FACEBOOK disallows ALL e-cig advertising

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Here is my email string with Facebook where I was attempting to submit a running ad banner to advertise my affiliate company. Very interesting, you'll find. Note that I never did get a follow-up response to my last question. Complete string of emails, without any changes follows (first email on bottom; most recent email, remaining unanswered, at top):

RE: Why Was My Ad Disapproved?‏
From: <img id="P___70562343" webimdisplaystyle="inline" style="display: none;"> *** (***@hotmail.com) Sent: Thu 7/23/09 3:05 PM To: ads-disapproved+nyarqna@facebook.com
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Thank you for the response--could I trouble you with one more question? Could you point out specifically what criteria the electronic cigarette violates in your policy? I'm still unclear on that. Thanks!


> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:53:39 -0700
> To: ****@hotmail.com
> From: ads-disapproved+nyarqna@facebook.com
> Subject: Re: Why Was My Ad Disapproved?
> Hi Rick,
> Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we do investigate the product being advertised when it goes through our official review process. Unfortunately, the content advertised by this ad is prohibited. We reserve the right to determine what advertising we accept, and we may choose to not accept ads containing or relating to certain products or services. We do not allow ads for electronic cigarettes and will not allow the creation of any further Facebook Ads for this product. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.
> Thanks for your understanding,
> Scarlett
> Online Sales Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: ****@hotmail.com
> To: info@facebook.com
> Subject: Why Was My Ad Disapproved?
> Name of disapproved ad: Vape don't smoke
> Name of campaign: Vape 1
> Specific questions: I've read through the policy several times and I fail to see why my ad would be disapproved. Did you investigate the product at all? Product is NOT tobacco or tobacco-related! Quite the opposite! Does NOT promote smoking--also, quite the opposite. The "electronic cigarette" is NOT a cigarette, is not a medical device, is not a pharmaceutical, and is not subject to federal or state regulation. Please investigate the product further before making a disapproval decision.
> Have you read the disapproval info you've received?: 1
> -----End Original Message to Facebook-----
Last edited:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
St Pauls, NC USA
I hate that they are taking this stance but don't be surprised if more businesses do the same thing until the legality of ecigs is finally established either by the Supreme Court or the FDA. The ecig issue is very much up in the air right now, with more media exposure every day (unfortunately most is negative) and many are simply protecting themselves from potentially being on the wrong side of the law... which any smart business owner or corporation should do.

Even though I DO NOT agree with their position, they are an independent business, not a government agency, and have the right to refuse service for any reason they wish as long as it does not violate a law in doing so (based on race, religion, etc).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
New Jersey
You can bypass their denial letter by establishing a religion based on vaping. If Scientology can do it, so can you! Then you can threaten to sue for discimination due to religion. Haha.

Also, facebook now extends to high school students and lower. It is no longer just a social network of college and university students.

Would you really want the press, media, and the FDA issuing statements of how horrible vapors are that they extend their products to minors as a gateway to smoking? That's what they will say!


Unregistered Supplier
Jun 9, 2009
You can bypass their denial letter by establishing a religion based on vaping. If Scientology can do it, so can you! Then you can threaten to sue for discimination due to religion. Haha.

Also, facebook now extends to high school students and lower. It is no longer just a social network of college and university students.

Would you really want the press, media, and the FDA issuing statements of how horrible vapors are that they extend their products to minors as a gateway to smoking? That's what they will say!

I agree fully, the responsible, ethical way to conduct business is to not promote for people to start smoking on the off chance they start using analogs out of frustration with e-cigs. We all have to admit that the e-cig isn't as "user friendly" as the analog.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
At first I was a little surprised, but after a time and doing more research, I suppose I shouldn't have been. But really all I was asking for was a specific reference in Facebook's written policy that they were relying upon in their denial. This is silliness leaning toward insanity, though. Really--I can place a banner promising a larger penis if you take certain vitamins or somesuch but cannot place an ad for a link to a product that, whatever the perception, is NOT illegal to purchase and use. No, the FDA hasn't declared anything "illegal" at this point, and cannot do so without going through proper regulatory and administrative channels in any event. Silliness!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
You can bypass their denial letter by establishing a religion based on vaping. If Scientology can do it, so can you! Then you can threaten to sue for discimination due to religion. Haha.

Also, facebook now extends to high school students and lower. It is no longer just a social network of college and university students.

Would you really want the press, media, and the FDA issuing statements of how horrible vapors are that they extend their products to minors as a gateway to smoking? That's what they will say!

Facebook advertising has an app to restrict advertising to registered users of a certain age--the proposed ad that I set up was restricted to Facebook users in Virginia who are over 21.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2009
Well I would have to tend to agree with this decision. With all the supposed aiming of the product at kids (FDA's words, not mine), and the demographic of Facebook (which granted is probably a higher age range than say, Myspace), its probably for the best. That action could easily be turned into a you are advertising it directly at underage children argument.

BTW, mind if I PM you with a question?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2009
You can bypass their denial letter by establishing a religion based on vaping. If Scientology can do it, so can you! Then you can threaten to sue for discimination due to religion. Haha.

Also, facebook now extends to high school students and lower. It is no longer just a social network of college and university students.

Would you really want the press, media, and the FDA issuing statements of how horrible vapors are that they extend their products to minors as a gateway to smoking? That's what they will say!
Oops, didn't see you made that argument already, I just skimmed through the posts.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
Chester, WV
oooh. that makes me so mad!!! i just sent them an email. i realize they really dont care, but it makes me feel better to voice my opinion to them.

its kinda dumb, but here it is....

Now Facebook is jumping on the bandwagon and not allowing electronic cigarette advertising?
After I just used my account to announce to all my friends and family about how I quit smoking with them....
I really expected better of you. It seems no thought or research went into this hair trigger decision. Maybe if you had researched it, you would have found what these esteemed doctors had to say, you would have had the information to make a better decision.

Dr Elizabeth Whelan, President of the American Council on Science and Health
FDA smoke screen on e-cigarettes - Washington Times

Dr. Michael Siegel, professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department, Boston University School of Public Health
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

Dr Joel Nitzkin, Chair of the Tobacco Control Task Force for the American Association of Public Health Physicians
Public Health Physicians Expose Double Standard in the FDA's Study of Electronic Cigarettes

Please reconsider. You could be helping to save lives and proving that you are not just one of the sheeple herders.


Surf Monkey

Cartel Boss
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Sesame Street
It's not in the least bit surprising or unexpected. People have to come to the realization that PVs are going to be handled like alcohol and tobacco when it comes to where they can be advertised and what companies choose to allow advertising on their sites. Facebook doesn't run ads for beer or cigarettes or bongs. Of course it's going to disallow ads for PVs. As much as we'd love to see these devices handled differently, it's unrealistic to expect that a different standard will be used.

The thing people should be angry about is PayPal shutting down vendor accounts. This Facebook thing is a non issue IMO.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
Chester, WV
It's not in the least bit surprising or unexpected. People have to come to the realization that PVs are going to be handled like alcohol and tobacco when it comes to where they can be advertised and what companies choose to allow advertising on their sites. Facebook doesn't run ads for beer or cigarettes or bongs. Of course it's going to disallow ads for PVs. As much as we'd love to see these devices handled differently, it's unrealistic to expect that a different standard will be used.

The thing people should be angry about is PayPal shutting down vendor accounts. This Facebook thing is a non issue IMO.

I totally agree it doesn't really affect anyone like paypal does, it is just that the more these large internet companies ban ecig anything, the more the rest of them do so. Today paypal and facebook, tomorrow it could be other companies that ARE important to the industry.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
You don't think it's easy for a minor to create a facebook and say he or she is older? I've come across PLENTY on myspace and facebook. Although I do admit that the ladder is less abundant.

Also, it's more so the girls that do it because (1) they want to date older guys and (2) are emotionally/socially driven to do so.

I just don't think that is a viable argument--how many underage folks regularly acquire real smokes and alcohol? You did it and I did it way back when.... Also, I don't buy into this anti-smoking claim that vaping is aimed at kids as a step to "real" smoking. That doesn't make sense. And falsifying your age on Facebook and MySpace is patently against their policies.

Another point, what is to prevent anyone with an internet connection from typing in "electronic cigarette" in Google and getting results? Hey, if you want free hardcore porn, you can get that too.

I'm just put off by this knee-jerk response by numerous regulatory and business entities to especially the farcical FDA statements.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
New Jersey
.... It's a matter of ethics, morals, and common sense--not regulation, business, or otherwise.

And porn is not in the same category. Watching porn is by far one of the best examples of a victimless crime (unless you claim to be Ted Bundy). Whereas, smoking and drinking usually involve victims in one way shape or form (i.e. MADD).

Also, you are talking about websites where they do not require a credit card for age verification. So that's null & void in whatever their claim in their policy to be.
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