Young people vaping

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I am against young people vaping. Ive being seeing alot of you tube videos and kids posting in the forums, even seen 15-17 year olds smoking egos in the parking lots of high schools and it bothers me because i have the feeling that they are doing it because they think its new and cool, not because they had a 20 year addiction to 2 packs of cigarettes a day and started feeling unhealthy, yet tried to quit probably like 50 times like me. Now im not saying every vaporer has to have some big story about how they smoked a ton of cigarettes and than finally quit with electronic cigarettes. Im just saying there are things that are just right and things that are wrong. I am pro vaping, i owe my life to it, i just want to vape and be left in peace and left alone.
Now i know any kid can go online and buy anything these days so im not proposing any fixes for it, i guess im just venting because i had a kid asking me what i was vaping today and he pulled out a provari that was nicer than my ego lol. He asked me if i wanted to take a blast off of it and honestly i just asked him how old he was and he said "16" so i just shook my head and walked away.


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Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
Yep, I see it all the time too, it is a fast growing problem that will not escape being added to the antz smear campaign.
The thing that irritates me the most is there is a local B&M with a reputation of selling to certain minors.
If an old phart like me has heard about it several times I can only imagine how well known it is amongst the kids.


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May 19, 2013
In the wilderness
edited by classwife...

Teens are attracted to both, things that seem cool and things that are forbidden. If you want to understand why teens are doing it, look at why you started cigarettes. If you want to understand availability, fine. It shouldn't be available. But you remove that availability and they may go to something similar but still available. I know when I was in high school more people did pot (and even harder drugs) than drink alcohol, because it was easier to get.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Hmmmmm, I was these kids back when I was 13 years old. Despite all the warnings etc I smoked and would have done and got them from somewhere no matter what. 24 years later I was still at it and my health was bad.

So these kids you talk of are likely to start smoking if there wasn't e-cigs around so I guess it's better they vape rather than smoke no?

Just being a realist.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway
Nothing to do about it. That's just how awesome us vapers are. Everyone wants to join the cool crowd.

On a serious note... Not cool. Seems the e-cig community is split on non-smokers vaping. I, for one, don't want to control other peoples lives. On the other hand, I don't want to lose my right to vape just because some kids want to look cool.

Dilemma. I'm definitely not fighting for kids right to vape. Then again I don't want it to be a prescription thing.

"Want a hit off my Provari" is screaming for adult attention, imho.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 19, 2013
In the wilderness
Nothing to do about it. That's just how awesome us vapers are. Everyone wants to join the cool crowd.

On a serious note... Not cool. Seems the e-cig community is split on non-smokers vaping. I, for one, don't want to control other peoples lives. On the other hand, I don't want to lose my right to vape just because some kid want to look cool.

Dilemma. I'm definitely not fighting for kids right to vape. Then again I don't want it to be a prescription thing.

I agree, it's a dilemma. Would I rather see them smoking or would I rather see them do something those anti-libertarians can use as ammunition against my quit smoking method?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Better they vape than smoke is all I can say.

But yeah from a perception viewpoint I can see the regulatory bodies in the UK and US seeing this and then trying to make it as hard to get and as bland a product as possible.

It's a tough war man, I just want the right to have my ego and 1 or 2 juices (I'm easily pleased as menthol is my ADV and likely to be one of their options if they close down small vendors - not that they've said that yet, the MRHA in trhe UK have even encouraged indies to apply for licenses) or something that performs and tastes as good and does not cost more than smoking, hell even a littel more than smoking I'll go for vape any day....

Watch and wait I guess. 18 year olds or younger having credit cards is one of the dumbest ideas on the planet.

"Ooh, i have an idea let's give the most blind, un self controlled, hormone raging creatures on the planet easy access to money they might not have earned and let them do what they want with it!"

Er no, let's not do dat.... Let's give them small allowances they earn or if they have jobs, let their parent's regulate their money and try and keep them in education until they are at least 21 lol, just try to keep them out of and partaking in the scary adult world for as long as possible!

Yup, i'm gonna smother my own children if I have them, the world today makes me want to - if I have them - go and live in the countryside and have them playing violin and sports and not ever visiting an urban area until they have finished university lol....
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2013
Greenville, SC, USA
I can see both sides. I agree that I'd rather not see non-smokers start vaping because it looks 'cool'. On the other hand, I'd rather see non-smokers pick up vaping rather than cigarettes. At least with vaping, they can get the 'cool' effect without even getting nicotine.

But I also understand that a bunch of kids running around vaping doesn't look good.


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Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
Somehow when I was a young teenager and experimented with my mom and dad's cigs, I don't recall it causing the governmental agencies to start talking about banning cigs because of it. It's a problem that's been around for years and vaping is just mixed in there with things like alcohol, illegal substances, whatever. If a kid is determined to try doing it, chances are they will. I actually think at least an Ecig is harder to get than some other things.


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Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Funny this topic came up today. I just had a talk about vaping / smoking / nicotine addiction with my young teenager yesterday.

Long story short: It seems one of my ego batteries with a vision clearo on top went 'missing' for a while. I know very well that I only keep my vaping gear in only 2 or 3 places. I was wondering if my gear wound up in the wrong hands.

Well, it certainly did. :ohmy:

I proceeded with the appeal to logic, into the whole, "Do you remember how embarassed you were that your father smoked cigarettes? Do you remember how you were fearful that I would get sick? Do you remember how you begged me, and I struggled trying to give them up?"

I got "yes", "yes" and a "yes".

I realize that appealing to the logic of a young teenager is about as effective as whipping them across the .... with a wet noodle, but I am hoping that I left him with the impression of how utterly DUMB it would be to take something up that can be so addictive. He explained that he tried ecigs and hookah cigs 'with some kids' (which, let's not be naive here, I fully expected. If you have kids, you should too!!)

I'm grateful that he did not elect to try some 'harder' things. It is just like the days when I was in school. There is no getting around the fact that, if it isn't cigarettes, it's alcohol. Some will try other things, including more dangerous substances, and of course, ecigs today. All I thnk one can really do is try to leave them with a strong impression. I left it with, "You saw my struggle with cigarettes. I don't think it is a very good idea for you to dabble with this stuff. I am using vaping as a safer, 'medicinal', temporary alternative to cigarettes until I can stop completely, and that if he absolutely did have to go any further that at least let me get the zero nic juice for you."

No word on this yet.....I'll keep you posted.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
what is underage smoking to you though? in the US , for the most part that is 12 and under

No way. I don't think it's cool for even a 15 yr old to smoke. Now I'm gonna be brutally honest. I smoked for 30 years. I found out my son was smoking when he was 16. I hated it but what could I do, be a hypocrite and not allow him while I was smoking. I did tell him he better not smoke in front of me. Its not like we can follow our kids around 24/7 and keep them from doing some things. So every night after dinner he would go to a friends for the evening and come home later. We had a good talk and he said he had to leave because he needed a cig. Well, I admit I felt compelled to tell him he no longer had to leave every night to smoke and I just had to deal with it. What else can you do? I think sometimes we might have to pick our battles and save them for more important causes. Honestly, I wish I could have handed him an Ecig at the time instead. Now he's 25 yrs old and I got him vaping so that's a positive outcome. I'd rather see a kid Vape than smoke. period. But no, they shouldn't be doing it at an illegal age. Whether we can stop that, probably not unless we follow them 24/7.


Super Member
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Jun 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
No way. I don't think it's cool for even a 15 yr old to smoke. Now I'm gonna be brutally honest. I smoked for 30 years. I found out my son was smoking when he was 16. I hated it but what could I do, be a hypocrite and not allow him while I was smoking. I did tell him he better not smoke in front of me. Its not like we can follow our kids around 24/7 and keep them from doing some things. So every night after dinner he would go to a friends for the evening and come home later. We had a good talk and he said he had to leave because he needed a cig. Well, I admit I felt compelled to tell him he no longer had to leave every night to smoke and I just had to deal with it. What else can you do? I think sometimes we might have to pick our battles and save them for more important causes. Honestly, I wish I could have handed him an Ecig at the time instead. Now he's 25 yrs old and I got him vaping so that's a positive outcome. I'd rather see a kid Vape than smoke. period. But no, they shouldn't be doing it at an illegal age. Whether we can stop that, probably not unless we follow them 24/7.

I don't like the idea of someone smoking either regardless of age (though I respect their right to) I just meant that from a legal standpoint a minor to smoking isn't 18 like most think but 13. a few places have upped it to 17/18 but not that many


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
I totally can see both sides too. I don't like the idea of seeing young kids vaping--I don't even like hearing about it...and I feel the same way about kids smoking, now that I'm old enough to know better. I mentioned this to someone the other day, that maybe if vaping had been around when I was thirteen, I would have picked that up instead of smoking. Come hell or high water, I was one of those kids who was going to get into something (and I did).

If vaping had been available back then, I would have likely done it for a few years, maybe through high school and/or college, and then when I was "grown up" I probably could have dropped it and moved on with a healthier life. But instead, I started smoking at 13 and by the time I was 25, I had already long-passed the days of the "easy quit" and was hopelessly addicted. It wasn't until now (20-some odd years later) that I see some light at the end of this tunnel.

So while I don't like the idea of younger kids vaping, and I certainly support laws to keep underage kids from being able to buy if there is nicotine involved, I think I would rather they vape and get the novelty factor over with as opposed to picking up a likely life-long habit that will certainly do nothing but hurt them.
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