Wish me luck!

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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
New vapor here. Got an ego kit with some big and small cartos about 3 weeks ago. I love vaping but haven't been able to put the analogs down yet. I did go from about 25 a day (full strength 100's) down to about 6 or 7 though! If it wasn't for this forum though, I wouldn't have the high hopes to continue at it til the stinkies are gone, I would have probably given up. I started with an order of MBV juice at 24mg, then on my second order got a 36mg juice. This seems to make a difference. I don't know how much of it is my vape technique, but my cravings seem lower at the 36 level. I'm in an extremly stressful period of my life right now too - what to do? On ECF I learned a little about WTA ejuice. Hmmm... Instead of firing an order for new flavors, or more 36mg juice to my original vendor, why not try WTA? After browsing this forum and Aroma's site, I think this might be the ticket! I'd like to find an ejuice that reminds me of a M 100, a kind of straight out tobacco taste. I do understand that no ejuice is really going to mimic the taste of burning tobacco, but I still have hope for something substitutable... The other vendor's 555 reminds me more of eating a caramel than tobacco. But I'm learning I also like other flavors, such as fruit or dessert types. With limited funds, what to order? I decided I have to try the Snickerdoodle and I also picked Dark Honey Tobacco (because so many other people loved It.) So what more straight up tobacco flavor to try? I went with GI Joe - hope it's not a mistake... (All at 24mg) Well the order's in now, guess we'll see. Anyone have any input or suggestions?


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Feb 18, 2013
Sonora CA
New vapor here. Got an ego kit with some big and small cartos about 3 weeks ago. I love vaping but haven't been able to put the analogs down yet. I did go from about 25 a day (full strength 100's) down to about 6 or 7 though! If it wasn't for this forum though, I wouldn't have the high hopes to continue at it til the stinkies are gone, I would have probably given up. I started with an order of MBV juice at 24mg, then on my second order got a 36mg juice. This seems to make a difference. I don't know how much of it is my vape technique, but my cravings seem lower at the 36 level. I'm in an extremly stressful period of my life right now too - what to do? On ECF I learned a little about WTA ejuice. Hmmm... Instead of firing an order for new flavors, or more 36mg juice to my original vendor, why not try WTA? After browsing this forum and Aroma's site, I think this might be the ticket! I'd like to find an ejuice that reminds me of a M 100, a kind of straight out tobacco taste. I do understand that no ejuice is really going to mimic the taste of burning tobacco, but I still have hope for something substitutable... The other vendor's 555 reminds me more of eating a caramel than tobacco. But I'm learning I also like other flavors, such as fruit or dessert types. With limited funds, what to order? I decided I have to try the Snickerdoodle and I also picked Dark Honey Tobacco (because so many other people loved It.) So what more straight up tobacco flavor to try? I went with GI Joe - hope it's not a mistake... (All at 24mg) Well the order's in now, guess we'll see. Anyone have any input or suggestions?

Bettle juice is Aromas version of the analog cowboy red box cig.


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
Bettle juice is Aromas version of the analog cowboy red box cig.

D*mn. Thought about trying that for a tobacco flavor, but the reviews seemed to indicate there was a definite sweet taste (or two) to it. I do like the sweet tastes I've tried, but I want something that's straight tobacco...


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Feb 18, 2013
Sonora CA
D*mn. Thought about trying that for a tobacco flavor, but the reviews seemed to indicate there was a definite sweet taste (or two) to it. I do like the sweet tastes I've tried, but I want something that's straight tobacco...
Sahara,555,flue cured , Pm & Virgina are all straight tobacco flavors without a very strong taste. Turkish blend is another one


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
So I take it that you're saying that while Beatle Juice is Aroma's red box cowboy replacement, it's also not a straight tobacco flavor. You're also saying that Sahara, 555, flue cured, PM, and Virginia would have been good choices as far as being straight tobacco flavors. I've been wary of 555's because of the one I got from the other vendor. Not that it isn't good, just that to me it isn't a tobacco flavor.
So how does the G I Joe I ordered fit in?
Isn't it also a straight tobacco flavor/


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Mar 20, 2013
NE Texas, USA
Hmorphone- Saw up in the MtBaker thread. Good to see you down here also. I think your probably approaching this right. Use some of the straight flavored liquid for the bulk of your vaping but this WTA will really help calm the cravings down for you when you need it. I use both throughout the day. Homeprogreen gave you some good advice that I will second. I suggest that you do give the Beatle Juice a try out. I think it will really impress you. Get it in the 24MG and it will give some real relief without being harsh. I used to smoke the red pack too and this is as close as you going to get without a Bic.


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
No all the ones I listed are straight tobaccos. I haven't found any 555 other then Aromas that I like. GI joe is also a straight tobacco. If you want high throat hit then GI joe. Sahara also has a strong throat hit although I think it hits you more in the mouth hit dept

Thanks for the help homeprogreen. If throat hit is what I think it is - I like some throat hit but it tends to throw me into a bad cough. I'm glad GI Joe is a straight tobacco, that was (part of) what I was looking for. Sounds like I made a mistake by not ordering Beatle Juice or one of the other straight tobaccos (other than Sahara) instead though.


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
Hmorphone- Saw up in the MtBaker thread. Good to see you down here also. I think your probably approaching this right. Use some of the straight flavored liquid for the bulk of your vaping but this WTA will really help calm the cravings down for you when you need it. I use both throughout the day. Homeprogreen gave you some good advice that I will second. I suggest that you do give the Beatle Juice a try out. I think it will really impress you. Get it in the 24MG and it will give some real relief without being harsh. I used to smoke the red pack too and this is as close as you going to get without a Bic.

Thanks Gary, good to be noticed! Glad to hear I'm thinking along the right lines. As I said to homeprogreen, sounds like I made a mistake going with the GI Joe instead of the Beatle Juice. I wish there was some kind of way to sample a few of the tobaccos without having to get a whole bottle.


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
I don't think you'll be disappointed with the G I Joe. I like the Beatle juice too but I think it has a very slight nutty taste but no where near like a 555.

Glad to hear you chime in hittman. Also glad to hear that there's hope for the G I Joe. I'll have to try the Beatle Juice when I can scrape the funds for another order together. I don't remember anyone mentioning a slight nutty taste in the Beatle Juice, interesting. I'm having trouble getting a fix on what a 555 is supposed to taste like. Originally I thought it might be like the Dunhills I got at a tobacco shop years ago. But, like I mentioned before, MBV's take on it seems to taste like a red 100 covered in caramel. homeprogreen says Aroma's take on it is different though...

* Just a note - all of my posts in this thread are concerning the WTA versions of Aroma's juice *
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Feb 18, 2013
Sonora CA
Thanks Gary, good to be noticed! Glad to hear I'm thinking along the right lines. As I said to homeprogreen, sounds like I made a mistake going with the GI Joe instead of the Beatle Juice. I wish there was some kind of way to sample a few of the tobaccos without having to get a whole bottle.

The good thing is with aromas tobacco flavors they are all pretty good. Other then RY4 & DK Tab I like them all and I'm really picky


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Feb 18, 2013
Sonora CA
Glad to hear you chime in hittman. Also glad to hear that there's hope for the G I Joe. I'll have to try the Beatle Juice when I can scrape the funds for another order together. I don't remember anyone mentioning a slight nutty taste in the Beatle Juice, interesting. I'm having trouble getting a fix on what a 555 is supposed to taste like. Originally I thought it might be like the Dunhills I got at a tobacco shop years ago. But, like I mentioned before, MBV's take on it seems to taste like a red 100 covered in caramel. homeprogreen says Aroma's take on it is different though...

* Just a note - all of my posts in this thread are concerning the WTA versions of Aroma's juice *

555 flavor is based on the old Express cigs I believe


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
sounds like I made a mistake going with the GI Joe instead of the Beatle Juice.

No I don't think you have made a mistake. I'm sure you will like it. If you like the Joe you will like the Beatle Juice. Actually those are of my favorites. Joe is very similar to Beatle Juice. Beatle is a bit sweeter. Joe is a bit simpler. Next order, try Beatle Juice. I always like to have both on hand depending on my mood or how lazy I was at refilling my stuff. It’s taken me many months but I have tried all the WTA tobacco flavors. There are only 2 I do not like. Tobacco Road and the DKTAB. Well I have some PM that I haven't vaped yet. Verdict is still out on that one. BTW, I love your avatar. North America's only marsupial, right? (Oh yeah, I haven't tried RY4 because I don't like vanilla.)
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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
Good to know, I'm a little more optimistic about the G I Joe now. I'll probably have to try Beatle Juice too though... I'm psyched, just pulled my juices out of the mailbox! Glad you appreciate the avatar, we've got plenty of possums in Florida! Though Heidi the cross-eyed opossum from Germany has to be my favorite, may she rest in peace.
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Vaping Master
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May 30, 2011
G. I. Joe is my all day vape. Has been for months and months, I love it. I'd never have thought it would be possible to find a juice which would never get boring, tiresome for me. People flit like butterflies from flower to flower looking for the next big thing, I don't have to waste the time, energy, or money. :)


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
Let us know what you think of the Joe.

So that’s a real possum? I thought that was photo shopped or something. I have tons of them here too. (Some really big ones too.) I like them, but soo many people hate them so much. They are not understood and considered rats in which they are not. Unfortunately my dogs love to hunt them. I try to discourage this but they are obsessed. The possums are safe as long as they understand that their sanctuary is anywhere but my back yard.


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
I'll report back when I've tried the G I Joe. I switched a carto over to Dark Honey Tobacco last night, and while the old juice isn't completely gone I'm starting to get a pretty good impression of it. I likey! Even better, I seem to be one of those people that WTA makes an important difference to - I seem to crave the analogs less and feel more satisfied with the WTA. I will continue to experiment and form opinions, might just have to save the Joe until I can grab some new cartos shortly...

Yes, that's a real cross-eyed opossum that lived at a German zoo, you can google Heidi the cross-eyed opossum quite easily. I've never quite settled on liking them, but you're right - boy do they get dogs riled up!


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Jun 18, 2013
Fort Pierce, FL, USA
So far - I seem to get the WTA effect. I like the Dark Honey Tobacco quite a bit, strong tobacco flavor but hits with a smooth mild punch. A real honey taste to it too, seems to be in a great proportion to the tobacco, neither overwhelms the other. I also like the G I Joe! It wasn't a mistake thank God. It's the closest thing to an analog taste that I've found so far. Kind of a harsher taste, it does resemble the Winston flavor, but it has some subtle notes to me. I taste a smidge of sweet and a bit of smoke at times. I don't know what effects steeping, more testing, and my changing palate will have. If Beatle Juice is to a Marlboro what G I Joe is to a Winston, I'll just have to try it. At this point using tobacco flavors does seem to also help slightly with the desire to hit an analog.
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