Will I ever find cigarettes unappealing?

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May 14, 2010
Tampa, FL
I'm like the OP. I'm still waiting for that "magical" moment when they taste putrid. I'll have a couple drags from time to time just to see if it tastes bad. So far that hasn't happened. But at the same time I'm never worried that when I do that I'm going to "fall off the wagon." I don't crave analogs anymore so that's a good thing.


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Oct 25, 2009
It's only been 18 days analog free but I've been vaping and cutting down for the past six months. So during that 6 months I became more and more aware of the rank odor on my hands after smoking and the bad taste in my mouth. I also started noticing coworkers coming in after a smoke break and the wooosh of rankness!

I don't like the smell of fresh smoke (it doesn't make me want one) and I can't stand the smell of stale smoke (the workers at a nearby convenience store take smoke breaks in front and now I avoid the store because of the smell... whereas before I didn't even notice!),

However, I still LOVE the smell of a fresh, UNLIT cigarette.


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May 8, 2010
Midland Michigan
As the aids of "Tricky ...." Richard Nixon used to say, "When you have have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow"

Well the cold, dry, air with forced air heating this fall has me by the balls now, my full flavor real cigarettes that i know and love so well now taste harsh and acrid and i start getting uncontrolled fits of coughing after about three cigarettes.

Now I am appreciating the rich full flavor of Tasty Vapor's Geoff's Blend, reveling in the warm, full sensation it creates in my lungs. I use the 4 0z doubler 0 nicotine because just nicotine itself is irritating my throat and lungs. I like to blow lots of vapor and for brain satisfaction i dissolve a CigRX tab in my mouth, it works great for me.

But come next spring when there is fresh humid outside air to breathe i will most likely be back to smoking real full flavor cigarettes again.

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Sep 17, 2010
Kansas City, KS
I smoked for over 35 years. Once I started vaping, or I should say once I found the right PV and the right juices, I quit smoking without even trying. I just started reaching for my 510 instead of the smokes whenever I felt the need for nicotine. It was no effort at all! In fact, I still have the five smokes that were left in my last pack sitting on the table next to where I eat supper, and I never have to fight the urge to reach for them. I'm so happy!


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Oct 17, 2009
The analogue experience which lasted well over 30 years was over for me the day my first PV arrived.

Since I never had any perceptible health problems - did the regular med checkups etc and MDs always asked me if I smoke, they could never see any symptoms of a smoker - my main motivation was the upcoming smoking ban in my neck of the woods. I was tired of being ostracised for something I always made an effort to not bother anybody with. Even when smoking was still permitted I always respected non-smokers and left the premises for a puff. However I felt the increasing number of militant antis guilt-tripping smokers. Anyway to keep it short, I don't like being bullied for my personal choices. With a PV the bullies have no more point.

Despite the fact that I haven't touched an analogue for a year, fresh smoke doesn't bother me. What I also do find disgusting are ashtrays but I already did when I smoked.

Looking back to my teenage years before I started smoking, I remember and realise that I was never hostile to smoke. I grew up in an environment which was always fairly tolerant until a couple of years ago. I fully understand the indoor issue, public places etc, but outdoors in private??

I reckon there's been a lot of brainwashing going on over the last 10-15 years. As a smoker I always knew about the potential detrimental effects. It always seemed to me that those increasingly graphic anti-smoke ads were targeted towards anti-smokers to support their militant attitude and not really to help curb the habit.

The PV takes the wind out of the anti's sails. I can now say 'hey your greasy burger is detrimental to your health. Much more than a cart of my PV. I never had a problem skipping unhealthy food. Why do you?'


Full Member
Nov 12, 2010
Mianker, you said that menthol smokers acttually have 2 addictions? What do you mean? I'm desperate to know. You see, the first time I tried a PV, I had no problem quitting. The PV was a POS and I got turned off vaping. I was smoking regular cloves at the time. In between then and now, I switched to menthol. Now I started vaping again, and am loving it BTW, but can't seem to give up my 4 or 5 menthol cloves a day. Its interesting, because I tried a regular clove after re-starting vaping and almost puked. But the menthols... no problem.


Unregistered Supplier
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Aug 16, 2010
Albuquerque, NM
It took me a good 5 months to really get over it. my room mate still smokes and would offer me one and I almost always took it. this last week we were drinking by the fire and he offered me one and I had no problem declining it. It was at that moment I knew I was done with analogs.

The thing is it takes time and a genuine desire to quit only then can you really beat the desire to smoke an analog. I have a co-worker who I turned on to ecigs and she has reverted back to analogs for the various reasons people do that, but I attribute it mostly to lack of a true desire to quit. On the contrary I have another co-worker who I converted and she has gone from 1.5PAD to 3 analogs a day, plus the ego. But she has set a limit for herself and said "I can only smoke 3 per day" and for the most part has stuck with her resolution.

It's all a matter of desire and willpower. Don't kid yourself, your only gonna do it if YOU WANT TO DO IT, otherwise it's too easy to just fall back in the routine of grabbing a pack and lighting one up. Just my $.02


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May 4, 2008
I'm one of those who quit by accident. I bought my first ecig to use at work so I wouldn't have to take outside smoke breaks, and could therefore get more work done in less time. It worked. It worked so well that I started puffing on it at home during the night time. in about 3 months I stopped smoking analogues. But, the thought of a real cigarette still was appealing to me up until about a month ago, after nearly 3 years. I never wanted to say "I QUIT" because I didn't want the pressure.


Unregistered Supplier
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Aug 16, 2010
Albuquerque, NM
And just to add to my previous post, another thing that really helped me was finding the right juices and the right PV. I have ordered from just about all of the vendors on this board and now that I have found my go-to juices and been through a 510, then an ego, and now a wetbox, I would never even consider going back to smoking analogs. But again, this takes time and $$ which not a lot of people have. But I am convinced that perseverance is the key.

Desert Willow

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Sep 11, 2010
Bullhead City, AZ
My husband still smokes 2-3 analogs each day, the rest of the time he vapestobacco flavored e-juice. I, however, rarely have the urge for analogs.

I smoked 1-2 packs/day for 39 years, unfiltered, roll-yer-own, Tops, Buglar, Drum, or pipe tobacco. I found that my addiction is to the nicotine, not the flavor or mess of tobacco. I vape the sweeter e-juices (mocha cappucinno, french vanilla. hopscotch, etc.)

It is different for everyone. I am one of the luckier ones I guess.

But I also wonder if those who still crave analogs vape the tobacco flavored e-juices? (like my husband?) Has anyone persued this alsready?

Blessed Holidays all.

It is different for everyone.


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I've smoked for 30 years - menthol 1 1/2 pks a day. I have not had a regular cigarette since the day I received my Ecig (24 days ago). I have 1/2 pack in my jacket pocket just in case, lol. I am the type of person that needs to have them there all the time or I will go into "freak out" and need one. I once quit for 9 years and had a pack of cigs in my drawer for the whole 9 years but always wanted one.

If you are still craving analogs maybe you can up your nic level a bit to curb the nicotine need. I would think about smoking but intentionally did not smoke a cig until I went to 24mg nic and now I don't want one.

I also agree - you have to want to quit analogs for it to work. You can do it :)


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Aug 28, 2010
It'll just take time :)

Very normal, especially if you had been smoking for a long period of time, started when you were young or smoked for a number of years that were very important and 'happy' for you. Some people don't seem to have a problem but I can definitely relate to cigarettes still being appealing.
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Jul 23, 2009
Mt.Carmel, Ill
I smoked for about 8 years (Im a youngin) and once i found the 510 and marlboro/USA mix juice it was no problem quitting. Ive been on my PV for about 2 years and i have absolutely no urge for a cigarette. For the first couple months when i was around a smoker i would start to drool, now that feeling is long gone and its amazing.


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Dec 19, 2010
Seattle Washington, United States
I've only been vaping for a few days now, and I still have two or three analogs a day. I personally don't like the smell or taste anymore. Mind you I never liked the smell it left on me at all... I hated that. But I do love the smell of an unsmoked fresh analog.

I started vaping without the intent to quit. I actually enjoyed smoking, it gave me something to do when I had nothing else to do.

I don't miss it yet, but I also haven't completely quit yet.

I have not had analog for a long time (since I started vaping), but I still enjoy the smell of smoke. However, I am glad that vaping doesn't have the smell.

I never hated cigarettes. I started vaping mainly to protest the government profiteering from people's addictions. Need more tax revenue? Squeeze the addicts! Easy. Vaping gave me a way to say "no".

I also like smokers as people, actually prefer the company of smokers to non-smokers a great deal. Without vaping I would have no chance to resist the temptation to light up.

Nothing like quoting a few month old post.

I have to agree on the liking smokers as people better than non smokers.

If you walked up to a random person and asked them for a skittle you could see them eating, they would likely say no wouldn't they?

If you walked up to a smoker and asked for a cigarette, 9/10 times they would give you one.

It's a great conversation starter. "Do you have a light?" It breaks the ice compared to sitting there next to a strange person, you are part of their group. the group of smokers.

It seems to me that the vaping community is much the same way, probably because 95% of us were once smokers.


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Aug 18, 2010
Quite the zombie thread we have here, but I thought I would chime in. I NEVER liked the smell or taste of cigarette smoke. Ever. I smoked for like 16 years, and I never liked it. Now, it's even worse. I smell cigarettes from a long ways off, and it smells nasty. Like burning paper and plastic. It smells like it can't be good for someone to inhale it from the air, much less directly from a paper tube.

My family always asked me "Why do you smoke if the smell is so bad to you?" And my reply would always be "because I am a full-blown Nicotine addict."

A few people that I introduced to vaping asked me if it would help them quit smoking. I said "yes, it will help you quit smoking cigarettes if you want to, but chances are you will still be hooked on the Nicotine and you may end up vaping as often as you smoked". This response didn't always go over so well, but it's the truth. Vaping does nothing for the nicotine addiction unless you use zero nic liquid, but it absolutely works in helping someone quit smoking cigarettes.

With that said, the smell and taste of e-juice is much more rewarding than cigarettes, so it's easier to stay vaping.


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Dec 4, 2010
And just to add to my previous post, another thing that really helped me was finding the right juices and the right PV.

^This! For me, I was content with my Joye 510, but having a Silver Bullet, low-res atties, and a small handful of 8mg juices I love is perfection. I've settled into sort of a routine. In the morning it's dripping at 3.7v with Caramel Tobacco. The rest of the day it's Appleonia on the LR atty. Before bed it's an Xpress carto loaded with Fire & Ice (I do that at night, otherwise my tastebuds are all wonky during the day). 24+ hours on the same battery, charging two at a time, I'm set at all times.
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