YEAH! new to ecf

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Full Member
Sep 14, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
i'm new on this site and pretty new to vaping so most of what people are talking about i haven't got a clue. but i really wanted to say hi to everyone. I have bombshell from hotvapes and i love it. waiting on my map tank in the mail. which i should get today or monday. my boy has a reo which i'm thinking about stealing when he's not looking. and yes i know a bunch of reo minis are up on the site right now but i think a grand would be better for me. so with all that i am here. and i am awesome. and i hope everyone enjoys their vaping.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Well , welcome to ECF , but you are correct . The Reo grand is a better choice for most . Holds more juice , more battery/voltage combos , and both are bullet proof . I have dropped mine , at least a dozen times , and you can't tell by looking , and it still works like new . They show up om the classy's , but they sell for near new price , because they are usually out of stock on the website .

Nitro girl

New Member
Sep 17, 2011
Hi all, new to the world of vaping and completely lost. I am pretty sure you are all speaking English but man it all sounds like Greek to me. I started small a kr8 with cartomizer. Been analog free for two months and no turning back not a single craving for the nasty little smoke stick, yet now totally addicted to my e cig and finding the perfect juice and cart, (still looking). Hope to be able to educate myself with the help of some veterans to this wonderful new world of vaping!!!!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 22, 2010
Hi all, new to the world of vaping and completely lost. I am pretty sure you are all speaking English but man it all sounds like Greek to me. I started small a kr8 with cartomizer. Been analog free for two months and no turning back not a single craving for the nasty little smoke stick, yet now totally addicted to my e cig and finding the perfect juice and cart, (still looking). Hope to be able to educate myself with the help of some veterans to this wonderful new world of vaping!!!!

LOL, don't worry, you'll figure it out. Congrats on 2 months analog free!
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