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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
All up in your grill..
They have an official response on their site. I fear it is too little too late though. I disagree that they have done nothing but take money. They have been on tv and have been promoting e-cigs. Consider for a moment the power of the corporate/political machine they are up against A government agency who are accepted as watchdogs for public health as well as big tobacco and big pharm (both corporate giants) The opposition's pockets are far deeper then that of the ECA and this is not something that will likely change. Could the ECA do a better job? Yes definitely. Is it fair to say they have done nothing? No I don't think so.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 19, 2009
The ECA did issue a statement about the FDA's supposed findings, but it didn't address any of it except for the advertising and need for regulation which was a MINOR part of it. Instead of addressing the whole issue about the DEG found, they just said well it's to narrow to come to any conclusion. Which no matter how I look at it is dancing around the issue.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
All up in your grill..
Supposedly, njoy will be releasing its toxicology report on Wendsday and it is clean--- so we shall just have to wait and see--As for SE---no comment. Any company that sells these for 150 dollars a peice and did not do any stuides should be ashamed of themselfs IMO.


I definitely agree. SE has certainly gotten themselves a bad reputation. The biggest thing I am hearing (and this is from customers walking up in the mall who previously purchased SE kits) Is that they do not honor the warranty. With all the replacements we have had to do and the resulting tying up of inventory and postage costs I can only imagine how profitable that is. They should be able to afford toxicology reports.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 19, 2009
I really have to question the integrity of SE. And I have to question Njoy's decision to team up with them. While Njoy shows to be a LOT more reputable at this time considering that they are taking the time and money do discredit the FDA what exactly is SE doing besides sitting around waiting for a decision. It's very sad I tell you. I wish Njoy luck on their efforts to further our cause.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 21, 2008
Durant, Ok
I had to jump in and throw in my $0.02 here and say that I agree with Lacey. I highly doubt that Njoy got involved without knowing everything we do (if not more) about SE. Can you imagine where we would be sitting if SE was the only one that got tested? If they were the basis for which the entire PV industry were to be judged? I'm sure Njoy most likely saw it from that perspective. At least with Njoy involved we can say that the problem chemical found was in 1 company's product.. not both, and more specifically, we can point out that the company with the problem chemical involved was the company with the worst reputation and business practices.

I'm very happy that Njoy stepped up to the plate and threw themselves into the middle of it, whether they did it for their own reasons or they did it for us, either way I am grateful because they are doing what they can to help us, even if it's not their direct intent.

harmony gardens

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
Seems to me, the path should be clear. Sit down with the FDA and establish a set of criterion that it will approve, then get the manufacturers to conform to it. If the manufacturers can't make a safe product,, all the slogans are BS. Seems like the burden is on them. If they build it, we will come.

We need to find out if the FDA is set against ecigs in any form, or we're just wasting our efforts.

The FDA report ticked us all off, but if it's findings are true,,, it exposes shoddy production at least. Didn't anyone at NJ or SE take any marketing classes?? They should know that the FDA would notice what they are doing,,, and claiming they don't have the right to regulate the product is pretty much off the table, since the tobacco bill was signed. They need to tell the manufacturers to get with the program, or they will be shut down,,, and though I cringe to say it,,, probably would deserve it.

If the industry lacks funds for the testing,,, there's a path for that, too. It's called an IPO, where companies sell stocks to investors to launch the product properly. Shouldn't be too hard, since there are 100,000 or so happy consumers who have already become passionate about the product.

my 2 cents
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