A take on Joyetech's Eroll, Ego-C and the Smok Aro BCC Tank from a complete newbie's perspective

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Dec 14, 2013
United Kingdom

Thought this might help some other newbies out there. I've been off the analogs for just over a week now; hence a complete newbie (and total convert) to this whole vaping thing.

In a week I've managed to go through the Eroll, Ego-C and smok Aro BCC tank and settle on a favourite. So, for all those similarly confused out there I'll go through each from a complete newbie's perspective. All the info will be as I understand it - so please forgive me for any errors.

Joyetech Eroll:

The Eroll is a small personal vaporiser (did I get that right?!?) and is designed to be discrete and approximate the size and feel of a regular analog cigarette. It essentially consists of three parts - the battery, an atomizer (the heating element) and a plastic refillable cartridge (for putting your e liquid in).

This was my first experience of a pv and initally I was really pleased with it. Because I'm an idiot though, I didn't realise that you aren't supposed to smoke vapes like a regular cigarette (slower draws with greater gaps between draws is the idea) and I managed to burn out two atomizers in 4 days. Here's a good thread on the proper technique http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ecf-library/337017-inhalation-technique-e-cigarette.html

Since using that technique I haven't had an issue with the atomizer so it seems to be working :) Atomizers can be cleaned to try and remove the burnt taste (boiling in water seems to be common and safe). The battery doesn't last very long (2 hours max I think with light use) and the plastic cartridge holds about 0.4mls of liquid; so depending on how much you use it will probably have to be refilled often.

I think the Eroll is a great mini e-cigarette and good for using out and about - when you want to be more discrete. But as I found out from reading other threads its not so good for general use.

Joyetech Ego-C:

The Ego-C works on the same principle as the Eroll - but is a bigger/more heavy duty version. It still consists of the three parts; battery, atomizer and cartridge. The battery is bigger and lasts about a day (mine is 650 mAh, but you can get 1100 mAh etc) and the cartridge is bigger and holds approx 1ml of liquid and so doesn't have to be refilled as often. The atomizers are the same as the Eroll (type A) so can be used with both.

The Ego-C gives a much more satisfying hit/vape than the Eroll - I'm guessing due to its size. It seems durable and relatively user friendly - it's easy to top up the cartridge when the liquid runs low. My partner is sold on it and loves his, this is what he said the Ego-C is "a perfect home vaping system, still looks pretty cool & you get a good draw". He still prefers the Eroll for out and about though and thinks it's really cool and discrete. Again, I think that this is a good one for use at home. However, my experience with the atomizers in the Eroll put me off a bit and made the whole thing seem a bit fiddly.

Smok Aro BCC Tank:

Now, this initially confused the hell out of me as its a different system to the Eroll and Ego-C. The Smok Aro BCC Tank comes without a battery (any Ego type battery will fit it though, so it's easy to get one and decide how much storage power you want; larger mAh = larger storage).... I think this is what put me off the tank systems to begin with - they didn't seem to come in a handy idiot proof kit!

The Smok Aro BCC Tank is one of these clearomizer things you've probably heard about. It doesn't use a fiddly little atomizer like the Eroll and Ego-C, but uses a sturdier looking coil in the base of the tank. In the Smok Aro the coil is easily removable (you just unscrew it) and can be cleaned or changed when needed. Apparently having a coil in the base of the tank (some clearomizers don't) is beneficial as it allows gravity to help and do its thing - you don't have to 'wick up' the fluid to heat it and turn it into vapour.

Its about the same size as the Ego-C and the tank holds approx 1.5ml of liquid. I'm really pleased with - filling the tank with liquid is easy (just tilt the tank and make sure the liquid doesn't go down the central column - you'd end up drinking it) and ensure the coil is screwed in really tight. I haven't experienced and leaking and I find the draw really satisfying. This set up is definitely my favourite - though I'll probably use the Eroll when I go out and want to be a bit more subtle.

I really hope someone finds this useful! x


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Gosh, what a thoughtful post.

Glad you are finding your feet with your vaping. :)

I secretly have a "thing" for the e-roll. Maybe because it's one of the best cig-a-like devices out there and makes the supermarket e-cigs seems prehistoric and ineffective (read; almost pointless)

Sadly, my ARO leaked very badly and it wasn't until I rebuilt it with 5mm of silica wick that I got it to work. It's a nice tank though; I'm guessing you have the smaller version. Quite often, the smaller (mini) versions seem less prone to gurgles and leaks. It's certainly true for Protanks in my experience.


Ultra Member
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Mar 13, 2013

Thought this might help some other newbies out there. I've been off the analogs for just over a week now; hence a complete newbie (and total convert) to this whole vaping thing.

In a week I've managed to go through the Eroll, Ego-C and Smok Aro BCC Tank and settle on a favourite. So, for all those similarly confused out there I'll go through each from a complete newbie's perspective. All the info will be as I understand it - so please forgive me for any errors.

Joyetech Eroll:

The Eroll is a small personal vaporiser (did I get that right?!?) and is designed to be discrete and approximate the size and feel of a regular analog cigarette. It essentially consists of three parts - the battery, an atomizer (the heating element) and a plastic refillable cartridge (for putting your e liquid in).

This was my first experience of a pv and initally I was really pleased with it. Because I'm an idiot though, I didn't realise that you aren't supposed to smoke vapes like a regular cigarette (slower draws with greater gaps between draws is the idea) and I managed to burn out two atomizers in 4 days. Here's a good thread on the proper technique http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ecf-library/337017-inhalation-technique-e-cigarette.html

Since using that technique I haven't had an issue with the atomizer so it seems to be working :) Atomizers can be cleaned to try and remove the burnt taste (boiling in water seems to be common and safe). The battery doesn't last very long (2 hours max I think with light use) and the plastic cartridge holds about 0.4mls of liquid; so depending on how much you use it will probably have to be refilled often.

I think the Eroll is a great mini e-cigarette and good for using out and about - when you want to be more discrete. But as I found out from reading other threads its not so good for general use.

Joyetech Ego-C:

The Ego-C works on the same principle as the Eroll - but is a bigger/more heavy duty version. It still consists of the three parts; battery, atomizer and cartridge. The battery is bigger and lasts about a day (mine is 650 mAh, but you can get 1100 mAh etc) and the cartridge is bigger and holds approx 1ml of liquid and so doesn't have to be refilled as often. The atomizers are the same as the Eroll (type A) so can be used with both.

The Ego-C gives a much more satisfying hit/vape than the Eroll - I'm guessing due to its size. It seems durable and relatively user friendly - it's easy to top up the cartridge when the liquid runs low. My partner is sold on it and loves his, this is what he said the Ego-C is "a perfect home vaping system, still looks pretty cool & you get a good draw". He still prefers the Eroll for out and about though and thinks it's really cool and discrete. Again, I think that this is a good one for use at home. However, my experience with the atomizers in the Eroll put me off a bit and made the whole thing seem a bit fiddly.

Smok Aro BCC Tank:

Now, this initially confused the hell out of me as its a different system to the Eroll and Ego-C. The Smok Aro BCC Tank comes without a battery (any Ego type battery will fit it though, so it's easy to get one and decide how much storage power you want; larger mAh = larger storage).... I think this is what put me off the tank systems to begin with - they didn't seem to come in a handy idiot proof kit!

The Smok Aro BCC Tank is one of these clearomizer things you've probably heard about. It doesn't use a fiddly little atomizer like the Eroll and Ego-C, but uses a sturdier looking coil in the base of the tank. In the Smok Aro the coil is easily removable (you just unscrew it) and can be cleaned or changed when needed. Apparently having a coil in the base of the tank (some clearomizers don't) is beneficial as it allows gravity to help and do its thing - you don't have to 'wick up' the fluid to heat it and turn it into vapour.

Its about the same size as the Ego-C and the tank holds approx 1.5ml of liquid. I'm really pleased with - filling the tank with liquid is easy (just tilt the tank and make sure the liquid doesn't go down the central column - you'd end up drinking it) and ensure the coil is screwed in really tight. I haven't experienced and leaking and I find the draw really satisfying. This set up is definitely my favourite - though I'll probably use the Eroll when I go out and want to be a bit more subtle.

I really hope someone finds this useful! x

This is an AWESOME post, thank you for sharing! I have been on the fence about the eRoll because, frankly, I have a TON of cash tied up in other devices. I have quite enough to get me through for a while, but where I am lacking is a small device that I can use while riding my motorcycle. I have read that the eRoll is as close to a real smoke as it gets, from a size/weight comparison, so I am pretty sure this is the way I will go. Posts like yours help to cement this opinion. Have you had any other issues with the eRoll? Is it easy to fill? Am I right thinking it weighs about as much as a real cigarette?

Thanks again for the great info! Enjoy!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    This is an AWESOME post, thank you for sharing! I have been on the fence about the eRoll because, frankly, I have a TON of cash tied up in other devices. I have quite enough to get me through for a while, but where I am lacking is a small device that I can use while riding my motorcycle. I have read that the eRoll is as close to a real smoke as it gets, from a size/weight comparison, so I am pretty sure this is the way I will go. Posts like yours help to cement this opinion. Have you had any other issues with the eRoll? Is it easy to fill? Am I right thinking it weighs about as much as a real cigarette?

    Thanks again for the great info! Enjoy!

    If you do a search of ECF, there is a large thread out there for E-Roll fans.

    Here it is. A whole sub-forum.
    Joyetech eRoll *Mini*
    Last edited:


    Full Member
    Dec 14, 2013
    United Kingdom
    This is an AWESOME post, thank you for sharing! I have been on the fence about the eRoll because, frankly, I have a TON of cash tied up in other devices. I have quite enough to get me through for a while, but where I am lacking is a small device that I can use while riding my motorcycle. I have read that the eRoll is as close to a real smoke as it gets, from a size/weight comparison, so I am pretty sure this is the way I will go. Posts like yours help to cement this opinion. Have you had any other issues with the eRoll? Is it easy to fill? Am I right thinking it weighs about as much as a real cigarette?

    Thanks again for the great info! Enjoy!

    Thank you! It can leak v slightly (and I wouldn't let that put you off - its v minimal and I think it's only when the cartridge level gets below a certain level and the surface tension system breaks). It's about the same size as a normal cigarette - smaller than the disposables you can get. It is heavier than a cigarette but not onerously so.... mine is stainless steel which I think also adds to the cool factor :)
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