You won't be seeing Baditude posting on ECF in the near future

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
I don't know how in the world I missed this thread, but I find myself stunned and extremely angry. I'm stunned to hear about your current situation (and absolutely POSITIVE that you will land squarely on your feet-----it is only a matter of time), and extremely angry that situations like yours can even happen in the US at all. It is a sad state of affairs and a symptom of what ails us. Employers that allow this to ever happen should be deeply embarrassed and ashamed. (There I go with the comments.......)
You are one of the first I had interacted with here on the forum. You are clearly a GIVER. You have given freely of your knowledge and experience, and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it.
Hang in, keep up the good fight, and get back soon! Knowing what I know about you, I'm POSITIVE that good things will come your way soon.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jun 27, 2014
Just a quick update of sorts,,,,

For the last 3 -4 weeks I've been house-sitting my ex-wife's house rent free, allowing me to continue to work a little to save enough money to get my car fixed/up and running again; (I've been driving my son's car for a few months)/ This was a rental property which she will be turning into her new residencce/ In return for her kindness, I hung new blinds in all of the windows, did some painting, pulled up old carpeting, and other handyman tasks/

She moves into the house in a couple of days and I will proceed with my earlier plan to live with my brother; I've only had access to the internet very sporadically, and this post will likely be one of the last for a while/

I really appreciate everyones well wishes and luck for the future/ Hopefully I'll be able to land a fulltime job with a vape shop in my new location in northwest Ohio, although I will also pursue other possibilities/

:vapor: Bad (Lynn)

Great to hear from you Bad! Best of luck going forward! Hope to hear from you soon.

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Super Member
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Nov 23, 2013
Rocklin, ca
Very late but I wanted to express my appreciation to bad for all the information and help. I just read some posts about him not being here and decided to search for what happened.

I do hate the age discrimination issue as age is just a number. One of the best guys on my team is 68. More energy, hardworking and eager to continue learning than many that are way younger.

I hope the vape shops on Ohio fight it out to get you into their stores to hire you.

Wish you the best of luck!

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