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Yay... we got a Forum

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optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009

and we are off and running! You guys are hilarious!

Does that mean I don't have to approve of msges any longer? Does anyone know how I can make other members moderaters?

Not sure....but here is what I think because I have been trying to get a Social Club/Forum off the ground as well. (Oregon Trail Vapers).
YOU are the moderater,controller,fearless leader of the Social Club itself. What goes on here....in the subforum is moderated also by ECF mods. If you don't want to be the fearless leader for the Social Club you may transfer your position to someone else by using the Transfer button at the bottom of the home page you see for the Club.
But the Social Club and the Forum are two different things. Does that help?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2010
I think my kids and wife are safe.

My wife made me a grocery list the other day. I asked her to indicate the aisle for the items so it wouldnt be like a easter egg hunt. There was only one item that she gave a location on the list, and I quote
Frozen Fruit-------Freezer
Very helpful that woman of mine.

My boy puts ranch dressing on his eggs.

My daughter has a security chair instead of a blanket EeeOoor (msp) that she drags around the house.

Zombies just keep on walkin. No brains here.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2010
San Antonio, TX
I think my kids and wife are safe.

My wife made me a grocery list the other day. I asked her to indicate the aisle for the items so it wouldnt be like a easter egg hunt. There was only one item that she gave a location on the list, and I quote Very helpful that woman of mine.

My boy puts ranch dressing on his eggs.

My daughter has a security chair instead of a blanket EeeOoor (msp) that she drags around the house.

Zombies just keep on walkin. No brains here.

Awwww... now that's just not nice.... I'm sure zombies would be glad to eat your children.

But assuming that you are correct about the low levels of brain activity... maybe you should have them checked out... they may BE zombies


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al

My daughter has a security chair instead of a blanket EeeOoor (msp) that she drags around the house.

I bet she makes a zombies-that-go-bump-in-the-night-sound....sctratch...drag...bump...scratch...drag...bump

Mendinwings juice reviews from a zombie perspective- Great idea! I think there's a company that makes meat and other weird flavors of juice, but all i remember is that people say they smell pretty gross...


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Does that mean I don't have to approve of msges any longer? Does anyone know how I can make other members moderaters?

whoa...i just figured it out!!!!

when you set up the social group there would have been a choice betwenn public,private (invitation only) and moderated. You need to go back and uncheck "moderated" and check private/invitation . That will put an end to having to check messages and keep out the riffraff and buzzkill spys! :)


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Central California
ROFLMAO - wonder if we could use it as a zombie decoy scent.

Thanks for trying it- so no one else ever has to. They make bread crust flavor too? why?

I actually got it to try and develop a "Chocolate covered Pretzel" flavor.

I havn't gotten to it yet, but with the way the bread crust smells, It might just actually work!

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