which ohm ego vision clearomizer on kgo? need input!

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Jan 17, 2012
W'ford, TX
I am using the "higher resistance" ones (2.5-2.9). I like a slightly cooler/less harsh vape. Plus, I like sweet juices and lower resistance kills the flavor and I end up with burnt flavor. If you use more tobacco type juices, you may want the lower resistance ones. I have been using 2, in rotation for a week and a half and I really like them.

Oh, BTW, I am using these on 1100 mah KGO batts from Hoosier's. Best of luck.


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Mar 12, 2012
Hendersonville NC
I have used both and there really isn't that much different to me. I didn't measure the exact resistance at the time to see what the true difference was. My wife uses the SR one currently but I don't use them anymore. I had one LR version and I finally burnt the wick because I stuck it on my provari. These can't handle too much voltage but on the KGO they seem to work just fine.


Full Member
May 15, 2012
I'm using the 2.1-2.4ohm on my KGo batt. I use the tobacco flavors, currently Desert Ship, and it works great for me! I haven't gotten any burnt tasting hits, and I've been using the same one for 5 days now. I get huge vapor, and a nice warm throat hit. (But not TOO warm!) I got it for $4.50 from Hoosier Ecig like Angi2299. Their prices are great and they have super fast shipping. Good luck! :D



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May 5, 2012
new jersey
I've tried both on my KGO and decided I would only reorder the SR (2.5-2.9). At first I liked the LR (2.1 - 2.4) because it gave a bit more vapor, was hotter, and a little more harsh. For days 1 - 3 without cigarettes that was just what I needed. Once I got past that, and my lungs and taste started to recover a bit, I found the LRs a bit too harsh and burnt tasting, especially with lighter flavors and mixes that were more PG than VG.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Both work fine. The LR will be warmer than the SR. If you like lighter flavors, like fruit, the SR will probably best. If you vape heavier flavors like coffee or tobacco, the LR might be better. It would be best to get one of each and see what works best with your juice. Here's a little formula to help you decide. More watts = warmer vapor. Most people like between 6 and 10 watts. Your ego starts out at 4.1V when freshly charged. It goes down with use to 3.7volts and stays there for most of the time. Plug both of those numbers into the formula to see what you will get with the different ohms of the Stardusts.

Volts x Volts / ohms = Watts.

With the LR and 3.7V, that's 13.69 / 2.3 (middle value) = 5.95 with the LR Stardust. That's when the battery has drained a bit. When it's fresh and running at 4V, it would be 16 / 2.3 = 6.95 watts. That's a really good number.

With a SR, it's 13.69 / 2.6 = 5.26 watts. Again, when the battery has stabilized at 3.7V

Because of the way they're built, they feel a little warmer than a standard carto. So, 5.26 watts feels warmer than it would in a normal Boge carto.

IMO, you'd should get the LR, but it depends on how warm you like your vape and what juice you use. Best thing is to try both of them.
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