anyone else notice this?

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Mar 19, 2011
North NJ
First of all, let me say this is hands down my favorite e-juice manufacturer. The flavors are tops in my book and performance is amazing. I've tried at least a hundred different flavors from many companies and gorilla juice and bobas bounty are my only all day vapes. I do however have a question to pose as I found my gorilla juice seems to have lost most of its flavor now that I'm near the bottom of my 18 mL bottle. I am really into the idea of having a 100 mL of my favorite liquid, but I'm scared that it will not be as fresh tasting once I really get into it. Let me also say that right out of the packaging gorilla juice needs to steep for at least four days to get the right balance of flavor..the banana needs time to mellow out.
I'm thinking I'm better off eating the more frequent shipping costs and ordering 12 or 18 mL at a time to ensure a stronger flavor...


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
I have found the same thing in a few juices over time, they seem to loose some flavor. Just some, not all.

First of all, let me say this is hands down my favorite e-juice manufacturer. The flavors are tops in my book and performance is amazing. I've tried at least a hundred different flavors from many companies and gorilla juice and bobas bounty are my only all day vapes. I do however have a question to pose as I found my gorilla juice seems to have lost most of its flavor now that I'm near the bottom of my 18 mL bottle. I am really into the idea of having a 100 mL of my favorite liquid, but I'm scared that it will not be as fresh tasting once I really get into it. Let me also say that right out of the packaging gorilla juice needs to steep for at least four days to get the right balance of flavor..the banana needs time to mellow out.
I'm thinking I'm better off eating the more frequent shipping costs and ordering 12 or 18 mL at a time to ensure a stronger flavor...

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
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Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
I also noticed that shaking up the bottle before using it....even when its in a not a bad idea. Sometimes the different parts to a juice will settle out over time and you get inconsistant flavor because there are now "layers" of liquid in your bottle. This isn't JUST an AV juice thing...this includes all juice. Next time you use your Boba's....shake the bottle up first and see what happens. :)


ECF Guru
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May 15, 2010
NW Washingtion
I also noticed that shaking up the bottle before using it....even when its in a not a bad idea. Sometimes the different parts to a juice will settle out over time and you get inconsistant flavor because there are now "layers" of liquid in your bottle. This isn't JUST an AV juice thing...this includes all juice. Next time you use your Boba's....shake the bottle up first and see what happens. :)

I 2nd this, Always shake the Juice bottle before filing. :)


Vaping Master
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May 27, 2010
I bought 100ml of Gorilla Juice and it hasnt lost any flavor. I always shake the bottle first. When using a bottom feeder like my REO's, If I havent used all the juice in the bottle I unscrew the bottle just enough and then take off the atty and blow into the atty connector to blow bubbles in the juice to mix it up. Works good! Love Alien Visions!!!


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May 3, 2011
Los Angeles
I quit vaping (and all Nic) in late Feb. At that time I gave away all my gear and juice, including a ton of AVE 555 and a bit of Boba's both of which were made for me in early February...

Well a few weeks ago I starting smoking again and quickly scrambled to get some vaping stuff together. One of the recipients of the juice was kind enough to give me back a few ml of both flavors and they tasted great. in fact I'm going to say the Boba's improved a bit with age.

It may be that your taste buds are becoming sort of desensitized to the flavor(?)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2011
Also with some vendor the tip and the cap aren't snug even if you tighten the cap well. Some juice hoovers in this small space after being shook, dripping down the bottle and tip. To avoid this I (with washed hands) take the cap off and cover the tip with my index finger then shake. Less juice end up on me this way. And we don't want nic juice on us all the time. wash hands again when you're done....
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