CONTEST: Share your ecig story and win prizes

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2009
Washington USA
CONTEST START March 22, 2011
Share your story about how the e cig affected you or your loved ones, and be entered to win prizes!

We want to hear your story! As long as it relates to electronic cigarettes, we want to hear it! You can even post pictures, video's, or artwork to enhance the value of your story. Make it as real as possible, let the world know your personal story!

Share your story and win free stuff from
Three Prizes Levels: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
1st Place = $100 worth of goods from
2nd Place = $50 worth of goods from
3rd Place = $25 worth of goods from

How to play:
Submit your story on our Facebook page, or send your email to ; stories will be posted on our blog ( When submitting your story, please end it with your first name and state of residence. Don't worry, we wont post your personal details. Only your first name and state. For example, Tamara from Florida.

3 Winners will be selected by the staff at and will be influenced by stories that have thumbs up and likes to them.

Prize will be redeemed via our toll free number 1-888-418-2215. Winners will receive instructions on how to redeem prize.

Whats is the contest about?
Your personal ecig story.

Who can play? Those over 18 years of age who have a Facebook account or an email address. Shipping address MUST BE IN THE USA. If someone from another country wins, we will not ship outside of the USA! Again, we will ONLY SHIP THE PRIZE TO A USA ADDRESS!

Who can win? Anyone over the age of 18 with a USA shipping address. No exceptions.

How do I enter? Submit your story on the ecigexpress Facebook Page in the designated thread. You may submit multiple stories, with different unique content to increase your chances, limit of 1 story per day - But please, other entries must be unique and have a different story, don't just post your same story more then once!

When does the contest start? March 22nd, 2011.

When does the contest end? Submit your personal story by April 30th, 2011 to be eligible.

Guidelines: Simple, tell your story!

Our 3 favorite stories will be selected.

*Prizes may not be combined with any other offer, including coupon usage. The total redemption value includes shipping. So if you win a $25 prize, you can order $20 worth of goods if the ship cost is $5. The total cannot exceed the prize value.
*Contest will be canceled if we get less than 50 stories*


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