Wisconsin Residents - premptive strike against a ban!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I'm copying this post from the Illinois ban thread, because I think it's important!

I am not an IL. resident and haven't heard of a proposed bill for WI, but what about a "pre-emptive strike". I'm not sure this would be a good idea and would like some opinions on this. Would it be a good idea to start sending letters to other state officials concerning this issue before a bill comes to be. Maybe sending testimonials, results, and the right information to show how these devices have eliminated our need for harmful tobacco.
I wrote Governor Doyle and first got an auto-email suggesting I call or write. However, my email must have been read by someone, because two days later I got a personal letter back from him:

Dear Ms. Noll-Marsh,

Thank you for letting me know about your opposition to legislation that would ban electronic cigarettes. It is good to hear from you, and I always welcome your comments on any issue of concern to you.

I have also heard from others in Wisconsin who agree with you about this, and I will keep your views in mind if the Legislature approves a bill and sends it to my desk for consideration.

I also encourage you to let your state representatives know about your views on this issue. Their contact information can be found on the "Who are My Legislators?" page at http://waml.legios.state.wi.us. or by calling the egislative Hotline at 1-800-362-9472. Their email addresses can be found at http://legis.state.wi.us/leginfo/inetmail.html.

Please feel free to contact me again at any time I can be of help to you. Best wishes to you and your family.

Jim Doyle

It's was obviously part form letter, but it shows that someone heard me.

And it doesn't hurt to draw attention now - better to be proactive for our state than reactive. Imagine if all of our representatives had already read something like the "7 Biggest Electronic Cigarette Myths" article and received numerous letters from vaping constituents BEFORE a bill is proposed - they wouldn't be as easily hoodwinked by this type of proposal!

Let's start contacting these folks!! I already contacted Doyle, but he's not running for another term, so we need to mostly contact the representatives. (See links above.) I'm doing just that and providing a link to the article, too!

I wish I copied the email I sent Doyle, but I used the form on his web page. :(
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