Wow, THIS IS SO WORTH IT!! Taste is BACK!!

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Feb 5, 2014
Woke up this morning, lolled in bed, no real strong craving for nic at all. I DID finally take some hits from my 18 mg and 12mg, but as noted in other posts, I soon get a headache (6 vapes will do it).

But more to the point, besides smell, the taste buds woke up. Maybe it was that voodoo 6mg I couldn't put down last night? :evil:

My coffee this morning (first recipe, almond milk with teaspoon ground flaxseed, second cup, almond milk and honey) tasted scrumptious. All the nuances of the flavors came pouring out. My Brita water jumps out at me and says DRINK you fool, I din't taste like tap water.

Been smoking (even though my last four years kinda convoluted for the regular smoker), for 31+ years. Started in bar socially at first, being given free cartons of cigarettes (was model back then, best paying job was handing out free cigs at events, big tobacco took us out afterwards). Worst was when couldn't sleep, up to two packs a day.

Is this smell and taste what non smokers have been enjoying, or are the olfactory senses just more alert from waking up?

Yes, I spent quite a bit of money this month. But it's mornings like these, that make the $300 worth every penny. Can't wait to reinvigorate my breville juicer, and try those home made juices again (not ejuices, the kind you drink, lost 40+ lbs, but that's another forum).

Oh btw, a GREAT deal of thanks to the forum here. I've spent most my time on the forum (so many sections) and you tube as my support system. Being disabled, can't get out and about much right now. And casually speaking to business acquaintances, there are more vapors out there than hanging in the forums. My sis doesn't like the idea of ecigs (yet), so is using gum to quit again. This is the longest without cigs I've gone in many, many years.

vape on :vapor:
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Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 14, 2009
I can tell a difference in smells, definitely. My taste hasn't increased as dramatically yet... except for hot wings. Normally they wouldn't bother me at all, now they really hit my tongue with a punch and I feel the burn more than ever. That's a good thing however as I like the heat. Things I eat now don't necessarily taste better (or worse for that matter) but I have definitely developed a more thorough sensitivity to spicy things now.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2014
Eau Claire, WI
Wait till you smell a cigarette for the first time and it turns your stomach.

As a smoker, I always thought ex-smokers were the worst when it came to "calling you out" for smoking. Thought maybe they couldn't handle the smell because they didn't want to fall off the wagon.

Turns out, at least in my case, smelling cigarette smoke actually makes me nauseous now. I do not remember cigarettes smelling this bad before I was a smoker.

Congrats on quitting the analogs and getting your senses back.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2014
Near San Antonio, Texas, USA
The difference is amazing! The last few times I quit analogs (cold turkey) I gained a lot of weight partly because the food tasted so good. Those times I started back, and eventually lost the weight. Now with vaping, the flavors are so good I'm not substituting food so staying normal weight! Happy guy here!


Ultra Member
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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
Is this smell and taste what non smokers have been enjoying...


Early on, when I finished switching over (took me a few weeks to escape cigs entirely but I got there), I had some business at the court house but when I got there, it was a nice, nice day and I gave myself a few minutes to sit outside and vape a bit and enjoy the (oh so rare here in Texas) nice day.

I started smelling this very light, very pleasant, sweet smell in the breeze. Could not figure it out at first. Started looking around and ten, twenty feet away from me was a flower bed with these little bushy plants with tiny, tiny, tiny purple/blue flowers. Leaned in, took a wiff, that was it.

Itty-bitty little things. Mild, spring breeze. I thought, "What have I been MISSING all these years????" :)

Heh. I really like my coffee right? When my sense of smell returned after getting fully off cigs, I almost had a religious experience in the coffee aisle in the grocery store. :D

Somebody had used the "grind your own" machine. So those scents mixed with the ones from all the coffees on the shelf. It was... words fail. There were so many different, subtle smells and undertones and I just stood there a moment, dazed.

Only problem is there is a "flip side". Like that dead skunk on the road yesterday.




Ultra Member
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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
Wait till you smell a cigarette for the first time and it turns your stomach.

Well... maybe.

I hit one year this April and when I walk past a smoker, think, "Ah... nice".

That was my biggest problem. I liked smoking. I still do. Fortunately, vaping is better. I can't imagine going back. Smoking seems... boring? I still like the smell and all but there's no variety. I can't switch flavors on a whim with cigs. With vaping, I can swap clearos to suit.

Apparently not everybody comes to revile the smell of tobacco smoke. Great thing is, I can like the smell but not have any urge to smoke one myself. I no longer have any problem being around smokers. I don't mind being around them, I still like the smell of tobacco smoke, but I don't have the urge to go back. They smoke, I vape. Also, I hand them ECF cards and tell them how great vaping is. :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2014
Decatur, IL 62521
You start noticing the small stuff right away. Taste, smell, and of course if you're me, a minor cough with what appears to be dark tinted phlegm. I'm not 100% sure that's normal, but I agree, everything tastes and smells better. I no longer have that morning "chest cavity crunch" I used to have. Where it hurt to breath and of course there was that residual tightness in the chest. Again, everything is better in my opinion.
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