World Vaping Day 2014

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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Please follow the "I remember back in the day..." thread.

On the night of World vaping Day, the elders passed down the history of their journey, post by post, memory by memory, so all would know how far we have come. We are deeply grateful for the money they spent, the experiments they tried and the frustration they endured that cleared many obstacles from the path, so those who followed wouldn't stumble as many times. For this we are in their debt and thank them for their perseverance.

Maybe this will become a tradition. Each year on World vaping Day reviewing the accomplishments and milestones we have reached. Or perhaps we will just say "Arrrrgh!" and vape like pirates, since WVD has managed to be designated on the same day as Talk Like a Pirate Day, which isn't too bad when you consider almost every day on the calendar is taken and it might have easily fallen on Felt Hat Day, Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day, Elephant Appreciation Day or World Rabies Day. Pirates are way cooler.

As the vapor fades and monitors begin to dim the newbies fight to keep their eyes open, begging for more stories, but the night has passed and the sun will rise soon. There will be more stories another time...and perhaps, just perhaps, the elders will go beyond history and tell of the community's myths and legends...


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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Or perhaps we will just say "Arrrrgh!" and vape like pirates, since WVD has managed to be designated on the same day as Talk Like a Pirate Day, which isn't too bad when you consider almost every day on the calendar is taken and it might have easily fallen on Felt Hat Day, Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day, Elephant Appreciation Day or World Rabies Day. Pirates are way cooler.
1. Felt Hat Day -- :lol::lol::lol:
2. Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day -- :cry: Oops! I don't actually write them, I just love to make them!
3. Elephant Appreciation Day -- :danger: Ming & Tai (my 2 Bengals) told me to type this. They don't like this holiday one bit!

Talk Like a Pirate Day is purrfect! "Arrrrgh!":)
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