What Was Your First E-Cig?

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cigalikes - Blu starter kit - it was horrible - Blu disposable - It gave me hope - Green smoke prefilled carts - expensive but kept me from smoking...This led me online where I discovered ECF & youtube vids -

Bought my first mod ITASTE vv3 starter kit, upgraded to MVP2 which I used for over a year, and now just upgraded to MVP3 so I could sub ohm my Kanger Subtanks

Very cool! Sounds like my friend Ronnie I met at a vape shop. He wanted an upgrade from a mark style ecig (llooks like a cig and takes cartridges. Not refillable) and girl laughed and said he had a cheap imitation and they didn't cater to clients like him, but to the sophisticated user not interested in just smoking but the while lifestyle. I pulled out my cheap mark brand and waited for her to tell me the same. But she knew I worked with Jack white and saw us play together. So she tried to get me to f××× her. After the boss tried to smooth things over... before blowing it by asking for a lmtd. Ed. Tri colored vinyl copy of Jacks would you fight for my love(we press 100-300 copies of a single in black, yellow, white vinyl. They are huge collectors item and go for a lot of $ on ebay. Google triple decker record ebay dead weather.). So they could forgive me cuz I know jack. I said we aren't yer kind of people and we left. I got dudes number and we are vape buddie . He's even been to the studio with Jack and I. People like that forget they started somewhere too. They don't want hobby to grow. Like hipsters that hate a band because they get popular.

Kanger Banger

Full Member
Apr 22, 2015
(I hope you didn't start with a cheap disposable haha)

Those "e-cigs" are what kept me from converting to this safer alternative for years; I only just now came around. I tried my friend's "BLU" and thought it was disgusting, so I kept buying my (disgusting) Big Tobacco products and lighters, ashing everywhere, and turning my walls brown. I also saw how she didn't even come close to quitting cigarettes with her disposable e-cig. She just used it for being able to puff while riding in the car with her non-smoking family, and to supplement her tobacco habit. She always carried both with her, doubling her everyday load.

My first was 10 days ago, a KBOX with SubTank +. I've since ordered a few more (had I known I'd get addicted to buying e-gear, I might have thought twice about it), but I'm glad I never messed with those inferior ones.

Maybe subconsciously I was waiting for the technology to stabilize a bit, I'm not sure. I will admit that I was scared of trying new things, and thought it'd be just another patch, or gum, or Chantix type of crutch, and I was also worried these things would be found to be even more unhealthy than cigarettes, in a different way or something. I stubbornly shunned this e-movement for as long as I could, so now I'm late to the game.


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May 3, 2015
I started with Halo's G6 just to test the water, and ordered their Triton the day I got my hands on the G6. I've collected a bunch of gear since then, but still use my Triton when I'm out and about. Excellent piece of equipment.

Just for ....s and giggles I used a couple coupons to get a free Vuse from my local smoke shop... talk about nasty garbage. Every time I see their commercial I cringe. If that had been my first experience I'd still be a pack a day smoker.

I smoked light menthols (a pack to a pack and a half a day) and started with 12mg. Perfect for me. I had a harder time coming off the other nasty chemicals in analogs than I did coming down off the nicotine.
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May 4, 2015
Had a boxful of CE4 and CE5 as well as the T3S (marginally better, could change out the coils but still plastic). Also 3 Ego T batteries. The cheap ones. I think you could get a 1300 Ego battery with a CE4 on top for about $9.

Glass and stainless steel is much nicer. I now have 2 Aspire Nautilus mini's, a Kanger Aerotank V1, a Vision Spinner II VV battery, and Aspire 1600 VV battery and an iStick 50w.

The Aspire stuff is nice, IMO. I've found it is very much personal preference though. It was worth buying better hardware, and only having to change out the coils every so often rather than mucking around with those stupid disposable tanks.


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May 5, 2015
New York
Mine was a Tsunami eGo style e-cigarette I picked up in a starter kit at a gas station for around $35.

It wasn't terrible BUT I've since upgraded a few times.

Currently, I'm using a 30W iStick mod w/ an Aspire mini Nautilus tank w/ a 3" chrome drip tip.

What am I vaping on at the moment? SPLASH from Avail Vapor which is Blackberry Lemonade.

I also have an iTaste SVD Variable Voltage mod that I ran with a Kanger Pro Tank 2 and a Kanger mini.

What did you guys start with and what are you using now? (I hope you didn't start with a cheap disposable haha)
Boge IQ 510 kit


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May 15, 2014
Key Largo, FL USA
Mine was a Tsunami eGo style e-cigarette I picked up in a starter kit at a gas station for around $35.

It wasn't terrible BUT I've since upgraded a few times.

Currently, I'm using a 30W iStick mod w/ an Aspire mini Nautilus tank w/ a 3" chrome drip tip.

What am I vaping on at the moment? SPLASH from Avail Vapor which is Blackberry Lemonade.

I also have an iTaste SVD Variable Voltage mod that I ran with a Kanger Pro Tank 2 and a Kanger mini.

What did you guys start with and what are you using now? (I hope you didn't start with a cheap disposable haha)

Well, my first ecig was an NJoy menthol disposable, but it wasn't cheap. Got me interested, though. I tried the Blu next. Crap, frustrating waste of time, effort, money. Went to a vape shop and got an eGo/CE4 starter kit. Finally, something that worked. Still use the 650mah eGo's all the time but I use mini protanks instead of CE4s. I have an iStick with Eleaf GS Air MS which I love, but you can't beat the mini pros on a little eGo for pocketability.


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May 5, 2015
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Apr 1, 2015
Raleigh, NC
Some junk I picked up at the mall of all places.

I quickly learned never to go there again, I still remember rebuilding cartomizers with tea bag filters.

This was such a pain! lol

I did the same. Not sure the year but I was a pack a day smoker, sometimes more depending on how much I had to drink;) I found these fifty-one brands e-cigs at the mall. Took a couple of puffs off a tester and bought it to help me quit, yeah right, and really couldn't enjoy it. They had diff flavors but uggghh. They were bad. Speed up a couple of years and was introduced to the kanger EVOD with a protank 3 mini. Tried a house mojito flavor and it was over. I knew I had found my answer for how I was to quit smoking the lung darts! Speed up 5 months to the present, I have the kanger k-box with subtank mini as my ADV. I have 4 mechs, 9 Rdas, a sigelei zmax mini for the fiancé with an aerotank mini on top. She really likes. Two EVODs, a kanger Genitank and some small aspire clearomizer. They don't get much use. I rebuild the coil in the subtank (parallel coils in the factory OCCs, very simple) the coils on the rdas, And I just built a single coil for the aerotank (on the factory dual coil head, not as simple but fairly easy). Obviously I'm into vaping:p it's turning into an obsession!! I did smoke a few cancer sticks in the beginning but that stopped quickly. I actually tried smoke one over the weekend just to see what I was "missing" and holy cheese, it was awful!!! It tasted like I remembered my first cigarette tasted. And the smoke, I was expecting a satisfying throat hit and nice smoke exhalation. I guess I had lost my touch. I couldn't finish the damn thing. I will not touch another stogie unless I m so totally wasted I forget what year it is. f this, i said, I'm gonna go drip some.

Oh yeah, started with 6 mg nic, not enough in the beginning. Moved to 12 & 18. And found 12 was for me. After I got the subtank and rdas, I was down to 3 & 6. Subohm ing and high nicotine do not get along very well. I am finding I want lower my nic along with my ohms.
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