About 10 days away

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
Just noticed my counter banner shows 29.8K cigarettes avoided, that would make it about 10 days away from 30K cigarettes not smoked.

That is just crazy, thats something like 4 miles of burning plants and paper that did not go straight to my lungs. Just as crazy is The Mrs is right there as she smoked about the same and we switched together, just double those numbers for the both of us.

Anyone else watch their progress and have milestones either now, past of near future they want to share feel free. With all of the oppression being dropped on vaping to protect that MSA monies its nice to know we are doin our part :)

Here is a great video DrMA posted in the Media section of ECF that I would encourage everyone to watch and share around.
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina

Until I put an app on my phone and got a reo banner, I honestly did not realize how much I smoked or spent on cigarettes. I really did not. That is is crazy in the most wonderful way imaginable. Is vaping not awesome? Congrats to you and. . . us all.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
Congrats to you guys, wow... you just think about our stories multiplied by millions and it just kills to think some would try and squash it.

Robert, I believe you are 100% correct. My own case three plus years ago was a fast downhill coming on with the rattle in my lungs every night when I laid down. I could feel it progressing but was pretty much helpless against it.

Hope anyone who wants to brag themselves up feels free to do it here, Love hearing about others success on the vaping frontline.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
I love seeing that banner continue to increase. Was thinking the other day about how easy it was to switch to vaping after nearly 4 decades of smoking cigarettes. Looking back at the incredible pace that vaping was picked up here in the US nearing 10% of the smoking population I have to guess it wasnt just me. I do believe though that the pace has slowed, it just doesnt seem the last year or so has had that early growth that was so obvious for the first couple of years when we started. That would be circa 2012/2013 and even a little into 2014.

This leads to thinking of what has changed? Of course the propaganda campaigns funded to nearly what the vaping market is have a huge impact, for many they believe that vaping is as bad as smoking so the attitude is "why bother?". The other side I have to think deters many from making the switch is the complexity of what vaping has become. I understand that even the most advanced vaping gear isnt rocket science but honestly having to learn about battery discharge rates and checking charts for matching proper resistance is outside of the interests of the masses. This doesnt affect us in the least as we are still happily vaping away at 4 volts on a 3.0ohm cartomizer tank that takes all of 20 seconds a day to top up.

So here we are, keeping vaping simple. Hope goes out to all that yours is too so that the next smoker you convert stays an ex smoker.
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