Where's all the throat hit?

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Feb 15, 2012
VapeBash and VapeFest passed thru Chicago this past weekend and I attended both and picked up lots of free samples and got lots of juices for very little cost. At the end of the day, madvapes was selling their juices at 7 bottles for 5 bucks. I normally vape tobacco flavors and I have to say that only 1 or 2 juices out of all the juices I've sampled that day give any throat hit at all. Sure, some of the samples were mostly low nic so people dont pass out sampling all the flavors but I've picked up at least 15 bottles at 18MG or higher and I'm very disappointed with the TH. Glad I got to sample lots of juices in one go instead of purchasing online. I have a bag full of juices. I guess the best thing I likeed in terms of taste were juices from Vermillion River (VR4 and Kentucky Vanilla Blend). Nic level was too low to fully appreciate. The other good one with fantastic TH was Enigma by Quick Nic.

I'd like to vape some sweeter flavors like fruits but they all are lacking in the TH dept. Does Ms T's or Virgin Vapors have any TH to their juices? I got some samples for VV but they sent out med level nic and I couldn't give them a fair shake. If there's a fruit that's as produces vapor like BB or gives similar TH, sign me up.


Vaping Master
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Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
I have noticed madvapes top vapor juices aren't the best for throat hit. I usually like to vape 12 mg but for them I have to get at least 18, even at 18 it's not great but I don't need super throat hit, just a little bit. There are some exceptions and honeydew is one, with a good throat hit, but a lot of their line has a lower than "normal" throat hit, in my opinion.

Quick Nic juices do have good throat hit, and if you like Enigma I suggest checking out the Quick Nic thread on ECF and trying some more of their juice as well. Their throat hit is quite satisfactory.

You might also want to check out Juicy Vapor as well. They have hundreds of juices and they have great fruit juices. If you like a strawberry blend, Dragon's Blood is one of my favs. I also like Artic Berry, in the customer creation area, which is a berry blend, and I like the customer creation wake n vape too, though that's not a fruit one, that's a coffee one with lots of other yummy flavors added to it. Juicy vapor is usually at every monthly WCV meet too in Elk Grove. Next one is April 14th if you can stop by!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
im a TH fanatic much like yourself. first off, thanks for the Enigma info. that sounds right up my alley.

secondly, let me recommend Halo's Prime15 and Bounty Hunter (if you are not already familiar). these are my go-to TH juices. i like that i have a robust TH juice (prime), and a sweet/bakery TH juice (BH).


i have been searching for a fruit liquid with sufficient TH as well. my research yeilded me these results:

Fruited Chanpagnes from DeejStuff
Lemonades from DeejStuff
Applewood from BackWoods Brew

im a big fan of BWB but strangely have not got around to trying the Applewood. im almost positive id like it and i know i will order it eventually.

as far as Deej goes, i asked Deej personally and he recommended i did this:
go with 150% flavor, high nic, and no higher than 30% VG (obviously)
the juices he suggested were:
Apocolyptic Lemonade
Apocolyptic Strawberry lemonade
Apple Champagne
Cherry Champagne
Pear Champagne
Pomegranate Champagne

i went ahead and ordered many of the suggestions in addition to a few more.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011
Well kemo I recently pulled out some desert ship that sat untouched for a looking time. My carto was fresh and wet topped off and I inhaled and tasted like I remember but I forgot about the shards of glass that are apparently included in the bottle.

I think Godzilla vaped dekang, that's how is firebreath wiped out cities


Senior Member
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Feb 15, 2012
im a TH fanatic much like yourself. first off, thanks for the Enigma info. that sounds right up my alley.

secondly, let me recommend Halo's Prime15 and Bounty Hunter (if you are not already familiar). these are my go-to TH juices. i like that i have a robust TH juice (prime), and a sweet/bakery TH juice (BH).

I ordered a sample pack of Halo and they weren't for me. Very synthetic tasting. The midnight apple was promising at first vape but it suddenly reminded me of incense and turned me off. I was going to blow a carto on prime 15 after reading your suggestion but it smelled like sweet popcorn so I figured I'd better not risk it. Their hx3 flavor or whatever it's called was decent.

My first ever bottle of eliquid was JC Island. Liked it very much. Unless TH tolerance builds after vaping for a while, subsequent bottles never tasted the same. Almost tasted like it had steeped for 2 years. JC offered to send me a freshly mixed bottle and sent me a shipping label but I never got around to following up. They said that their stock could potentially be 30 days old and would whip up a freshly mixed batch. Might still try to reach out and see if they are willing to still replace the bottle.

Sent from my phone.... Some words may have been mangled by text prediction.


Senior Member
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Mar 7, 2012
United States
Want to get satisfactory TH from average percentages of nicotine and even 100% VG juice over a wider variety of flavors and at lower voltages? It's going to take a bit of self control and an exercise of moderation. Stop using TH to replace analogs. Be glad to be huffing and puffing at all and remember that the alternative sux. Before long, you will find that your threshold for TH has decreased, and even some of the most mild flavors and mixes deliver satisfactory TH.
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