, consisting of sandwiches prepared a week in advance. These are so nasty, the students won't even touch them. We have to pack lunch from home, but they have so many restrictions on what you can bring, that it makes it difficult to pack a lunch for very picky eaters.
The Nanny State, don't ya just love it.

A few excerpts ... Other than the discussion on school lunches

Let's not forget where all these rules came from ... Congress
NO, Congress didn't enact them...they were enacted by the FDA

The people are worried about obesity
The voters want the government to do something about it

I'll give you the last word ...
It's not just me, its millions of Americans that want these rules

You just can't make this stuff up

I know this is an election year and posting the video was not
intended to take sides ... Didn't even think about that implication
at the time ... Just the school lunch topic and of course the Nanny State.
I really don't feel confident with either candidate.
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