Do you think E-Cigs will be banned in the US?

What will the US government do to E-Cigs by 2012?

  • Ban E-cigs

  • Regulate E-Cigs

  • Nothing

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
Would anyone have believed 25 or 30 years ago that it would be illegal to smoke in a bar someday?
Actually, yeah, that was pretty easy to see in 1980 - 1985. But, that should be some bars. There are plenty where you can still smoke (around these parts). If I'm not mistaken, it's a matter of whether or not they also serve food (here).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Actually I think the tobacco companies would welcome ecigs - gives them a market share back and they have access to good nicotine (and its monitored and good quality) - its BP that don't want it around - way too much competiton to their (almost useless long term) NRT - the more we give up and fail the more cash they make.
I think BT are watching the courts for the result of the FDAvSE/njoy case with quite a lot of interest.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Florida, US
i honestly don't think it's going to make a bit of difference if they ban it or not honestly. I think that even if they did we'd only keep doing it, even if we had to go to a black-market level to do it. With a little more civil disobedience after that, they'd really have no choice but to reinstate it, just as they did with alcohol because of the whiskey revolution.

They can only control us as long as we lay down and take it like good little sheep. If we stand up for ourselves, there's not a whole lot they can do. Could take some time, and maybe a few people could have legal issues, but at the end of the day they'd realize that it's too much of a pain and not worth it to prohibit it in the end.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
Who really cares? As long as someone has a garage machine shop or works in a shop e-cigs will always be around, maybe underground, but, they'll always be ways of vaping. Prohibition didn't work, the war on drugs isn't happening, people still speed and commit murder, so it doesn't seem that the law isn't a deterrent to those that insist on doing what they want to. So if e-cigs get banned and we still want to vape, we'll find a way. The cat's out of the bag and it's not going to go back in anytime soon.:2c:

The Fool

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2010
St. Louis
As I was reading this thread I got this bizarre image of myself, late at night, in some dark alley buying atomizers and juice from some hooded fellow. :)

None of us have a crystal ball when it comes to this. But here's one fact I do know for certain, e-cigarettes may very well have SAVED MY LIFE and I will not be quiet about it if the powers that be try to take it away from me.

I'd like to see more research done, I firmly believe that the results will support our position.


Moved On
Aug 8, 2010
As I was reading this thread I got this bizarre image of myself, late at night, in some dark alley buying atomizers and juice from some hooded fellow. :)

None of us have a crystal ball when it comes to this. But here's one fact I do know for certain, e-cigarettes may very well have SAVED MY LIFE and I will not be quiet about it if the powers that be try to take it away from me.

I'd like to see more research done, I firmly believe that the results will support our position.
I had the same image. In an alley paying 50 bucks for a 3ml bottle of juice.


Moved On
Aug 8, 2010
Who really cares? As long as someone has a garage machine shop or works in a shop e-cigs will always be around, maybe underground, but, they'll always be ways of vaping. Prohibition didn't work, the war on drugs isn't happening, people still speed and commit murder, so it doesn't seem that the law isn't a deterrent to those that insist on doing what they want to. So if e-cigs get banned and we still want to vape, we'll find a way. The cat's out of the bag and it's not going to go back in anytime soon.:2c:
Yeah, but then e-cigs will be limited to those with the knowledge and capabilities to make e-cigs in a garage, and the people that have connections with such a person. Potential vapers would rarely have the opportunity to learn about e-cigs. Eventually with the help of big tobacco it would become a forgotten thing of the past.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
None of us have a crystal ball when it comes to this. But here's one fact I do know for certain, e-cigarettes may very well have SAVED MY LIFE and I will not be quiet about it if the powers that be try to take it away from me.

I'd like to see more research done, I firmly believe that the results will support our position.

Right on man. The enemy read these forums too and i think we should portray a feeling of positivity and expectation with regards to our rights!

If we portray an expectation of taxation with acceptance then that indeed will be the outcome IMO.

Tell them NO! Stand together and demand common sense and a degree of fairness. I am not a naive person nor am i a cynic.

Right is RIGHT. Stand together and talk with enthusiasm and pride.
Vape on:thumb:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2010
Northern Michigan USA
What if coffee was illegal.

You would have people like Bill Clinton saying I sipped but didn't swallow.

Oprah would go on and on about how she was up to two pots a day.

People would be on the corner with bags of Colombian beans, going man I go the good stuff right hear.

Who knows if they try and ban them it might actually make them more popular.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 4, 2010
They will knowingly create a black market for this stuff in the name of public safety or some such garbage.

E-smoking = not PROVEN safe
Smoking = proven UNSAFE

I fully expect a strangle-play by Big Tobacco. They will lie, cheat and apparently, kill, to preserve their quarterly profit statements.

Obama (not unique in any way) being so eager to suck on corporate money and so NOT a socialist as the right and their flying monkeys would tar him, will let them have their way and strangle a fledgling industry unless they can dominate it.

You thought $1.00/ml was bad? Stick around.

Like the gum and patch, e-smoking will soon be slightly more expensive than smoking.

The prez is a struggling smoker. China is making all this stuff. He could come out on TV and tout this thing as an incredible boon for the public health and announce it was being fast-tracked by the FDA because it was safer on its face than smoking. He could announce tax breaks for innovators in this area and revolutionize an entire industry, making America healthier overnight, creating a shiaatload of new jobs and spurring competition and innovation in the upstarts.

Wake up, dreamer... This is the new America. Anything less than total snivelling corporate subservience and demanding to be exploited, any attempt to speak out is the same as red communist socialist leftist stalinist communist marxist statism.

Whatever those clowns demanding their own financial rape are motivated by, it's certainly not faith in the very essence of the country they claim to love so much.

:2c: out
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