Contest Time!

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Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2014
Three questions, three separate posts gives you three chances to win!

1) Do you vape in public places? If so, do you vape carefree or stealth vape?

:vapor:Good Luck to all!!

Yes, I do vape in public spaces. Whether or not I am being stealthy somewhat depends,... I didn't smoke in plain sight of children, for some time... so I try not to let them see my vape either. That's my choice. I have vaped some places I shouldn't... then again, I have lit up in some places I shouldn't have... a few times quite by accident.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 3, 2014
Three questions, three separate posts gives you three chances to win!

2) How long do you think it's going to take before e cigs overtake analogs?

:vapor:Good Luck to all!!

I think it could easily be 15+ years before e-cigs overtake analogs... especially if they end up being taxed. I could see quite a movement toward non electronic inhalation systems as well... and I could see that taking off like a storm, if it gets initial traction.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 3, 2014
Three questions, three separate posts gives you three chances to win!

3) What's your favorite horror movie?

:vapor:Good Luck to all!!

Now, that one is difficult since I'm not sure what would be properly considered a horror movie and what wouldn't... (suspense, etc)... I would say the original Exorcist for my official answer... but there have been so so many good ones, it would probably be something like a 5-way tie just for the top spot.
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