Eleaf iStick "pico"

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Feb 3, 2015
North Carolina
It's almost 2020 and here we are still using istick pico lol
My favorite.
I've got 6 in rotation and 6 stashed unopened on the shelf in the backup closet.
I did just get a Pico X for a 'change'.
Lighter and a soft rubberish skin. I would like it if not for the ->>
The fire button is kind of recessed and can kinda act like a rocker rather than a click.
I vape in Wattage and 'simulate' temperature control be clicking, releasing, clicking fire button for control.
This rocker-style goes 'clickity-click-click' fast and with a mind of its own,
causing the unit to shut-off from a 5-click input.
Happens - alot.
So - will mostly sit on the shelf.


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Dec 24, 2013
High Desert, CA
Arctic Fox firmware has never been updated to include the Pico X, so that is the biggest con in my opinion. AF makes a huge difference in TC on the Pico line of mods and makes TC pretty good, not as good as something like the DNA75C or 250C, but not bad at all. The stock firmware on the Pico X is OK, but you will burn your coil/cotton if you run it dry with the stock firmware... I've done that more than a few times by running a tank dry by not paying attention to the fluid level. But I love the ergonomics and feel of the Pico X, so it's a shame I can't use AF firmware with it.

I do like the Pico X and still use it, but the TC is not great with the stock firmware. From a look and feel perspective I think the Pico X is the best Pico made, and I have quite a few Picos. I was worried the Pico X outer coating would wear really fast, but it has been surprisingly resilient and still looks great after lots of handling and more than a few drops.


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  • Mar 24, 2018
    New Zealand
    It's almost 2020 and here we are still using istick pico lol

    Absolutely ;)



    ECF Guru
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    Nov 29, 2010
    That makes perfect sense. Thank you very much. I knew oil is a good fix for rust, but I had no clue about what type of oil to use. I've got a bottle of WD 40 already. It's good stuff! I've also got plenty of wire brushes for cleaning coils. I will definitely use a cloth to apply the WD40, stuff a cloth inside the battery chamber, and give the threads a good workover with my coil brush. Thanks again for the great advice and tips!!

    I'll swing by Home Depot tomorrow for some Ox Guard. Now, is the time to keep the vape gear in tip top shape!

    Whatever you use, make sure it is conductive and use it sparingly. The battery cap needs to have good, conductive contact with the body it screws into.


    ECF Guru
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    Nov 29, 2010
    Strange experience with a Pico tonight. I dug one out that had been sitting on my desk for while and the battery cap wouldn't come off. Had to use pliers. The threads were full of some white gunk. I scraped most of it off with a wire brush and a dental pick but the threads were still grungy so I decided to try cleaning them with alcohol. That got the threads pretty clean.

    Then I noticed the paint on the inside of the battery compartment had stripped off at the top where I had rubbed it with the alcohol on a paper towel. It was a white Pico and the inside was painted white, not shiny like the outside but a dull flat finish, like maybe a primer coat.

    No idea what happened. Could be juice got under the cap. The white gunk in the threads might have been rubbed off paint. I'll use it for a while and see what happens.

    Was there a battery in it?

    BTW: You had me a little worried. I recently bought some white Pico 25 mods at a good clearance price because they were white and slow moving. I don't like white anything, but these aren't half bad looking with the black swoosh on either side and for the price I can't complain.

    But you had me worried that the battery tube was painted white in them. It's not. Completely bare metal. I find it odd your pico's battery tube was painted white inside.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    Picos are the most durable mainstream mod I have ever owned so far.
    I never expected it.

    I'd second that - I bought my first one simply because at the time it offered a very compact set up, thinking it's be fine if it lasted a year - the original is still going strong after almost three years and the things seem to have multiplied while with me ... in fact I'll be buying another when the world goes back to normal after the New Year.


    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Was there a battery in it?

    BTW: You had me a little worried. I recently bought some white Pico 25 mods at a good clearance price because they were white and slow moving. I don't like white anything, but these aren't half bad looking with the black swoosh on either side and for the price I can't complain.

    But you had me worried that the battery tube was painted white in them. It's not. Completely bare metal. I find it odd your pico's battery tube was painted white inside.

    I took a look at a picture of the 25 and it seems to be similar design to the 75. I checked and all of my 75's had the inside of the battery tube painted the same color as the outside of the mod, but just a flat undercoat. Shouldn't be a problem whether it's painted or not.

    I did wonder if the white crud on mine came from a battery. But the battery that was in it was fine and the crud was only on the threads. Still a mystery to me.

    I did figure one thing out since I posted before. I thought the paint inside was coming off after I cleaned the threads with alcohol. It actually wasn't coming off. For some reason when it's wetted with alcohol it changes color and looks like shiny metal. When it dries it turns white again.
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    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    I took a look at a picture of the 25 and it seems to be similar design to the 75. I checked and all of my 75's had the inside of the battery tube painted the same color as the outside of the mod, but just a flat undercoat. Shouldn't be a problem whether it's painted or not.

    I did wonder if the white crud on mine came from a battery. But the battery that was in it was fine and the crud was only on the threads. Still a mystery to me.

    I did figure one thing out since I posted before. I thought the paint inside was coming off after I cleaned the threads with alcohol. It actually wasn't coming off. For some reason when it's wetted with alcohol it changes color and looks like shiny metal. When it dries it turns white again.

    I've had similar issues, Mick, and have now taken to adding Noalox to my Picos & SWAGs. I don't know if that will do it, but I'm hopeful.

    Jim_ MDP

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 24, 2015
    I'd second that - I bought my first one simply because at the time it offered a very compact set up, thinking it's be fine if it lasted a year - the original is still going strong after almost three years and the things seem to have multiplied while with me ... in fact I'll be buying another when the world goes back to normal after the New Year.
    I'm more impressed that you appear to be the reason they continue to make the Melo 3.

    I did get one with my Blackout/All Black/Murder back when, but it was never to my style. I'd actually get it out and give it another go (I think I have a 5 pack of heads, and maybe even an RBA)... if I could remember where I stowed it.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 8, 2010
    Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
    I took a look at a picture of the 25 and it seems to be similar design to the 75. I checked and all of my 75's had the inside of the battery tube painted the same color as the outside of the mod, but just a flat undercoat. Shouldn't be a problem whether it's painted or not.

    I did wonder if the white crud on mine came from a battery. But the battery that was in it was fine and the crud was only on the threads. Still a mystery to me.

    I did figure one thing out since I posted before. I thought the paint inside was coming off after I cleaned the threads with alcohol. It actually wasn't coming off. For some reason when it's wetted with alcohol it changes color and looks like shiny metal. When it dries it turns white again.
    That's scary. My first thought (hope I was wrong) was this type of thing:

    Now, acids like battery acid contribute to that corroding, but so does the electricity flowing combined with moisture/humidity, I think.

    Anyway, here:
    This Easy Car Maintenance Will Prevent Corrosion in Electrical Connections

    But don't use dielectric (non-conducting) grease.
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    Jim_ MDP

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 24, 2015
    Not quite with you ( it's me age Guv) @Jim_ MDP I've only got Zeniths Zlides and Nautillus Minis. I did once get a Melo with a Pico, but it was too airy for me and I don't do sub ohm so it went to Vape Heaven.
    No, it's me. It's been 3 (?) years since I've seen the thing and something about that odd window design made me think it was the Melo atty. I must have something similar among the odds and ends (though not either of the two you mention).
    I reeally should sort out all the unused kit one of these days.
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