Why so many in UK using e-cigs?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
Ain't it strange....I noticed how many Brits, UK folks are on this forum. Are e-cigs well known there? I don't think ANY one I know here in Texas, have ever heard of these thangs! Is smoking restricted heavily in UK or what? Lots of anti-smoking legislation? Just wondering how come so many of yall in UK are familiar with e-cigs!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
i think its because of the large diverse population and the miserable weather keeps people inside doing things like chatting on forums generally. I would say there is roughly the same amount of users proportionally in most other countries but they mostly stick to their own native forums or dont bother going online as much cause they got better things to do and at cheaper prices, dammit !
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Schroedinger's cat

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2008
North Carolina, USA
It may also be that, in the UK, cigarettes are ridiculously expensive... In the US, only some places like NY (and maybe California) have prices that are even close. In NC, I pay a little more than $3 a pack if I buy a carton. In Italy I pay 4.5 Euros a pack. In the UK, I think, it is almost twice as much. Also, the Brits are pub-lovers -at least, they were until the smoking ban. I think that, in the UK, bars suffered more than in many other parts of Europe with similar bans -probably because there was a stronger correlation between smoking and pub-loving. However, I am Italian and I live in the US, so all these are simply conjectures....

Schroedinger's cat

Senior Member
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Oct 19, 2008
North Carolina, USA
I don't believe that there is a place less friendly to smokers than the US on this planet (and probably on other planets, too)... North Carolina is not that bad, in that people acknowledge that tobacco has done a lot for the region, so they are bit more patient, but I am the only smokers among all my friends/acquaintances here -although I must say that they have generally been pretty nice to me.... But the whole atmosphere towards smokers is pretty hostile.... I find it is much less so in Europe, for now, at least. What strikes me here also is the astonishing amount of people who work out on a regular basis, one way or the other. In Italy, I don't think I know anyone that goes to a gym, although people will walk to places -unlike where I live- and bike, and go on hikes, etc. But here, most people I know work out systematically two-three times a week. Then many eat at all times and drink all sorts of stuff - but they work hard at keeping in shape. Unlike me, although fortunately I can build muscle mass just by sitting around (I am a fidgeter...). I am a bit concerned that smoking so much less will get me to gain weight, though.... I don't want to swap one problem with aonther one....


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
Texas is smoker friendly, thank God. I also lived in Georgia and Mississippi for a few years-same there. And luckily I have worked for the military for the last 6 years, and smoking is prevalent....
I can only imagine the looks I will get out here in the sticks, in small town Texas, full of rednecks, cowboys, ranchers, country boys who smoke and dip...when they see me with an e-cig. They will probably say "Well, I'll be damned! Ain't never seen nuttin' like that in my life!" ha ha! Will report back, especially after the first time I smoke em at a rodeo!

I don't believe that there is a place less friendly to smokers than the US on this planet (and probably on other planets, too)... North Carolina is not that bad, in that people acknowledge that tobacco has done a lot for the region, so they are bit more patient, but I am the only smokers among all my friends/acquaintances here -although I must say that they have generally been pretty nice to me.... But the whole atmosphere towards smokers is pretty hostile.... I find it is much less so in Europe, for now, at least. What strikes me here also is the astonishing amount of people who work out on a regular basis, one way or the other. In Italy, I don't think I know anyone that goes to a gym, although people will walk to places -unlike where I live- and bike, and go on hikes, etc. But here, most people I know work out systematically two-three times a week. Then many eat at all times and drink all sorts of stuff - but they work hard at keeping in shape. Unlike me, although fortunately I can build muscle mass just by sitting around (I am a fidgeter...). I am a bit concerned that smoking so much less will get me to gain weight, though.... I don't want to swap one problem with aonther one....
It may also be that, in the UK, cigarettes are ridiculously expensive... In the US, only some places like NY (and maybe California) have prices that are even close. In NC, I pay a little more than $3 a pack if I buy a carton.....

I just came back from Alaska where Newport, Marlboro, other top brands were $9.43 a pack in Larson Bay!!!!!!. Got to love supply and demand. On the vessel we were on the going price was $5.25, they could charge that because we couldn't buy anywhere else. In Georgia now Marlboro goes for $3.50ish.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
yeah, most of us are, like me, conservative Republicans. though there are pockets of liberals especially in cities like AUSTIN!! Texas has the friendliest folks in the world! We need yall epidemiologists, no doubt.

Well, if I have to change jobs, I will consider Texas, then (although I may not fit so well politically there....). I do not think I would work in the military, however. The fact is that I am an epidemiologist, and an epidemiologist who smokes is really a rare find....
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Watford, UK
I suspect one of the reasons there are 'a lot' of Brits e-smoking is the recent publicity the subject got on the BBC about 5 weeks ago.

I've seen a number of newbie threads (mine included) that mention first becoming aware of e-cigs from that news item.

Also as mentioned above, analogue cigarettes are taxed to the hilt in the UK, The cheapest brands being ~£5 a pack of 20, and the more mainstream brands closer to £6.

Papa Lazarou

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ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2008
I first became aware of them through the BBC piece mentioned. I thought they looked interesting so I did a bit of Googling and found Gamucci e-cigs advertised in various places. Luckilu, I ignored them (overpriced generics with really annoying marketing campaign) and bought a DSE901 off Ebay instead.

Britain like the rest of the EU AFAIK has an indoor smoking ban. I don't know if there are any other factors that have made the take up of it higher over here. It doesn't seem e-smoking is very common though. I think a lot of people I speak to are aware of it in some way, even if they've never seen one first hand before. Its probably down to media coverage.

Weegie Burd

Senior Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
I only heard about them a few weeks ago, someone posted a thread on Digital Spy about them and I started reading about them from there. I'm guessing it was probably the BBC article (I'm surprised I missed it myself as I have News24 on most days :confused:) that alerted the DS users to the eCig.

Last week I finally decided to take the plunge myself and ordered a 901 to try it. I haven't had much chance to try it out yet due to a sore throat - was at the Dr today, for an unrelated issue, and it transpires I have laryngitis so I've been advised not to smoke at all until it clears up. 8-o It didn't stop me coming home and trying out my new fabby battery with the green LED. ;) From my limited usage though I must say I'm enjoying it already and can see it fully replacing the analogues.

We've had the smoking ban here since March 2006, smoking outdoors in the middle of winter in Scotland isn't much fun, mind you, smoking outdoors here in the summer months isn't much better lol, so it'll be great to be able to 'smoke' again indoors.


Vaping Master
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Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Yes - it definitely makes economic sense in England. Forum members from overseas may not realise it but, although we are supposed to be a democratic country, we are increasingly finding that the Government is poking its nose into our private business. Smokers of tobacco are now heavily stigmatised as well as being taxed to the point of cruelty. Vaping makes much more sense in the current climate - until the nanny state decides (on whatever spurious pretext) that it is not good for us.
Another line of attack against UK smokers that gets often gets "debated" by our reactionary/right wing tabloid press (Daily Mail, Dalily Express etc) is (why) should the NHS treat ill smokers(?) - after all, "they've done it to themselves!". The press take a similar line with obesity...

I think over the last 10-15 years, smokers have become sub-tolerated in the UK. Especially as we have slipped into the minority. Yet we have a mushrooming social problem with alcohol that is positively supported by business and political ineffectiveness.

For me, besides the obvious health & fun benefits, vaping is becoming a way to regain some 'lost ground' and stick two fingers up at the fools and bigots occupying the moral highground;)

One thing I have noticed on this forum is there seems to be slightly more members registered from the North/North West of England & from Scotland than there are currently southern members...maybe that should have it's own thread...


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
One thing I have noticed on this forum is there seems to be slightly more members registered from the North/North West of England & from Scotland than there are currently southern members...maybe that should have it's own thread...

I spent the first 18 years of my life "down south" which is where I developed and refined my smoking habit - so that might skew the results....:)
I spent the first 18 years of my life "down south" which is where I developed and refined my smoking habit - so that might skew the results....:)

hmm, true, but I bet you wouldn't swap Salford for somewhere like Milton Keynes* now:D

*profound apologies to anyone who lives in Milton Keynes - it's nothing personal - I just slip into northern monkey mode sometimes:D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I've been really surprised by the number of Brits who roll their own, or used to. I have never in my life met anyone who rolled their own cigarettes. Not one person. Not even on ranches.

In Florida, I can buy a pack of name brand cigs at my local tobacco store for $2.20, after taxes. But that was too high for me, so I switched to Deans Little Cigars -- roughly $1 a pack and every bit as good as any cigarette.

High prices? Nope, and low state taxes, too. It's no wonder I've also never met anyone who smokes an electronic cigarette in Florida. Too expensive, compared to the real things.
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