Does it bother you that BIG TOBACCO owns BLU?

Does it bother you that BLU is owned by Newport maker?

  • Yes, which is why I quit using them

  • Yes, but I use them anyway

  • Not at all

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I used to be a BLU customer. I found it convenient to be able to buy cartridges at my local grocery store, pharmacy or Wal-Mart. I loved the cool charging pack with the silly social feature that actually works. But when I discovered that Lorillard bought them and refuses to refer to them as a smoking cessation tool (and would censor any post of the Facebook fan page referring to them as such back then), I quit using them.

First, Lorillard who makes Newport cigarettes, has a powerful lobby group but are not helping CASAA or other vaping advocates. What they are doing is trying to HELP make electronic cigarettes fit into the same category as tobacco products in the eyes of the FDA. Is that something we as e-cig users should be supporting?

Are these items that you can substantiate?

I think not, but I'll be interested in you trying.

Go find a vaping company that refers to their product as a smoking cessation tool. Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
You're okay with buying products from unrepenting mass murderers provided they sell what you want? Well, mmkay...

Unrepenting mass murderers? Obviously you never ever smoked, otherwise by your own logic, you'd be dead. Not dead, and once smoked? Then "mass murderers" is strictly hyperbole.

Yes, the first cigarette was entirely my fault, but the blame is shared on the tens of thousand subsequent ones I've smoked during the following 25 years. The discussion over who's to blame for maintaining somebody addicted has been rehashed over and over already. That particular horse has already been beaten to death many times over.

And if you are ANTZ or ANTZ-like, you support the meme that smoking kills and your ongoing decision to smoke was mostly the result of evil BT. Find me a study that supports "smoking kills" and I'll use that same source you cite to show their words on how completely dangerous eCigs are.

At any rate, regardless of whether it was my fault or theirs, like someone said, they've had enough of my money already. I'd rather give it to a more worthy bunch.

Who one day, when you quit using the new guy's products, you can blame them for all the evil things you they did to you.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
If the eCig industry goes to BT, what is to stop them from adding other ingredients that increase our addiction as they did with analogs?

I don't think in Todays Age that this is a Big Possibility.

There is Too Much Awareness as to what BT has done in the Past. And the Way that Information is Readily and Instantaneously spread via the Internet, doesn't promote an Environment for Anyone to put Anything into an e-Liquid to make it More Addictive.

You also have to Consider that BT Didn't put Anything into Cigarettes that the FDA did not Allow them to.

I Don't see the Current or the Future FDA Allowing "Extra" Chemicals to be added to e-Liquids for the Sole Purpose of Making them Addictive.


Senior Member
Verified Member
May 13, 2014
Are these items that you can substantiate?

I think not, but I'll be interested in you trying.

Go find a vaping company that refers to their product as a smoking cessation tool. Good luck!

Blu intentionally corrects anyone on the facebook fan page NOT to use the term smoking cessation. What specifically would you like me to furnish and I'll post it.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
BLU markets their product as a smoking alternative which can be used in many places where smoking is not allowed. I don't see what the problem is.
When BT gets into the juice industry, my guess is they will have the purest e liquid on the market, given the scrutiny they will be under...

There's even tin foil hat folks on here who think Halo adds secret nefarious chemicals to Halo e liquid for throat hit...
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
What specifically would you like me to furnish and I'll post it.

Any vaping company that in 2014 markets their product as a smoking cessation tool.

The other item I was requesting is information that goes beyond speculation which shows BT company (any of them) make electronic cigarettes fit into the same category as tobacco products.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
When I was using Blu, I was fairly active on the company Facebook page and the one thing the company constantly did was correct posters when they would praise Blu as a smoking cessation tool.

No vaping company markets as smoking cessation..

Well, that was fairly easy to establish.

Was Blu correcting Facebook users on their own (user) page? I'm guessing not. But on Blu's Facebook marketing page, I'm sure you can see why they would and did.


Moved On
Dec 6, 2013
No vaping company markets as smoking cessation..

Nicotine-related industries are a strange world aren't? BT has never admitted to selling deadly drugs for fear of falling under anti-drugs laws, and the vaping industry vehemently denies selling smoking cessation tools for fear of choking under crazy pharma regulations. Yet that's exactly what they sell, and everybody knows it.
To me, vaping products were not a smoking cessation tool. They were to be an occasional substitute to actual smoking. I never had the intention to quit smoking when I started vaping. I just quit instantly and naturally because I enjoyed vaping a lot more than I ever enjoyed smoking.
For me at least smoking cessation was not the purpose, it happened as a consequence of having something I prefered to smoking.
Vaping is not meant to get rid of the nicotine addiction. However, people can use it for that purpose by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in their liquids. It is not meant as a smoking cessation aid, although people may get into vaping to help them quitting smoking.
For me vaping products are a consumer product that allows people to experience something similar to smoking with far lower risk to their health. For some people it will not be that satisfying and they will give it up. Others will use vaping only occasionally instead of smoking and thus will only reduce their tobacco consumption (there is still harm reduction there). Others will vape only and totally quit smoking (much more harm reduction). The idea is not to quit smoking but to reduce the harm caused by smoking.
What defines a medicine is not just the substance or the method of administration, nor just its effects on the human body, but the intention with which it is used, that is to cure something or to alleviate a symptom. Using something because it may provide health benefits is not a medicinal use. For instance, eating fiber may be good good for your digestive functions, it does not make a bran muffin a medicine. Every time I vape instead of smoke I get the health benefits of not inhaling smoke to get my nicotine but it does not make vaping a medicine.
The thing that bothers me about tobacco companies entering the vaping industry in a big way, (and I feel the same about pharmaceutical companies for that matter), is that they have deep pockets and can easily manipulate governments in regulating vaping in a way that favors their business approach to the detriment of the customers. Those large corporations favor costly certification processes that are lenghty and expensive and will kill the small businesses of the vaping industry, killing innovation.
BT wants e-cigs to be treated as tobacco products and taxed as such, killing the economic benefits of vaping and slowing the development of the vaping industry, allowing BT to catch up by acquiring larger pieces of that industry. Offering a variety of products is costly, so BT wants also to limit vaping products to cig-alike with pre-filled cartridges, making sure that nobody else can sell liquids or make their own. basically, BT wants a uniform mass produced e-cig, so that small companies cannot compete because they will not have the economy of scale coming from mass production.
That would also suit Big Pharma, as those heavily taxed cig-alike would be much less attractive to consumers and would not compete as effectively againt the gums and the patches. On top of that, the slower growth of vaping would keep more smokers on cigarettes, allowing Big pharma to continue to sell more drugs for the treatment of health problems caused by smoking.
For Big pharma however, the greatest gain is to be had if vaping products are regulated as smoking cessation aids. That would essentially leave them as the only players


Senior Member
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Nov 17, 2013
Orlando, FL
My biggest problem with BLU and the other Analog companies that sell ecigs is all the pressure from state AG's and such benefit them. U.S. Attorneys General press FDA for tougher e-cigarette rules | Reuters

Pretty handy that all they mainly sell is tabaco and menthol flavors. Quite convenient eh. Personally I don't use tobacco flavor as I can't stand it. It I wanted that, I'd still smoke regular cigs!


Full Member
Aug 21, 2014
I actually tried the Blu, about a year back and before I realized that they were made by a cigarette manufacturer. I remember thinking that they weren't that bad, but they reminded me an awful lot of the 510s I had bought five years before.

I continued to use the blu for maybe a couple of weeks, until I realized that using the Blu was costing me virtually the same amount of money as analog cigarettes. The cartridges were weak and didn't last very long at all, and they were quite expensive. One of the greatest things about vaping is the possible cost savings over analog cigarettes, second only to the health benefits.

That was also about the same time I learned that they were made by the tobacco corporations. I quit using the Blu altogether. I am not doing it out of spite for the tobacco company, although they are an evil thing. So are hookers and booze. I'm doing it because I can totally see them taking over the entire vaping industry and ruining it completely. I am pretty confident that Big Tobacco pays for all the bad press on vaping, just as they lobby to keep vaping from becoming FDA approved. And if there is one term coined to describe an industry that has bottomless pockets, it is Big Tobacco. I'm not going to fund their war on vaping.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
My biggest problem with BLU and the other Analog companies that sell ecigs is all the pressure from state AG's and such benefit them. U.S. Attorneys General press FDA for tougher e-cigarette rules | Reuters

Pretty handy that all they mainly sell is tabaco and menthol flavors. Quite convenient eh. Personally I don't use tobacco flavor as I can't stand it. It I wanted that, I'd still smoke regular cigs!

BLU has 7 flavors. 1 is tobacco, 1 is menthol, 5 aren't. Explain to me how they mainly sell tobacco and menthol flavors...


Super Member
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Jun 24, 2014
To be honest, no, it doesn't bother me and for my taste buds, Blu is the only e-cig that I've ever tasted in their tobacco flavor that actually tastes like tobacco to me. Most tobacco liquid I've tried simply tastes like cardboard, but Blu's definitely tastes like tobacco to me, even if the cartomizer is months and months old.

I just charged up the "starter" pack that I bought about 6 months ago from when we first tried vaping and gave the tobacco flavored cart a couple puffs and it still tastes like tobacco to me, which now tastes pretty nasty even in a vaporizer when it tastes so real.

In any event, I'm sure the BT companies have done their research which is why they can so closely make their tobacco flavored Blu's taste like tobacco but it doesn't bother me that they own Blu. Hell, it was 31 years that I supported whomever owns the Camel brand by giving them tens of thousands of dollars by purchasing their tobacco cigarettes. I have nothing against them, nor anybody that wishes to continue smoking tobacco cigarettes, it's just no longer for my wife and I. I suppose I could look at them as an evil corporation that got me hooked on tobacco and stole my money all those 31 years, but the reality is that I made the conscience decision to smoke the tobacco, they didn't twist my arm.
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