Worst Situations At Your Local Shop?

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Hey guys, I had a terrible experience with my local shop the other day and it got me thinking that i would share it, but also ask the community what the worst thing that has ever happened to them in a local shop?
My worst experience at a shop was being charges 13.00 for 10 ml of house juice and then realize I had paid 120 for an old kanger nano and only charged 60 for my nebox, then I was charged 150for three 15ml bottles of house juice!!!!never again needless to say, they no longer have my business and since I have relocated to a different city andnow have an awesome shop the guys in there are great and not all about the money, rather all about quality
I order most, if not all of my stuff online, mainly for the prices. But 2 weeks ago i noticed one of my local vape shops was hiring. I applied. First interview was amazing, I liked the manager and shift manager and vise versa, we were laughing and chatting about vaping the majority of the time. Got a call yesterday from the Manager. She had asked if i could come in for a second interview with the GM of the franchise and I was excited as hell.

Got there, pulled a seat up at the front bar and sat and chatted and vaped with the shift manager while i waited for the GM to be ready. I generally love all the people in there. They called me back.

I walked in, made eye contact with the GM and gave him a firm handshake. No smile ever showed on his face this entire interview mind you. He pulled up my app and went to town on me harder than anyone ever has in there life. I am a delivery driver and work for 4 dollars a trip plus tips. The first thing he asked about that was "What the hell are you doing? Why would you belittle yourself and work for that?" I gave the best answer i could, and in my head i was thinking "why is it any concern of yours?". That was the easiest part about the whole thing. Next he asked if i was in school. I said yes, and he asked for what. I said computer programming and he seemed happy for me.. "There you go! that is a good field to get in to! Do you game?" Weird question for an interview but i said yes. From there it was 10 minutes of asking what i played, why i played, and threw in something about this generation wasting there lives on that stuff.

Part of the job was to be able to talk to a wide demographic. He asked if i vaped and when i said yes, he asked about my set up. Asked if i was vaping their juice, i said no not at the moment. His rebuttle was that their juice was ALL i should be vaping. He asked if i knew anyone over 45 that vaped. I said no, this is where it got ugly.. He said "what the hell man? If you dont know anyone over 45, how are you supposed to sell to someone over 45. how are you going to break it down for them if you dont even know anyone?" In my head i was thinking that it shouldnt matter. If someone has questions, no matter the age, you should be able to break it down into simple terms, or talk about it up to advanced levels..not that hard. But he kept pounding. Shooting down every response i had.

In this moment i could feel something i never felt before. My stomach tightened up, my breathing became irregular, in a matter of seconds i was shaking, hot, and about to pass out. I was scared to death. Their voices became distant and my own voice in my head was louder than anything i could hear. I dont even know what the GM was rambling on about anymore. All i could think was i was going to pass out. So i mentioned that. The manager (who was amazing the whole time btw) ran out the room and grabbed me a bottle of water and i sucked it down and it began going away. We finished out the interview, terribly, and i was embarrassed as heck but we finished.

After i went out to the lobby and sat at the bar with the shift manager and another employee and cooled off. My body was red and full of hives almost. My face was red and i was drenched in sweat.

I do not know what happened. All i could think was "this is why i shop online" haha.

What is your guys worst experiences at a shop?
Yes I agree that it sounds like a panic Attack,as I have suffered from them for years,like stated prevoiusly,nobody has the right to treat you that way.kudos to you for not loosing your cool And exploding on that sob,I could have my uncle take care of him for you:thumb: sorry a bit of italian humor,but seriously you dont want to work for that kind of person anyway.i am sure you could find a way better place to work with you skillset.on top of that who needs that kind of drama on an INTERVIEW?just goes to show that being an ....... can make someone like thzt feel self righteous and entitled to screw w you just because he is one,does that make sense?you owe no one an explanation if you just walk out at that point.why sacrifice your well being on an assface!!!sorry for the prevoius rant about my old shop it was totally off topic.I hope you will find an awesome shop to work in minus the idiots- you take care and dont be afraid to give it right back to 'em

Just Want To Quit

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2015
San Fernando Valley, So-Cal
Sounds to me like you might have had a possible panic attack? I don't normally get them but I did have one one day at the mall doing some Xmas shopping. What you described sounds EXACTLY TO A TEE what I experienced.. hives, sweating, shortness of breath and all. Nothing to be ashamed of in the least bit. Even Tony Soprano had them!

I usually ace my interviews and am always cool, calm and relaxed. Keeping a job working with condescending coworkers is my bigger problem.

The guy sounded like an ... someone I would have lost my cool with and possibly told him off and walked out. This guy you're describing sounds to me like Donald Trump. I wouldn't have wanted to work there anyhow.

Goodluck to you!
Thanks for the replies guys! Yea my girlfriends mom was 99% sure it sounded like a panic attack after i mentioned that when i started coming out of it my fingers and toes were tingly! :D Thanks for the words guys! I wasnt trying to grab attention! Anyone who has had bad experiences in the Vape job market or at a shop, please share!
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