306 + Protege = :)

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2009
Arlington, Texas
Tonight I was cleaning up my office and I keep all of my ecig stuff in there. I was going through everything and I found my old mini fogger I bought back in March. I liked it and mainly dripped with it because the carts sucked. I used it in the mornings when I woke up and then used a mod through the day. One day after I got my Prodigy I put the mini fogger in a box and forgot about it. By the time I ordered a Protege and received it the 510 atty had become my main vape. Today when I found the mini fogger I remembered that the treads were the same as the 510 so I threw it on the Protege and gave it a try...

Six hours later I'm wondering why I ever put it up in the first place. What a nice vape. The vapor production & throat kick of a 510, the flavor of a 901 & the battery life of the Protege. Does it get any better than this?????

Now if David over at Super-T Manufacturing can ever figure out a way to make a brass or stainless T-Tip I will be $#!++!^% in high cotton!
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