Aspire BVC (non nautilus) compatibility

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Full Member
Feb 11, 2015
Hi all,
Hope everyone is having a great day. I was wondering if there is a list anywhere of tanks that are compatible with the aspire non nautilus BVC coils. I know of a few tanks that are, and it seems like more pop up now and again, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource where they were all compiled in one place.

I like these coils, they have good flavor, but what I really like is their affordability. if anyone has any suggestions for coils in the same price range, I would love to hear about those too.Would be much appreciated, and if not, thanks all the same!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2016
I don't know of a list. You can use the Aspire BVC heads in some Davide tanks and Pro tanks with Davide adaptors. The BV Kilo lite takes the BVC's also but I can't recommend the tank. You might get more use out of the Atlantis heads to offset the cost, but I have not seen the 1.5 ohm in a while. If you use the 1.8 heads, they should be easy to get.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2016
I've used the non Nautilus BVC coils in the mini Subtank as well as the Protank 2 & Davides with airflow controller and an adapter ring ("BDC to Protank Adaptor" at Kidney Puncher). Haven't tried with any other tank though. :)
Do you know if there is an adaptor for the mini to take the BVC coils?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
@4DanK, you don't need an adaptor to use the non Nauty BVC's in the mini Subtank.

I screw the mini Protank 2's and Davides without their bases onto the regular sized airflow controller with the adaptor ring I mentioned in previous post. It do give a "stair step" look which I happen to like as it cuts the long thin tallness look. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2016
@4DanK, you don't need an adaptor to use the non Nauty BVC's in the mini Subtank.

I screw the mini Protank 2's and Davides without their bases onto the regular sized airflow controller with the adaptor ring I mentioned in previous post. It do give a "stair step" look which I happen to like as it cuts the long thin tallness look. :)
That's good to know, thank you. I don't have Protanks anymore but I do have Subtanks and BVC coils I bought for the Kilo's before I knew they leaked. I am going to pass them on, I just couldn't give someone the leaky Kilo tanks.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2016
So the Kanger mini subtank will take the small Aspire bvc coils without any modification or adaptor?

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Here's what I found: I tried coil heads out of 4 boxes on 5 tanks. Some heads fit in some tanks. In 2 tanks none of the heads reach the chimney/air tube. In 1 tank only a few fit over the air tube. In 2 tanks most of the heads fit over the air tube and reach the o ring. I did not fill any of the tanks with liquid, as I won't be using them. I did find a forum supplier with a tank that uses the Aspire BVC heads. Beyond Vape, the Silo Lite 13.00USD. It looks like its been around a while, there are some threads on it. Maybe this is a new version of the Kilo's? If you pick up one, let us know how it works.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
When using the Aspire non Nauty BVC in the Kanger Subtank mini, the airshaft coming down from the top portion just meets the top of the BVC and does not enter the BVC. It fits tight enough when all is screwed in to not leak.......However, you can take the silicone grommet that covers the wicking of the Protank2 coils, invert it and place it over the end of the airshaft of the Subtank mini. This may leave a fingernail gap between the glass and frame, but still no leaking from all 4 Subtanks I own: black, white and 2 silver from 4 different places. This is strictly for the MINI Subtank as I have no other sizes. :)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2016
When using the Aspire non Nauty BVC in the Kanger Subtank mini, the airshaft coming down from the top portion just meets the top of the BVC and does not enter the BVC. It fits tight enough when all is screwed in to not leak.......However, you can take the silicone grommet that covers the wicking of the Protank2 coils, invert it and place it over the end of the airshaft of the Subtank mini. This may leave a fingernail gap between the glass and frame, but still no leaking from all 4 Subtanks I own: black, white and 2 silver from 4 different places. This is strictly for the MINI Subtank as I have no other sizes. :)
Most of the BVC's I have fit my newer Mini's. My older Minis not so much. I haven't used the BVC's in the Mini's but I think if I used the BVCs exclusively I would look for another tank for them. I'll find someone with a little K1 or something that wants my BVCs and I'll stick to my Kanger coils. The stock coils work well. I also have several rbas I build up. If I am going to be out a while I fill up a few tanks and stick them in a choke tube case. When I get back I clean them out and rewick the rba for next time. I also have 2 Plus tanks, but they don't fit in my choke tube case, so I don't use them much. The plus tanks also don't fit well on my 22mm mech tubes I like to use with my Kick.
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