Aspire Nautilus & Vivi Nova BVC coils questions

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New Member
Jun 10, 2015
New user so hello to all.

Am loving my Aspire Nautilus full size and mini, also like my ET-S and Vivi Nova from Aspire. Just could never get my Kanger tanks (aero, aero min and protank 3) to work reliably...

For me these Aspires are the best and most reliable tanks I've used.

However reading there seems to be some concerns regarding the material used in the coils, well there was at least to begin with....

My Nautilus coils all have the large air holes and the note inside the box regarding saturating the cotton for 2 minutes .

So questions:

1. Do I definately have the new style 'cotton' Nautilus BVC coils.

2. Is there are concern over the new style Nautilus BVC coils...understood no coil material is necessarily safe...but for instance: is the material that raised concern in the original BVC coils still present along with the added cotton?

3. For the non-Nautilus or Atlantis BVC coils i.e. those that fit the Vivi Nova and ET-S tanks...was there ever any concern over materials used?

4. Are there new style cotton BVC coils for the Vivi Nova and ET-S...if so how can I tell the difference from the originals?

5. As per question 2 if the Mini Nova and ET-S are now using cotton there still any concern over materials i.e. the material that was questioned previously is it still in the coils?

Tough lark this vaping, had just finished reading up on diacetyl and other diektones and making an assesment on various juices in the drawer when I came across the Aspire BVC concerns...almost enough to send me back to the stinkies :-(

Any advice and / or answer much appreciated.



ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

1. Do I definately have the new style 'cotton' Nautilus BVC coils.
If the pkging says "cotton" you have the cotton coils. There have been a couple different versions of cotton coils so I don't know which one you have.
2. Is there are concern over the new style Nautilus BVC coils...understood no coil material is necessarily safe...but for instance: is the material that raised concern in the original BVC coils still present along with the added cotton?
No. The new coils are 100% cotton.
3. For the non-Nautilus or Atlantis BVC coils i.e. those that fit the Vivi Nova and ET-S tanks...was there ever any concern over materials used?

4. Are there new style cotton BVC coils for the Vivi Nova and ET-S...if so how can I tell the difference from the originals?

5. As per question 2 if the Mini Nova and ET-S are now using cotton there still any concern over materials i.e. the material that was questioned previously is it still in the coils?
I have never used the Viva Nova or ET-S tanks so I can't answer these questions.


New Member
Jun 10, 2015
Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

If the pkging says "cotton" you have the cotton coils. There have been a couple different versions of cotton coils so I don't know which one you have.

No. The new coils are 100% cotton.

I have never used that clearomizer/coil so I can't answer these questions.

Many thanks Susan that's very helpful. Anyone got any ideas on the non-Nautilus / Aspire coils i.e. Vivi Nova and ET-S BVC coils. I did find this:

Aspire - A change to the BVC coils

Which suggests if a 1.8ohm coil has 4.2v - 5.0v rather than 3.0v - 5.0v then it is a new version of the BVC. But it doesn't indicate if this new version is in fact cotton. I have a 1.8ohm coil that reads 4.2v - 5.0v so that's promising but vague...

At least I can roll with the Nautilus for now until I find out more ;-)


Ultra Member
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Dec 24, 2012
I would assume the ET-S and the Nova BVC(one in the same coil) are the same material as the Nautilus BVC, just a matter of which version you get since the change. Many vendors have bought so many of the original version they will continue to be sold until that stock runs out then get the new version. I have not seen the new version yet and I have purchased dozens so far.

That said, I find it hard to imagine that the material will differ from style to style albeit a Nautilus BVC or a Aspire BVC new or old version.

It is also my understanding that there is no labeling depicting the 2 versions, original or cotton. But I could be out in left field on this.

The true test is the enlarged holes, if they are large, you have cotton. The old ones have a hole just large enough to stick a push pin into.
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