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Zombie nut here

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Sep 15, 2011
well heres my groups spin on them. the past diseases and science show that a "zombie like state" can be achieved with a "bug/virus". with the way the world is going we can see a terrorist group making said virus and using it as a weapon. with that stated iv got my BOB ready for a survivalist type person. full chem suit,gas mask,machete,flint stone, rope,pup tent and some mre's.and my newest addition to my hunting/weapon is an ar15/m16 military grade. i do have many plans for it but i find a 223 rounds on the light side so carrying rounds wouldnt be to bad. when/if z-day happens ill be with a group of 12 folks and im the only one thats not a class 3 gun guy. the group has a k5 blazer with a high lift and full cage along with normal 4x4 toys.
I found a cheap little solar charger on ebay for $10. Not very powerful, but it charges a Darwin in 8-10 hours. I still havent found anything yet that will charge 16340's or 18650's. I thought at one time I had it worked out, but the charger I have isnt powerful enough. If you find something, please post it up.


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Sep 15, 2011
will do, a good friend of mine is a solar nut. so far half of his house is ran off solar power. one walk in closet is a huge battery set up. he also vapes but he thinks z-day is a joke but i have convinced him to figure out a charger. as soon as we figure out whats needed and where to get all the parts ill be sure to post it up as a vaping fool i am i will need to charge up my batterys :)


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Sep 15, 2011
We have tried to use a crank style light and even with the 12v out it would take hours of cracking to charge up a 18650. We think we might have found a way to use some small solar panels with some chips and a home made board to get the power needed to just plug a charger in and have a some what stable out put to a 110 plug type charger. Will keep yall updated as a hunt for a " sit in the sun and charge as your killing zombies" device that's safe for batterys in a long term device


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Sep 15, 2011
My Pila charger has a cigarette lighter cord. I just plan to plug mine into the car.

I'm trying a make a solar device to use for a power source to charge batterys when the power goes bye bye during vday. I have the pila charger that I am trying to match its needed input for the right out put to safely charge batterys
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