What strength juice for a friend? (she smokes Basics - full flavor)

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Full Member
Oct 29, 2009
Hi! I transitioned from Camel Lights to 8mg juice (in vapor 4 life carts).

She's been smoking Basic full flavors for probably 25 years. She just had a friend die of lung cancer, and Chantix made her sick.

I want to do this right the first time, and I'd like to get her the right mg of nicotine so she could POSSIBLY start transitioning if she likes the feel of it all.

Vapor 4 Life sells in mg ranges from 4-36. I was thinking maybe 18, but then again - she smokes full flavors. Any advice?



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Since you asked, yes.

I suggest you get a number of small bottles of different strengths and flavors.

I converted one Camel Light smoker to vaping and they needed 24mg.

When I started 36mg didn't even keep up with my cravings and a friend who smoked more than me and the same type of cigs went to 24mg without any problems.

Everyone smokes differently and everyone vapes differently, so assuming there is a set number for a smoker that smoked X cigs of Y brand/type can result in vaping not working.

The key to making the transition is the juice. Whatever juice works for your friend is the right juice.
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