A Month with a Brunhilde MTL


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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    I'd imagine being so narrow, they fall over if the dog sneezed.

    I imagine they fall over a lot.

    You're not wrong! They are slim and light. I use them with 15mm clearomizers many of us used back in the day on eGo batteries. Makes for a little, light, 100% leak-proof setup for the pocket. Since they're light and slim at the base, I lay them on their side. I've knocked them over a few times, just a few. :rolleyes: So I figure I'll save them the effort and just lay them how they wanna be lol

    It's what I call my "pod setup" :greengrin:


    eleaf still manufactures them.
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    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.

    Well said. Actually most of the time I lay mine on their sides too, as neither the original nautilus Minis nor the Brunhildes leak when so laid down for a wee rest.

    Also, when you get to a certain age and have a smalll collection of tweed sports jackets they fit nicely in the outside pen pockets with no bulges and no excess weight.

    And yes Eleaf does still make iSick 30ws and I've done my bit to keep them in business - I had 14 at the last count.
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    Supporting Member
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    Jun 28, 2016
    the Universe
    Several years back @Daniel Forsyth tirelessly worked to convince me to purchase a Brunhilde RTA. Daniel knows our epic tales well.

    For a good long time Daniel and I had quite the friendly "to and fro" goings on between all things Brunhilde's and, ummm, my Dvarw RTA's. Our two armies, challenged each other from afar for supremacy. A great many mythical stories were shared in another longstanding thread.

    Down in OZ stood a vast Brunhilde army looking to reign over all the lands.


    In the Northern Territories a nearly equal army of Dvarw's stood the test of time.


    Neither army ever faced off, although epic tales were spun from OZ and the Northern Lands. Epics, I tell you, epics!!!

    In the end, Daniel, through his powers of persuasion, and many machinations, convinced me to give a Brunhilde a try. And so it was to be, one fine day a charming Brunhilde RTA found it's way to me. A simple lass, yea, yet very tasty indeed!!!

    A short time later, along came a very fine Brunhilde SbS steed for the lone lady Brunhilde RTA of the North to ride upon.

    Together, in the Far Far North, a lone Brunhilde RTA and her Brunhilde SbS steed live peacefully with their many Dvarw brothers and sisters. Nary an axe nor spear was ever raised between them. Though, still they bicker and fret o'er who rules the roost. Yet, none ever win, none ever lose.


    Carry on then, Oh Fine Brunhilde People. :lol: :lol:


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    Jun 28, 2016
    the Universe
    In my Brunhilde, I've used SS316L (simple round), Alien (28gx3/36g Ni80), Clapton (26g/36g and 28g/36g SS316L), the 0.2mm×0.8mm Ni80 wire @Daniel Forsyth uses, 2 core parallel fused Clapton (26gx2/38g), 29/38 Ni80 Tri-Core and 29/38 Ni80 Aliens (custom coils courtesy of Daniel).

    Each has delivered excellent flavor in the Brunhilde (and in all my other RBA's).

    I can't vape Kanthal wire, for me, it has a nasty metallic taste that I find repugnant.

    My main preference is for SS316L (Clapton or simple round), simply because I can take an RBA with a 316L coil and use it on a mod running TC, or use it in simple wattage mode on a regulated or mech mod. For me, and IMHO, SS316L is a very "clean" vape.

    I have a lot of wire, and some custom made coils..... I enjoy switching wire as much as I enjoy switching between different cottons and Rayon for wicking.


    Senior Member
    Dec 11, 2023
    Connecticut, USA
    I've been puffing and tinkering with the airflow after switching to the second largest airflow insert. Settled on 1/2 closed for now, which is pretty comparable to my Kayfun LPV2 clone (with 1.8mm airflow wide open). Nice that I can open it up and get a bit of RDL too.

    I wholeheartedly agree that a longer narrow bore tip greatly improves the flavour on most tanks.

    The two outside ones in the picture have ones I got off of the internet after the original Brunhilde tips got broken and the one in the middle is from a Nautilus 3 (AKA "The Failure Box" ) no longer with me.

    I tried using the Zlide tips which worked well as they have a "Childproof" under section which makes them longer than they look but sadly they lay too close to the coil and melted slightly.

    View attachment 1007988
    Nice drip tips. Those must be the Brunhilde MTL RTA "Short Drip tip (SS Cooling Fin)?"

    May have to get a few of those at some point. I've been using the drip tip off a Berserker RDA which is almost identical to those except I think the black tip is shorter.


    Super Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    Among The Pugs
    I've been puffing and tinkering with the airflow after switching to the second largest airflow insert. Settled on 1/2 closed for now, which is pretty comparable to my Kayfun LPV2 clone (with 1.8mm airflow wide open). Nice that I can open it up and get a bit of RDL too.Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA Drip Tip Fit for Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA
    I tested the (I refer to it as "jets" like on a carburator..lol) jets starting in the middle and worked my way to the largest. DL was optimal.

    I put the MTL tip in place, and restrict the air more by adjusting the side air inlet to close/open and dial it in.


    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
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    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    They're not genuine Vapefly drip tips - they are Wolfteeth lookalikes which I found on Amazon.

    They also do the same style in s/s real metal with a plastic screw in top section, which I discovered through reading the ratings on the ones I have, but the metal ones aren't on sale in the UK ( and I have been through all the sellers I know online).

    I haven't yet checked out Sourcemore to see if they have them , but I'll do that after the Chinese New Year.

    All that said the black plastic ones look and work fine IMHO.


    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    Update 14/02/25

    I'm trying a slightly different experiment for a month which started yesterday.

    I've gone into "Back to the Future Mode."

    When I came into vaping back in 2015 there were still plenty of tanks on the go with coils around 2 Ohms, powered by Ego batteries running at say 3.7 volts max.

    To me the tanks though plastic and using silicone string wicks were fine when new, offered me a vape I enjoyed but they went off song quickly. Additionally there was no way to regulate the power on basic Egos to maintain a constant voltage.

    I've fitted the third smallest air insert into one of my Brunhildes, ran up a 2.2 Ohm plain Kanthal coil, and put one of my iStick 30Ws into voltage mode.

    The plan is to use this set up as a daily driver for a month. As of Day 2 I'm enjoying it.

    One thing though - I had intended to use my Innokin Z80 mod for this trial as it has a replaceable battery which can be topped up or recharged in situ, but I found that while an iStick or a Legend 200 will happily take a Brunhilde the Z80 won't as the Brunhilde's 510 pin protrudes too far - has anyone screwed theirs in a bit?
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    vaper dedicato
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    Maybe - but they work just fine for me! "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and all that, a someone reportedly said!
    Sometimes, and for me more often than not, "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder."


    vaper dedicato
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    .. the Brunhilde's 510 pin protrudes too far - has anyone screwed theirs in a bit?
    For that reason my oldest working mod, an iStick that's about 8 years old, is the only mod I have that I can use only my Brunhilde tank on. The tanks' pin extends quite a bit more than any other tank I have, and it depressed the mods' center pin to where no other tanks' pin can reach it..
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    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    Thanks for the reply - I have found the Geekvape L200 works fine with a Brunhilde as well.

    There's a fine big screw slot in the Brunhilde's 510 pin, but in my mind I remember the gunsmith's ( perhaps by his own account only ) wife here saying to me when I asked her about him making fine adjustments to my target rifle replying, " No I widnae recommend that ye bring it in - he'll jist take his big hammer tae it. He's no that guid at fine work these days."
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    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    Sometimes, and for me more often than not, "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder."
    Aye "Beer Goggles" always work just fine!

    That said these old iSticks have just worked for me and worked well since the day I joined here in 2015 - the day I bought my first one.


    Super Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    Among The Pugs
    Sometimes, and for me more often than not, "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder."
    I had a whiskey drinking friend who intentionally carried a brown paper bag. As the night progressed, it sparked some comedic input from the ladies of previous fitting moments....lol.

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