Where to get the real deal?

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Full Member
May 15, 2012
DFW, Texas
Hey Everyone,

I've been reading and doing a lot of research on the Provari and the Lava Tube. I've decided that i'm going to get the Lava Tube. I see people buying them from all over the place and they all seem to be knock offs. I'm also gathering that the Lambo 4.0 is the latest version of the LavaTube....is that correct?

With that being said; Where do i get a real LavaTube or Lambo 4.0 from? Is Volcano Ecigs the seller of the real thing or is it someone else?

I've been vaping for a little over 5 months but i don't consider myself an advanced user. Situations like this is what makes it hard for new vapers to get into vaping and then keep doing it. With so many "fake" or "knock off" products out there it makes you think 20 times before buying something. Who wants to deal with that?

Anyhow, that's just my little rant. So the question is....where do i get a real LavaTube or Lambo 4.0 from?

Thanks Y'all


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2010
Mill Valley, CA
Well, Volcano probably owns the name "Lava Tube" but what they sell are various L-Rider devices including, I'm sure, the Lambo which is the latest LT version currently available. That being said, other vendors sell the exact same tube, either branded with their own names or generic.

The question you should ask is whether you want an L-Rider or Young June LT. There are plenty of threads dealing with the pros and cons of each. To my knowledge there are only two companies making LTs, so "knock-off" doesn't really apply.
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