What types of PVs out there look nothing like...anything they're supposed to be?
Flash drives these days can be in _anything_, so, what really outrageous
vaping devices are out there? How can I make my 12" Silver Surfer into a vaporizer? Or, oh my gosh, a super soaker. Though a pistol would be rather post modern. I know there's gazillions of "creative bongs" out there, but since this whole personal vaporizer business deals with handheld electronic devices, you've gotta take more safety precautions I'd think.
The Altoids tins are cute, by the by. With all those box mods, can you have that atomizer and drip tip (those are the 2 things that stick out of the box mod, right?) can you have those either retract into the box or flip down flush with the side? I've seen in the longer mods there seems to be some fold down action, but I'm talkin' all flush, like the wall outlet plugs these days and how they can be flipped in.
Oh, just got it. Whistle.
How great that would be. And you can just wear it around your neck like a gym teacher. Aw, dang, only 5 images per post.
Wanted to post a Coach Hines from Mad TV photo. I miss Mad TV...