A word of warning to those that think we should only vape where smoking is allowed...

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Force of Nature
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Dec 23, 2012
Washington, DC
salt&PePPer" data-source="post: 8214511" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
salt&PePPer said:
Ok first things first, we need to as a community "Coin" a new term for Electronic Cigarettes that does not include the word Cigarette.

I like how the powers that be just lump the eCigs in there like congress slapping something totally unrelated to the back of a new bill or law; most times without the public knowing about it.

I agree, salt&PePPer. I think that we need to go farther. To me, the term "vapor" and its cognates tend to have a negative connotation suggestive of chemicals, or (even worse) drugs. Developing a vocabulary around a less loaded and less sinister sounding word would allow us to take control of the conversation so that we can have the argument on a more favorable playing field.

Just to brainstorm, the term "mist" strikes me as much less sinister-sounding than "vapor."

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
frankly, the use of a Personal vaporizer and nicotine liquid has next to nothing to do with what is normally considered a tobacco product. Only if you use juice extracted from tobacco could you even remotely make the association. But even then its like saying your third cousins brothers friends roommate is actually your brother because he looks like your mom.

i truly hops this association ends, and fast.

I really want to see someone tell me i cant drink, smoke, or vape in my own home. (not talking about rentals or public housing)

but i do support the part about no smoking on county property, my issue is with them l;umping e cigs in with all this mess


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2012
I agree, Salt&PePPer. I think that we need to go farther. To me, the term "vapor" and its cognates tend to have a negative connotation suggestive of chemicals, or (even worse) drugs. Developing a vocabulary around a less loaded and less sinister sounding word would allow us to take control of the conversation so that we can have the argument on a more favorable playing field.

Just to brainstorm, the term "mist" strikes me as much less sinister-sounding than "vapor."

How does "steam generator" sound?


Senior Member
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Oct 28, 2012
Akron, Ohio
Here are the facts folks one we have what is known as q run away government. These high and mighty people think they know what's best for us in their twisted sense of reality we are like children who need to be lead by the hand. I have written emails letters ect... to my reps and I can tell you right now that they most likely didn't even read last the first few sentences. There is big money behind these bans and until we find a way to expose this fact and show the public how much the FDA has lied to them, not just about vapping but a heck of a lot more we're just running in circles. They are not afraid of being voted out. If you haven't noticed the same loosers keep being voted back in time and again despite not doing a good job. We need to ban together with other groups with the same goal as ours less invasive government control over our personal freedoms. The FDA is mostly funded by big pharmaceuticals and big tobacco is in there somewhere you can bet. This is not about health it's about money. I don't have a good answer but I think some things I've read lately on here are encouraging. We need health organizations on our side environmental ones we need the power of numbers and the funding these groups might have to fight together. Maybe if we do that we can win back some of our lost freedoms.


Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
"Approved unanimously in May by the Board of Commissioners, the new policy took effect with the start of the new year. While it technically governs county employees, it is written in a way that applies to volunteers, interns, clients, visitors and vendors on county property as well."

sounds like they don't plan on enforcing it much on citizens anytime soon.


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
Not to discount the issue at hand here, and i agree with others, we need more people fighting for the cause! There is a thread on here which I would think any vaper would partake in http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...-fda-e-cigarettes-your-action-needed-now.html

Happy vaping

Totally agree with you. If we don't post our comments with the FDA thinking that "they" (other vapers) are going to do so and it's not necessary to comment ourselves, then we deserve the bans. It doesn't take long to post comments on the link, it takes the same amount of time it takes to post in this forum. So please, take a couple of minutes and make your voice be heard with the FDA.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Here are some things to think about...


I could go on, but I think (or hope) that you get the point.


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Oct 4, 2010
Northern Va
Well it's settled then. If I wasn't sure before, I am now. I WILL be a criminal before I leave this world. The writing is on the wall with all of these AHoles making all of these laws, because I refuse to become a little lamb, by following such pointless idiotic rules !
If I don't even feel the need to vape in a banned place, now I will just out of spite !

Sorry to those of us who think we should play nice to influence the public etc blah blah. It's too late. If I felt like a victim before, having seen my freedom to smoke cigs cut to pieces, I feel 10 times worse over this.
They can kiss my criminal toucas.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The thing about that is, when we have come together in the past and fought, we have won more often than lost.
Yes, that's right, we won more often than lost when we have tried to fight these things.

We've shown up at public meetings, and written letters, and educated policy makers.
We have overcome the misinformation and lies that they are being fed.

But they've changed tactics on us lately, and now we often don't get to see it coming.
So we need more eyes and ears, and more determination.

We can fight, we have fought, and we should continue to fight.
We have right on our side, and we can get the public on our side too.

The day is soon coming when the FDA will issue "deeming" regulations, and we all better be ready.

But in the meantime, every vaper should join CASAA at the very least.

Those that are prepared to do more can even join the CASAA legislative watch committee.
Or become a regional representative.

That is how we as vapers have won in the past, and we can continue to do so if we pay attention and just try.
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Ultra Member
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Sep 7, 2012
Dallas, Texas
You know what this is. It's folks that can't control much and they have focused on something they think they can. I recognize it in myself sometimes. Like with pollution, waste etc. So you jump on some thing. Tobacco is an easy target. I think it has gotten to the point of ridiculous. Happens in politics, Condo's, home owners associations. Use to live in San Antonio and there was a huge effort for water regulation partially to save an endangered fish that was not even native to the area. People want to control something. So you get stuff like this. Ridiculous when viewed by others. The World is full of Control freaks. Maybe we all are.


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Oct 5, 2012
New Hampshire
Ill be damned if someone's gonna reach in my mouth and take my snus.i got lots of teeth.
Guess I'm lucky living in NH."live free or die" land... Only rules here are on age limits, restaurants, hospitals, public buildings and such. I recall someone talking about city bans near the historical parts of the capital and touristy family spots but I don't think that went anywhere. Most people just roll with smoking laws here because they make sense.come to think of it, theres a dude downtown that wears Lennon specs, a kilt and carries his hookah like a bagpipe.hes left alone, mostly cause no one wants to listen to him rambling about black helicopters, Roswell, the Kennedy's, tin foil wallpaper. Well except for me, I guess.
Think I went off track a bit. Did you hear that? Theyre up there again, hovering. Guess the point is, uh.. I gotta get back in my suit
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