Are super-minis bad for the esmoking community?

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
been smoking this for 3 hours now. got through 4 carts and the low batt warning happened when i changed the to 4th.

i've now got an order for a 901 and ejuice from :thumb:

the good news is i've only smoked two real cigs today... i'd be at about 7 or 8 by now normally hehe

has anyone noticed that these supers sometimes think your still sucking... 3 times it's happened now where i've stopped sucking and heard this hissing, then i see the led flashes the same amount of time like when i take a really long drag. like the sensors got stuck... it's annoying cos i get a burnt taste for a few drags... i dont think it's the autoclean cos according to the manual that's after every 1500 drag and the light flashes alot longer.

it's good this! i'm really enjoying it, but at the rate i'm chewing through carts, it'll be done by the end of the day :(

bad battery.. its not supposed to keep powering the atomizer when u stop sucking.. send it back for replacement..

when u get the 901 u will stop using the super mini.. it will come in as spare thow..



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Ive just received my super mini from pillbox38 (well presume its him, where ordered) and I am pretty happy.

Having said that, I have nothing to compare it against but after some comments about how quick the cartridges run out I can see where the comments are coming from.

I am a very very heavy roll up smoker and am looking to quit, hence buying an e-cig (I also bought a bottle of tobacco liquid too).

I have a couple of questions for you guys and a couple of questions for pillbox38.

1st, I am considering another ecig, would the mini provide a harder "hit" and stronger draw with more vapor? (I am using rustylug's advice and taping up one hole and do get a good hit that way but obviously it would be better if I could do that without modding the e-cig.

2nd, for anyone who use to smoke and have switched to the e-cigs exclusively, have you noticed a reduction in coughing and mucus production since using the e-cig at all?

for pillbox, after looking at your lab reports (which I commend you on providing by the way, I think this makes you a great person to do business with and have no qualms about purchasing my second e-cig from you) is there any plans to replace pg with glycerol and is there any plans to drop the Dihydro Coumarin from your liquids?

which e-cig of your current product line provides the longest lasting cart?

Thanks all in advance for any help/answers your able to provide.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2008
Ive just received my super mini from pillbox38 (well presume its him, where ordered) and I am pretty happy.

Having said that, I have nothing to compare it against but after some comments about how quick the cartridges run out I can see where the comments are coming from.

I am a very very heavy roll up smoker and am looking to quit, hence buying an e-cig (I also bought a bottle of tobacco liquid too).

I have a couple of questions for you guys and a couple of questions for pillbox38.

1st, I am considering another ecig, would the mini provide a harder "hit" and stronger draw with more vapor? (I am using rustylug's advice and taping up one hole and do get a good hit that way but obviously it would be better if I could do that without modding the e-cig.

2nd, for anyone who use to smoke and have switched to the e-cigs exclusively, have you noticed a reduction in coughing and mucus production since using the e-cig at all?

for pillbox, after looking at your lab reports (which I commend you on providing by the way, I think this makes you a great person to do business with and have no qualms about purchasing my second e-cig from you) is there any plans to replace pg with glycerol and is there any plans to drop the Dihydro Coumarin from your liquids?

which e-cig of your current product line provides the longest lasting cart?

Thanks all in advance for any help/answers your able to provide.

1. the mini (dse901) should be in everyones e-cig collection. comparing to my supermini against the mini, i get more vapour from the mini. throat hit i think is all about what juice your using. i use pillboxes 36mg frnch pipe and it whoops ....

2. i too smoked 25-30 rollies a day , and the simple answer is yes.

3. for the highest cart capacity highest first e-pipe > e-cigar > pen style classic > mini > super-mini.
pen style classic would be my choice.

Dazza, i'll give it 3 weeks and you will have a mini ( dse901 ) anyway :)-

Standard e-cig ( pen style classic ) is another good choice.

Too many people new to e-cigs go for the super just because it looks like a real ciggie. I did. Fact is the super just isnt up to the job of replacing a 20-a-day smoker. my standard e-cig however ..Is
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2008
United Kingdom
I was going to order a supermini since thats the only generic ecig out of the 3 that Smokester sells I haven't got but after reading this thread bought another 901 (pink this time) and some 36mg juice to try!

What does the supermini feel like in the mouth is the end really round?? I hear with the super mini its not as easy as the 901 to drip I wonder why!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2008
I was going to order a supermini since thats the only generic ecig out of the 3 that Smokester sells I haven't got but after reading this thread bought another 901 (pink this time) and some 36mg juice to try!

What does the supermini feel like in the mouth is the end really round?? I hear with the super mini its not as easy as the 901 to drip I wonder why!
the supermini feels like having a pencil in your mouth . Because the tip is completley round i find it harder to get a good seal between my lips :pervy:

the reason its harder to drip and/or top off is the cartridges are tiny and you need a good dropper aim to top off, I also find it tricky to pull off the mouthpiece without crushing it.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
The Super Mini is an easy E-Cig to sell because most people want somthing that looks like a real cig .... This is why so many people are selling them, including my self. I always ask my customers how much they smoke a day then i make a choice on which one i think would suite them best.... Ie ... If they say they only smoke about 10 a day then i think the Super Mini would do them fine....If its more then i sugest the Mini....I realy do try to sell them something that suits their needs because at the end of the day if i dont its me that will get the greef when they come back wanting a refund etc etc ...How does that sound with you guys?
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2008
if i was a stall seller as you are Rusty i wouldn't sell the super-mini at opinion. i know you have a buisness to run tho .

I think the 901's are the best e-cig for the first timer. it will cover all bases. the cart size is good and the battery life is good plus the black is rather swish.

if a customer gets what they like first time round they'll be back for more.

if they get something they can't get on with because of battery life , cart size..they just might not bother coming again .

but what do i know , it's not my trade..just my thoughts ;)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hey No Problem Apostle ..... As someone who is new to this ...Only 3 months, i would have agreed with you back then to, but you would be surprised howm many old women in their 60's just want a super mini because it looks the most real .... I have even told them that the mini will last longer .... But no no ... the responce i got from the older person is .... Im nae sticking somthing that big in my lol lol .... I guess at 60 or so their mind set is... it must look real.

if i was a stall seller as you are Rusty i wouldn't sell the super-mini at opinion. i know you have a buisness to run tho .

I think the 901's are the best e-cig for the first timer. it will cover all bases. the cart size is good and the battery life is good plus the black is rather swish.

if a customer gets what they like first time round they'll be back for more.

if they get something they can't get on with because of battery life , cart size..they just might not bother coming again .

but what do i know , it's not my trade..just my thoughts ;)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
the chinese improved upon the 901 didnt u know.. he he..

rusty has to sell them what they want.. they want a small cigarette look alike.. they prefer form over function..

all he can do is offer advise.. its to be sure most of them wont take it..


ps.. if most of them are that old they will use it down the bingo hall and smoke their fags the rest of the time.. old habits die hard..
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
I would like to say this withought the WHO or T/Stands Or Kate Or T/Bob giving me an ear bashing lol lol .... If someone is trying to stop smoking and their down to about 12 a day then the super mini is a good choice ... Why .... Because after you have been smoking it for about a week you will soon get fed up changing the CARTS (Kate LOL) ... And then you will relise that it costs more on carts than on real cigs and say " Stuff this for a carry on" and then you will prob stop altogether lol ....Just a thought hahahaha


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Oh .... And another PS .... I even had a customer come back in and tell me they coverd their hole on the super mini after seeing a video on youtube .... lol lol lol ..... He didnt even know it was me on the video hahahaha .....Now that was funny ... And no i didnt tell him it was me ....I just had a good laugh later.
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