Complete rebuild and recoiling of Cartomizer into Dripping Atomizer!!!

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2013
So I know everybody is probably wondering why somebody would waste their time trying to rebuild a cartomizer into a dripping atomizer, but I'm very desperate. Also, if it can be done on vivi nova and evod heads, why not cartomizers?

So a little back story... USPS has lost TWO of vapemail deliveries since July 11th. It has gotten to the point where I cannot keep wasting money on vape supplies that never come. Also, there is no brick and mortar shop within a reasonable distance of where I live. This is my last resort. I have a bunch of spent cartos (Boge LR and smok DC 1.5 ohm), and plenty of Kanthal and silica (which were bought in preparation for my rda's that were lost in transit last week.)

I've watched videos online where people have simply pulled out the polyfill in the carto, and it seems to work out quite well as dripping atomizers. This doesn't help me as all my carto coils are pretty much done (I've already boiled them numerous times and they are at the permanent end). I'm hoping there is any way to do this, easy or hard.

My game plan:
Pull apart the cartomizer base and tube
Pull out everything in the cartomizer (polyfill, coil, air tube, etc)
Wrap a tiny micro coil with some silica and connect them to the existing positive / negative leads of the cartomizer
Plug up the air hole at the 510 connection and punch another hole next to the new coil

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give your thoughts on this (more constructive and less why the heck am I wasting my time)


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Verified Member
Dec 12, 2012
are you going to put the wadding back in? if not you could end up with juice dripping everywhere.

Is the coil actually dead or just burnt tasting?

When you take it apart you might find only one of the leads is soldered / connected to zero res wire the other end of the resistance wire is soldered to the end peice.

the wadding will have a smaller sheet inside around the coil, this is rubbish and burns easily, peel this off and bin it, I would maybe try wrapping a bigger coil around the other braided sillica "pipe" and then filling with sillica wick around it.

I dont know how else you could do it without ending up with lots of wasted juice.
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