Do you consider yourself a smoker still?

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Was just reading an article on vaping 101 and read the following:

"E-cigarettes will still give you that and the nicotine, but in a safer form. You are not quitting smoking, just swapping your addiction to a much safer one. You will feel the benefits very quickly. The only bad side effect is you occasionally feel a little dry in the throat. If you stick with it, you will also experience some coughing in the 2nd or 3rd week. This is your lungs shedding the tar build up that has formed there, and only lasts 2-3 days, and mostly at night. Its a good thing."

So do you consider yourself having quit smoking? In my mind I absolutely no longer consider myself a smoker but instead a vapor. Yes I realize I am still a nicotine addict but not a smoker. Thoughts?


Ultra Member
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Sep 18, 2013
Greer, SC
I am no longer a smoker!
I mean just look what comes with that ... bad smell (I never knew it was that bad, until after I started vaping) on you and everywhere you smoke (house, car, hair, hands), the couching, the wheezing, short breath after minor exertion....and so forth
need I list more?

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
Was just reading an article on vaping 101 and read the following:

"E-cigarettes will still give you that and the nicotine, but in a safer form. You are not quitting smoking, just swapping your addiction to a much safer one. You will feel the benefits very quickly. The only bad side effect is you occasionally feel a little dry in the throat. If you stick with it, you will also experience some coughing in the 2nd or 3rd week. This is your lungs shedding the tar build up that has formed there, and only lasts 2-3 days, and mostly at night. Its a good thing."

So do you consider yourself having quit smoking? In my mind I absolutely no longer consider myself a smoker but instead a vapor. Yes I realize I am still a nicotine addict but not a smoker. Thoughts?
It's interesting that the writer assumes all, who transition from cigarettes to vaping, will encounter the same positives and negatives. I suppose it's written from his perspective... and that all are just like him.

But... that's not what you're interested in, is it? ;-)

Much like an alcoholic... I am a smoker, and will always be a smoker. I smoked for over 35 years. Vaping has allowed me the luxury of obtianing nicotine in a safer, more healthful way... and the side benefit of a fun hobby playing with mechs and RBAs.

Take away vaping, and I will gladly run you over - on my way to the cigarette shop. :)


Super Member
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Oct 5, 2013
Kansas, USA
No, I no longer consider myself a smoker. I enjoy vaping but have none of the craving if I go without for a while, that I had with cigarettes. I am also fast working my way down to less and less nicotine content without any problem. But even if I decide it's better to keep the nicotine, I still do not consider myself a smoker anymore. Nor do I plan to tempt fate by ever smoking another cigarette. Left that addiction behind for good! And will probably quit vaping eventually.
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Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
When an alcoholic stops drinking, he's still an alcoholic. When a non-alcoholic stops drinking, he's no longer a drinker. So, it depends on how you're using the term 'smoker'.

I no longer smoke. I am a non-smoker. But, if I couldn't vape, I would go back to smoking. Hopefully, eventually that won't be true. But, right now it still is.


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
You are not quitting smoking, just swapping your addiction to a much safer one. " Thoughts?

Thjere is, to me, NO COMPARISON between smoking and vaping. Smoking is inhaling hot combustible stuff with a lot of chemicals, that is what does the damage to cells, plus the carbon monoxide, etc.

Vaping delivers nicotine, which other than being a vaso constrictor, really is not bad for you unless you have health problems that vaso constricting isn't kind to like Raynauds and circulatory and / or high blood pressure.

Gosh no, I don't consider myself a smoker, and either does my doctor. :)


Full Member
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Apr 14, 2013
Gurnee, IL
Definitely consider myself a non-smoker. I also gave up nicotine, but continued to vape in preparation for a test for my insurance. I now continue to use mostly 0 nic, but sometimes vape low nic for the heck of it. I feel it's safe to say I am not even a nicotine addict, much less a smoker. Must admit that I am addicted to the act of vaping. Guess that makes me a vapeoholic if anything. :2cool:


Full Member
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Apr 14, 2013
Gurnee, IL
I am a firm believer that nicotine itself is not nearly as addicting as the chemical coctail known as cigarettes.
And trust me, when I first stopped using the nic, the only thing that kept me going was telling myself how much I'd enjoy the nic after I passed the test for my, I don't really feel much benefit when I do use it on occassion
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