What Tank is Better??

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2012
Im thinkn bout getting a tank too replace the one stock tank taht came with my Ego C,i have the 1000mah battery,im trying too decide on thses 2,Kanger T2 2.4ml Changeable Coil Clearomizer,or theBoge F16 5ml Tank & Pre-Punched Cartomizer,anyone know? please and thanx.But too be honest im getting awesome vapour with my stock tank,i really dont see the need to change .will it taste better,i know they dont leak as much and can hold more juice.:)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
which tank do you have now?

lots of folks prefer the kanger T3 to the T2.

even more folks own carto tanks. if youre comfortable with a carto tank, stick with that. but you may want to pop a T3 into your basket just to see what theyre all about.

personally, i use RBAs as well as carto tanks as well as vivi novas. and i just got a couple T3s to try out. tell you what: i like them all. each have their ups and downs but i wouldnt say any are bad.

some jucies perform excellently with carto tanks, some have a very muted flavor. i have a citrus juice that is remarkable in any type of unit. but other jucies (flavored tobaccos for example), i cant seem to taste in a carto or carto tank.

generally speaking, the flavor from the T3 is better than the flavor from my carto tank, but some juices taste exactly the same.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2012
New Orleans, LA
I do a bit of both. I use mostly Kanger units when I'm out, and (generic) carto tanks at home. The cartos give me a great vape, and they're pretty low maintenance, but I'm always worried that the tank will slide off if I handle it poorly while I'm out. A lot of people complain about flooding on them, but once I learned the trick to filling them, it's less hassle than my kangers.

Since I happen to be 'out,' my device has a Kanger T2 on it, which does pretty well. They gurgle a bit and need cleared somewhere between once every couple days, and a couple times a day. The causes are easy to identify and resolve or work around (my current head seems to have a slight top seal issue).

I've got one of the newer Kanger T3's here with me too, but it has been nothing but trouble for me. I seem to be the only one who doesn't 100% love these, so I must be missing something. Clear the last flood, puff, puff, gurgle.
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Ultra Member
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Apr 20, 2011
Well, there really is no "better" between the two tanks, they are different, and it comes down to personal preference.

The F16 is a carto-tank. It uses a regular cartomizer with holes in it. Whatever carto you use will dictate the performance.

The Kanger is a clearomizer-style tank. It uses a coil wrapped around a wick, and the wick hangs down inside the tank into the juice, wicking the juice to the coil. These style tanks are more likely to give burnt/dry hits due to a million little factors. That doesn't mean it WILL give you burnt hits, the design just makes the possibility greater than with a carto-tank. You will have to tilt your tank up and down every now and then to re-wet the wicks.

There is also some talk that clearo-style tanks with long wicks can cause flavor loss. Reason being that the flavorings used injuice will wick at different rates. The longer the wick, the more pronounced this effect. It will happen with some juices, and not with others, depends totally on the juice and there really isn't any easy way to know like there is with knowing which juices crack tanks.

The Kanger will be more "durable" in the sense that it won't fall apart in your pocket or anything. Most carto-tanks depend upon friction of the o-rings to grab onto the carto, and keep the tank in place. It's possible, if you are carrying it in your pocket or something, that the tank can fall off the carto, spilling juice everywhere. To remedy this, there is a locking tank called the Artemas:

Chrome Artemas Slim Locking 510 DCT, Clear

There is a ring that locks the carto into the tank, and the endcaps of the tank are fixed, not removeable. This type of tank will NOT slip off and spill juice.

Also, if you are using this on an eGo, the F16 might be a bit too big and look goofy. The kanger is a smaller diameter and will "fit" your eGo better. The Artemas tank I linked to is also slim and will "fit" your eGo great.

As you can see each style has its strengths and weaknesses. Get both styles and see which one you prefer, or consider the factors I've mentioned and chose what sounds the best to you!
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