What is your favorite set up? *details explained below*

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Jul 2, 2011
Charleston, SC
OK, here goes: Evic or Vamo2, Agat2 with silica post removed, drilled out so that the rba can accommodate a U wick, Nextel xc-116 U wick no SS or anything else in the wick--just straight Nextel, Kanthal ribbon wire 0.4x0.1mm 4 wraps to create 1.5 ohms, 7.5 watts. Both legs of the U can be coiled on when one side gets gunked up, because the fill hole screw and the negative post screw can both be used as the negative and fill hole respectively. Here it is when I am ready to switch from one side to the other:

That's after about a week and a half. I can use that same gunked side more by dry burning it @ 15w, but sometimes I just feel like building a new coil on the other side. The Nextel can be torched to get it clean and white, but that begins to get complicated. BTW, the little fibers you see sticking out from the wick are too large to enter the respiratory system. Some of the material can enter the upper respiratory system (i.e throat) if it is not heat treated correctly, but the fibers are too large to enter the lungs. They are, in fact quit a bit larger than the silica fibers that can be inhaled. I have heard from 1 person who had throat irritation. I have done a lot of research on this material including an in-depth reading of the MSDS. It's safe in my opinion (for what that's worth), although there is no scientific evidence for or against it's use. Then again, silica isn't that well studied either.


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