Zen Atty Pro - perfect setup every time!

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Aug 16, 2010
Hello Everybody,

My name is Adam and I'm tobacco free for 3 years. Like most of you I started with pen style "Gas Station" e-cigs and sooner wanted "more". To many of us vaping became "part of life" and not just alternative to smoking.

Today I would like to say few words about Zen Atty Pro RBA. For months I was putting that purchase aside, mostly due availability and high starting cost (no I'm not a person who buys a Wii U for $900 on Christmas Eve) :)

So I finally got the setup this past wednesday. My day to date vaping mostly utilizes plain ole punched cartos in Bella Tank (which is great in my opinion). Watching Phil Busardo RBA videos made me want to ("Shut up and take my money!")

It came in nice plastic tube and amount of accessories was great. Finally you can forget about dying/flooding cartos after 3-7 days.

Sounded to good to be true.

I watched Zen's video regarding prepping the setup for the first use, including avoiding hot-spots.

My coil (on 400x400 SS mesh) was at 1.7 ohm. Unfortunately it did not wick very well. I couldn't get past 3.5v without burning my lungs with harsh metallic taste. I survived one day like that and then I said STOP to myself.

I decided to take it apart (specially to clean it as it came covered in machine oil), use a new mesh (this time 325x325) and put a coil on.

Now that was a ride...

First, I trimmed the wick (pointy side inside the tank). Wrapping a coil was the biggest problem. I couldn't get proper tension on each wrap and mesh was constantly bent, resulting an ugly look and lots of hot spots. After 5 wraps, I got 1.7ohms (im not LR vaper anyway).

After 3-4 tries with re-wrapping I put the whole thing aside for the rest of the day.


And there was... I decided to use my own 325x325 mesh which I wrapped on blunt tip of the syringe (to keep nice path for the juice).
I used a torch to oxidize the mesh (took about 20 minutes of constant burning/cooling until I got the result I wanted).

Once I trimmed the bottom part of the mesh (again nice pointy end)... I stopped.

I took a piece of Kanthal A32 wire and wrapped the coils outside the tank. It was much easier than playing with tank rotation/hitting the post and benting the mesh. Result was excellent. Perfectly wrapped Kanthal with even tension and spacing.

I was very happy.

I installed the mesh/coil in the unit and fired at 3.5v, 3.7 and lastly 4.0.

ZERO HOT SPOTS. At first try, all coil wraps were glowing bright orange. I checked the resistance (2.4 ohms). Now thats something I was used to.

I used one of my favourite juices (D&D Berries and Cream 50/50 12mg) - tons of flavor (thanks again Phil)

Adjusting to "open draw" took about 2 minutes (thank god I dont have to make a fish face anymore, although when I got back to Bella/Vivi for few minutes, it was like sucking on a watermelon thru a straw [thanks Phil for metaphor]).

Was I just lucky on my first attempt?

I created 10 more meshes with coils after that and tried them all one by one. All were set constantly at 2.4-2.6ohms and again, once on a device - ZERO HOTSPOTS! I was thrilled!

At 4.7-5.1v this setup gives me more than I ever wanted (minus the leaking If I leave my mod laying wick side down) :)

I hope this will help many of you enjoy this wonderful Genesis style RBA.

I attach few pics below, If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.

ImageShack(TM) slideshow

Coil Closeup Coil.jpg
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