Why did you start vaping?

Why did you start vaping?

  • I saw a commercial on TV / heard about e-cigs on the radio.

  • A friend told me about e-cigs.

  • I read about e-cigs online.

  • I knew about e-cigs for quite a while before I actually tried them.

  • I freaked out when I realized how many analogs I was smoking per day.

  • My health was starting to deteriorate because of analogs.

  • I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle.

  • I didn't want to smell like an ashtray no more.

  • I wanted to save money.

  • I didn't want my family/friends to suffer because of my addiction.

  • I had a baby on the way. / They were born.

  • I didn't want to have to go outside to smoke.

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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
My sister was in town for Father's Day and after she dinner she pulled out an electronic cigarette.
Both her and her husband had quit smoking using them, and she let me try it.
I went out the next day and bought one.

Sad part is, she is back to smoking again.
I'm hoping the WTA juice will be what she needs to really quit for good.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Before I walked through the door of my neighborhood Cigarette Depot, I noticed a poster on the glass door. It read, "[brand name] Electronic Cigarette Sold Here $100." I had never heard of an electronic cigarette, so I went home and googled it. Lucky me, I found ECF.:) The members here captured my heart with their passion and dedication to educate, support, encourage and the sharing of their personal success stories. The deciding factor on placement order of my starter kit was the Success Stories subforum.

I've been smoke-free almost 14 mos. If I wouldn't have buckled from stress during a family crisis (for a week), I would be saying smoke-free for almost 18mos.

Off Topic

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2011
The Wood Between the Worlds
I smoked analogs for twenty years. I quit 3 years ago using a combination of the nicotine gum and Valerian tea.

The lack of nicotine in my system left me with an itch that I could not scratch... and found myself trying to scratch it with food. Three years and 70 pounds later, I had a really stressful time in my life and picked the analogs back up. I quit the analogs again using Chantix. That was a miserable drug to be on. It works, but, I wouldn't wish it on an enemy.

So, oddly enough, I've gone from nicotine free to vapeing. I don't recommend that non smokers pick this up. But, I thought this through long before I started, and I'm still happier vapeing than not.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 9, 2011
I had a friend who started them and said they were working so i looked into them. I saw the flavors involved and decided to try it and i must say i love it. I knew they would be better for me as well so that is an added perk. I cant imagine going back to analogs now. I tell whoever i can about getting one so they too can better their health.

Temporal Fugitive

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2011
Thanks for sharing :) The poll results are pretty interesting so far. Looks like most people heard about ecigs from a friend/family member and/or read about them online and decided to try them. The top reasons for wanting to try them are to live a healthier lifestyle, to not smell bad anymore, and to save money. Wonder if the results will be similar when this poll gets more votes.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2011
Derbyshire, UK
For me, and this really is an upsetting admission, my little boy.
While I really cut down when I was pregnant I didn't give up. He was born with holes in his heart, I thought that was bad enough but then I was told he wasn't strong enough for the surgery to correct them because, unknowingly, both his father and I were carriers of Cystic Fibrosis, now we constantly live on pins waiting for him to be strong enough to survive the surgary (hopefully in 18 months time) and I have the guilt of possibly harming my child for my own selfish addiction.
People have asked how I can (still waiting on my pv to arrive) still smoke, it's a drug that is more addictive than most of the banned ones, it's guilt and shame with me but I feel I'm making a positive step in all this, I will quit the annalogues and then, at my own pace I will lower my nic till I am nic free and this is going to work.
Surprisingly it was my sons specialist that put the idea of vaping to me, his words "NRT from the doctors carries only a 2-5% success rate, I haven't come across anyone yet to have failed to quit using a pv. More importantly, this way is less harmful to my boy"


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2011
I've allways love the taste and act of smoking, but i was really paying the toll with my body, my lungs, mouth, headaches and a lot more in the last few years. When a friend told me to try the e-cig i was surprised how we could have a lot of the pleasure and taste but no smoke. I've been vaping now for about 6 months, and feel great.

Btw, i didn't even wanted to quit smoking, just to smoke less like about 2 cigars a day. No need for cigar with the juice nic and after 5 days i smoked one, almost had a colapse with head and lungs pain. Just 5 days?? :vapor:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2011
I was aware of electronic cigs for awhile and the only reason i bought one was so I didn't have to go outside and bother my neighbors (condo complex) or "sneak" smokes in the garage (yeah...eeeww) but once I bought that cheap ecig it changed my whole life. I no longer want to smell like an ashtray,I can breath better and it gives me hope that my addiction to nicotine is not linked to cigs anymore! Just give me my pv and nobody is bothered by my smell and my husband doesn't complain that I'm going outside every 40 minutes :D that's a win! Now if I could just talk him into letting me get more stuff!:D
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