Any mod to keep cap attached to battery body?

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Full Member
Apr 25, 2011
I am having a lot of trouble with Egos in the last 6 months...I have gone through about 6 batteries now. What repeatedly happens after enough use is the battery case detaches from the connector (the metal bit with the button), and the wires instantly break off their solder points. I have managed to repair a couple of them but since the case/connector fit is so bad, it happens again in a few days. It is pretty much a crapshoot resoldering these anyway, sometimes you can do it, sometimes you can't, in that tight a space my soldering skills are just not good enough to do it consistently.

I think I had an Ego-t short out in my pocket yesterday after feeling it come apart in my pocket and then quickly trying to get it back together before the batteries broke. But something obviously moved because I smelled something funny a few minutes later and now there's a black spot on the edge of the connector! Very frustrating and kinda scary.

How do we keep this cheap crap together? Anyone tried a thin line of superglue around the edges? I might try this.

And since I am not against naming names, I will say the DV brand black ones I had earlier this year came apart a lot faster I think than the joyetech that just came apart yesterday, but that still only lasted 3 months before it loosened enough to come apart in my pocket and break the wires. The DV brand ones were so badly manufactured the connectors started detaching from the battery case in a matter of weeks.

Are there any higher quality e-cigs yet where this doesn't happen? All you need is a ....... screw to keep the connector from coming off the body, why doesn't anyone do this?

Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
I guess my question to you, would be why do you keep buying egos? I mean they have a nice form factor, but otherwise, the batteries are pretty disposable. There are mods that don't use replaceable batteries, but it seems as if you are pretty tough on your ecigs. You would probably be better suited with a mod that uses replaceable batteries. The Vamo and the Sigelei Zmax are both good, economical choices.


Full Member
Apr 25, 2011
I guess my question to you, would be why do you keep buying egos? I mean they have a nice form factor, but otherwise, the batteries are pretty disposable. There are mods that don't use replaceable batteries, but it seems as if you are pretty tough on your ecigs. You would probably be better suited with a mod that uses replaceable batteries. The Vamo and the Sigelei Zmax are both good, economical choices.

Well, I am a pretty heavy vaper so I have to change batteries once a day. The only time the case/connector is being stressed is when you have to twist the tank off to charge the battery. I suppose when it's in a pocket it gets jostled a bit too. So I have not been super careful about holding it by the cap when screwing it on (instead of holding it by the battery case to reduce the amount of stress), but I don't think I should have to. There is no actual fastener keeping the connector on the body, it's just stuck in there and they think the tightness of the fit is enough to keep it together. It's not. Eventually it will work loose. It will happen to everyone's eventually.

I will look at some of those devices, but I'm just really leery of spending that much on a mod with features I don't need (I don't care about voltage or whatever, the standard draw seems ok to me, I had a Twist until that failed too and didn't care for the higher voltages).


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain


Have fun

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
I've been using Joye eGos almost from the start. I've never had this happen. However, for you, you might consider this:

TF1 battery 900mah 9 color with ego-t metal part


The battery top - with button, unscrews - because you can put a vv head on it. (sold separately).

It has the regular eGo connection but with a replaceable 14500 battery. You can still recharge it with an regular eGo charger or a stand alone charger.
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