Which kayfun clone to get?

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Jan 30, 2014
Rolesville, NC, USA
I didn't order from FT but I recently got both the hcigar 3.1 and the EHpro KFL+. Both are nice and I don't think that you would go wrong with either.

Had no problems with the EHPro version, other than problems I've caused (such as flooding it because I took a huge primer hit or forgetting to screw the chimney on when filling the tank....). I'd have to recommend it!

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Vaping Master
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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
So many clones and too many of the vendors do not tell the manufacturer- Do I understand correct that Hcigar only makes a 3.1 model ? How is one to tell the difference between Ehpro and Tobeco KFL's ? Who makes the KFL+ ? Is the + model still a little shorter than the 3.1/Russian ?

Hcigar only makes the Kayfun 3.1

EHpro makes multiple versions. The 3.1, Lite, and Lite Plus. They also make the M version of the Kayfun, which is a Kayfun Lite Plus with translucent plastic parts instead of metal.

Tobeco makes the Lite and Lite Plus, but not the 3.1. Tobeco Kayfuns are easy to spot because they lack the Svoemesto logo.

And yes, the KFL+ is shorter than the 3.1.

My advice is to buy from Ebay. It's easier to select the specific manufacturer and model you want, and the prices are a LOT cheaper. You can get Hcigar and EHpro clones on ebay in the $35-$40 range.
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Apr 9, 2014
Upper East TN
I have the original Russian, and vapes great. If rebuying today, I'd get the same thing, or the Hcigar Kayfun clone if I couldn't score the Russian. The Authentic Russian and Kayfun are often hard to come by. But if you could find one, would recommend the real deal over a clone, they are just so worth the price of admission.

This ^^ +10


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Mar 23, 2014
Never bought from them personally, but according to their Ebay profile they've been selling since 2009 and don't have a single negative feedback after hundreds of sales.

I would trust that.

Yes,it make sense.
I will go for it,hope I got lucky.

Btw, which one above two,and why?


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Feb 17, 2013
Somewhere out there
I have four different KF clones from fasttech. The $24 v3.1 ES that comes in a black box is excellent. Supposedly it's made by yesmo.
The next best one is the $14 KF lite, it has no airflow control, but works very well as-is for me. If you're OK with the airflow, it's a inexpensive way to test out the KF sytle.

The Tobeco "Russian" needed a fair bit of cleaning and tinkering to get working right, now it works fine.


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Jan 6, 2014
Hillsboro, OR
I have the Tobeco KFL+ and I think it's fine. Works as it should and produces really good vapor and flavor with a good build. No leaks and I never get a dry hit.

I do have to be especially careful about cross threading when I'm rebuilding though. My threads aren't super precise I guess, because I've already cross threaded it once but the threads were okay. For some reason, it seems a little "too easy" to cross thread on mine.


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Jan 18, 2014
Central Illinois
The best clone to get IMHO is the 2014 Kayfun Light Plus made by Tobeco. I've used mine everyday for 3 months and still as good as the day I received it. This model has the most features out of all the kayfuns including the authentics. Airflow control on bottom, sealed fill hole, and adjustable 510 connection. This is the same as the "Black Edition" that everyone seems to rave about but it's cheaper cause your not paying for the special edition black box lol. I got mine for $36 shipped off eBay. There's so many clones you've gotta know what your looking for and be able to distinguish the differences. I've also seen this one labeled as "the silver edition" if you'd like me to send you a link to one let me know. IMO you can't go wrong with this one well made, pretty cheap, most features, just have to give it a good cleaning when you receive it.
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