Do you know Alcatraz as I know Alcatraz? (A Vape-a-Licious Juices review)

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ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2011
Central Arkansas
Hi all,
Thought I'd try my hand at a fair and honest juice review.
First, let me say that taste buds are like finger prints. I don't think any two are the same, IMO so, this review is what I taste and feel about this sample bottle of Alcatraz tobacco flavor Candy was so kind enough to include in my last order.

Here goes;
I have two PV's. A pen stick, M401 and, a handmade bottom feeder box mod by Lenny Duane.
The two vaping devices don't vape or taste the same when vaping a flavored juice but, are fairly close, so to speak.

That said, this Alcatraz tobacco flavor is a rich toasted but mild smooth vape. I don't taste any sweetness, as in any additional sugar flavors or other added ingredients, in it at all.
It is a definite tobacco flavored juice rich in flavor.
It doesn't bite or choke the throat in any way. It's a nice decadent tobacco vape.

Although it wouldn't be my number one all day choice, (I'm not all that crazy about the 'toasted' flavor in it.), I know it will please most tobacco lovers. (Personally, I like candy flavors such as English Toffee and Butter Scotch and the like.)

In conclusion, I've found it to be one of the better tobacco juices out there.
I give this Alcatraz tobacco flavor two thumbs up for those looking for a tobacco flavored juice.

Here's Candy's Vape-a-Licious Juices thread to place your order and visit with the owner which, IMO, gives the best service on the planet.
Stop by and say hi to Candy, folks.

Tell her the old fart sent ya...

Enjoy your vaping!
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