What mg nicotine ???

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Full Member
Feb 8, 2015
County durham
Hi there
just a question regarding nicotine mg, and wondering what mg i should be on.

i originally started at 2.4mg and this seemed to satisfy the craving, but on reading certain articles it looked like for the amount i used to smoke ( 20 a day, sometimes 30 if i was on a night out) was to high.

so i went down to 1.8mg, but ive seen the last few days i have been craving a cigarette.

trouble is i tend to vape more than i smoke, so when i was on 24 mg i got lightheadedness etc, and can sometimes get that even on 18 mg as i vape alot at the mo with just giving up a couple of weeks ago.

if i go down any further in mg i know i would prob end up smoking again as i wont get the throat hit etc i need, but im also worried about taking in to much nicotine, can you end up having even more of an addiction to nicotine than you had from smoking when you vape so much ?, or could you be damaging your body vaping so much nicotine, its like a catch 22 situation, if i put the mg down i will defo end up smoking, if i keep the mg up and go back up to 24 mg so i can completely satisfy the craving im prob taking more nicotine in

helppppppp :(


ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Ah... mate... :)

You cannot easily compare the amount you smoked to vaping.

Dave Dorn still uses 36mg liquid, and he's been vaping years and years. Plenty of AAEC folk still use 24mg.

I used 24mg in the early days and as soon as I got an eGo e-cig, I dropped to 18mg....then down to 12mg and mostly 6mg in higher power devices.

You need to do what is right for you. By the sounds of it 24mg is a little too much at times and 18mg is not enough. Don't worry about vaping too much just now... it'll even itself out, I promise.


ECF Guru
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
One piece of advice I read on here that worked for me was to keep an inexpensive clearo/tank with a higher nic level in it. Then when I got that urge to smoke, hit on the higher nic instead. It worked for a week, then after that I was on the lower level without problems. Good luck.

Edit : In the higher nic level tank I kept a flavor I wasn't real happy with, but vapeable. In that manner it became less of an attraction.
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Oct 10, 2014
In my opinion, this varies by each person. I was quite a heavy smoker, 2 packs a day, sometimes 3. I started by trying 2.4 and 1.8 as my first trial and found that the 1.8 works great. I do vape heavy when I'm not busy, but I would always have a cigarette going when i wasn't busy so it evens out. I'm now analog free for 3 1/2 months and have started to reduce my nic to 1.2%. Not full time yet, but it does get me by. Good luck, just use whatever works for you to leave the analogs alone.


Vaping Master
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Dec 7, 2014
East Coast, USA
Great advice, here. You might also look at the composition of your juice. Higher PG results in greater TH. Understand completely your concerns about vaping more nic, but as many here would say, best to do what you need to so that you don't crave analogs. After a bit, your nic level will come down. And if it doesn't, you're still better off :)

Armchair Alchemist

Full Member
Feb 19, 2015
Speaking of doing what is needed to stay away from cigarettes, I have taken many such steps to keep myself interested in e-cigs. I wasn't about to allow any inconvenience to cause me to lose interest in vaping. Now I'll never go back to smoking. What need do I have to go back? Vaping has been so much fun.

I took the money I would ordinarily spend on cigarettes and spent it on vaping for the past four months. If I found an inconvenience with my equipment, I just replaced it. Now I am pretty much set with my equipment. Now I'll be vaping for about $20 a month because I now mix my own ejuice. Wow!

BTW, DIY ejuice is actually pretty easy; no more time-consuming than building coils! However, if I had the money, I would probably just vape premium juice.


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Jan 16, 2015
New York
I used to smoke 5-10 light cigarettes a day. My juices have 15-18 mg of nicotine and I vape at least 2-4 ml daily. I don't know the conversion but I just keep vaping whenever I have a craving. If you need more through hit, like the comment above, up the PG ratio.

Also, make sure to get juice you like.
After vaping for a while, I smoked a cigarette at a social gathering and the cigarette tasted horrid. That thought helps keep me vaping and off cigarettes.


Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY, USA
When I started a month and a half ago, I found that 24 mg does the trick for me and I use about 3 ml a day to curb my pack a day habit. I haven't had a single urge to revert back. If I do vape heavier than usual, I will notice the start of excessive nicotine consumption. I don't know if what I get is cravings per se. It's not like I get a feeling that I absolutely have to have it or my hands will shake and I'll break out into cold sweats if I don't. It's more like, "oh, it is right next to me, I think I'll pick it up". It was like that for me also when I was a smoker. After a long airline flight, all the other smokers will run for the nearest terminal exit to light up while I walk to the baggage claim area, find which one my flight will be using, and then walk outside to light up while waiting for the bags to start coming out.

Armchair Alchemist

Full Member
Feb 19, 2015
When I started a month and a half ago, I found that 24 mg does the trick for me and I use about 3 ml a day to curb my pack a day habit.

For me, ideal nicotine levels mainly have to do with the kind of system I have for vaporizing my juice. Roughly speaking, the hotter the juice gets vaped (i.e. the lower the ohms) in combination with the more airflow you have, the less nicotine you will need in your juice.

If I was vaping on my VTR with a clearomizer, I might want a 15-18 mg/ml juice. I was a pack a day as well.

One advantage to having a slightly lower nicotine level is that you are less likely to reach the point where you begin developing headaches from vaping too much. In other words, the higher the nicotine level, the more likely we are to vape too much.


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Not sure, but I saw one pretty scientific study that showed nic absorbtion lower from ecigs than we all probably think...
Here's a few thoughts and personal opinions:
- After a while, cigs will taste NASTY and you'll never want one again.
- Nic is addicting, but not especially bad for you - not compared to all the other crap you get burning a cigarette, so go ahead and use as much as you want.
- When you feel like it, lower the nic. Maybe MIX 24 and 18 and vape some 21 for a little while, then 18. Then mix some 12+18 and vape 15 for a while, then 12, etc.... No rush. Slowly reduce it. I've done this, and reduced my nic WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING
- I vape as much as I feel like, which is a lot, but from the month I started, I'm healthier, breathe easy, no more lung gunk, etc. I'm reducing nic basically because, "why not?".
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