What is with ProVari People...Cult'ish much?

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Nov 20, 2012

I'm so confused at this time, I really want to know truthfully though. Every time I see a thread in the new section on PV sugguestions its always one person that chimes in on ProVari. Now normally I don't mind this as a broad spectrum of choices leads to good decisions in the end but that is not what I've an issue with.
The usual comments or feeling of the post goes " ProVari is great, everything else is crap"....I mean come on folks, seriously. Is it just me or is there an abnormal amount of hate and bias in that group. It's rather creepy cultish in a sense, kind of a mind block to new opertunities or just blind ignorance as to other new devices that have come out. I'm loosing hope and faith that new people are actually getting crediable advice on devices that could be of use without any weighted opinions on one specific or another.
Yes, I run a cheap mod....yes I don't really care what the cost of the device is. I vape to enjoy it...Isn't that what we are all here for?

I guess in my old grouchy age I'm getting tired of being told that I'm wrong for not buying in to the ProVari hype, and tired of being told that just because I don't own one that I'm not part of some closer to godly vape groupies.
Is there anyone else out there that feels this way, or am I just alone in this crazy world thinking this.


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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
You're just as guilty of it as Provari owners are (myself included until someone pointed out what I was doing wrong) Your making the assumption that everyone is thrifty just because you are isn't any different than a someone assuming that everyone should have a Provari because they love it.

Do you see my point here at all? This isnt meant as personal but it sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black.


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Nov 10, 2012
Chantilly VA
I feel that way about the Provari group and honestly, i don't see many people from the other groups going in and specifically bashing the other devices. I know it happens, don't get me wrong, but it seems in every single post that hits the new area and many of the PV sections it comes down to "provari is the best, the others are cheap knockoffs" or "Provari is the way to go because the others are chinese crap". This has got to end and I mean jesus, can't the mods do something about the hardcore bashing against other devices/people from the Provari groupies/cultists?

Going to past what a cult is below so it's understand and it is slowly creeping in that direction based on many of the posts. Now I am not saying every Provari person does it but there are a large number of people who just cause people of other devices to grind their teeth because of the hate of others coming from this group. I have seen a few people who have provape symbols under their name or state they have a provari that have an intelligent add-on to many topics and I thank them because they bring back a little hope that there is a small change coming from the group. Please, Provari is ok but until you have purchased the other devices and given them do not say they are crap and that they are cheap.

Devices I have used and "owned (read borrowed)" for a short bit
ProVari mini

Devices I own and have used:
Njoy (cheap 7 eleven kind)
JoyEtech Ego
Lavatube V1
ego APV

Coming soon:
JoyEtech Evic
Box Mod
Mechanical mod, haven't made a choice yet.

I plan to try many of the devices and own many of the because I like seeing the creativity of others and what has been created. Bashing to bash is never a good thing, at least use the devices and an unbiased mind before you spout the random "my PV is better than yours because it's made in america/China/Japan/Taiwan/who knows" Remember, they state on the site, the circuits are not american made so technically.....yea not going there again.

cult (klt)
a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such devotion.
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.


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Nov 20, 2012
I don't really hold it against them. If I had one I'd probably talk about it nonstop too.

Hell I talk about my purple Ego-Twist like it was the second coming.

I have an Ego Twist, picked it up in Vegas....Great device and light weight. I was readily supprised at the ability to maintain the voltage on it and to change it so easily. Its a great alternative to a big battery mod...lasted 6 hours of medium weight vaping so far....


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Nov 20, 2012
You're just as guilty of it as Provari owners are (myself included until someone pointed out what I was doing wrong) Your making the assumption that everyone is thrifty just because you are isn't any different than a someone assuming that everyone should have a Provari because they love it.

Do you see my point here at all? This isnt meant as personal but it sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black.

Actually this was made personal not by any of us posting thus far. I've maintained a rather neutral opinion of it. I don't care what you vape, what you like or how you like it. I've seen this and that go to and fro, seen people with 500$ mods and home made box mods. All vape, all fire the atomizer and all do exactly what the owner wants them to do.
I'm just disheartened at times at the bias of the threads, I understand that this will happen..I do have my " Opinions" and they are just that. I don't say " Go buy this, or that" because its not mine, I won't make it mine and I don't have a right to do so. I'll offer a spread of sugguestions, may even go in depth if further asked to...the whole point is this, why the general negitivity?


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Dec 13, 2011
Greensboro, NC
I think if you like what you're vaping on that's all that matters. I purchased my Provari at the three month vaping mark as a reward. At the time the only two VV devices I was familiar with were the LavaTube and the Provari. There were a lot of bad reviews of the LavaTube at the time and a lot of good reviews for the Provari. I've had it close to a year now, and it's still working great, so I feel no need to replace it. (I'm not a mod collector) I've seen a lot of changes over the last year, or maybe I'm just more informed, and there seem to be a lot of options out there. Would I still pick a Provari over any other VV mod? I don't know, honestly. It seems that there are a lot of VV mods now that seem to do exactly the same at a much lower price point. I love my Provari and I believe if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I will continue to use it. Is it the greatest thing since sliced bread? Probably not, but it works for me and I'm no longer smoking so that's good enough for now.


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
You and I at least agree on that.I made the mistake of reading your post and then letting my emotions overrule my head.From where I was sitting it looked like you were bashing on a device that helped me quit a 2 pack a day 30 year habit. I still dont think its overpriced by a long shot so we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand

I'm so confused at this time, I really want to know truthfully though. Every time I see a thread in the new section on PV sugguestions its always one person that chimes in on ProVari. Now normally I don't mind this as a broad spectrum of choices leads to good decisions in the end but that is not what I've an issue with.
The usual comments or feeling of the post goes " ProVari is great, everything else is crap"....I mean come on folks, seriously. Is it just me or is there an abnormal amount of hate and bias in that group. It's rather creepy cultish in a sense, kind of a mind block to new opertunities or just blind ignorance as to other new devices that have come out. I'm loosing hope and faith that new people are actually getting crediable advice on devices that could be of use without any weighted opinions on one specific or another.
Yes, I run a cheap mod....yes I don't really care what the cost of the device is. I vape to enjoy it...Isn't that what we are all here for?

I guess in my old grouchy age I'm getting tired of being told that I'm wrong for not buying in to the ProVari hype, and tired of being told that just because I don't own one that I'm not part of some closer to godly vape groupies.
Is there anyone else out there that feels this way, or am I just alone in this crazy world thinking this.

I think its gotten out of hand. It is getting old hearing pvs called crap that have actually been life changing, that people enjoy vaping and that function well with new developments too. No, you're not alone. :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
I think if you like what you're vaping on that's all that matters. I purchased my Provari at the three month vaping mark as a reward. At the time the only two VV devices I was familiar with were the LavaTube and the Provari. There were a lot of bad reviews of the LavaTube at the time and a lot of good reviews for the Provari. I've had it close to a year now, and it's still working great, so I feel no need to replace it. (I'm not a mod collector) I've seen a lot of changes over the last year, or maybe I'm just more informed, and there seem to be a lot of options out there. Would I still pick a Provari over any other VV mod? I don't know, honestly. It seems that there are a lot of VV mods now that seem to do exactly the same at a much lower price point. I love my Provari and I believe if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I will continue to use it. Is it the greatest thing since sliced bread? Probably not, but it works for me and I'm no longer smoking so that's good enough for now.

I appreciated reading your post. Thank you. I bought my first mod as a reward too, for having quit smoking for a period of time. Over 8 months off the cigs now and I really enjoy vaping. I can see you've been vaping quite a while yourself.


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Dec 13, 2011
Greensboro, NC
I appreciated reading your post. Thank you. I bought my first mod as a reward too, for having quit smoking for a period of time. Over 8 months off the cigs now and I really enjoy vaping. I can see you've been vaping quite a while yourself.

Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment! I can't believe I've been vaping a year. I honestly never thought I'd quit, but I really, really love vaping. :)


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Nov 10, 2012
Chantilly VA
I think if you like what you're vaping on that's all that matters. I purchased my Provari at the three month vaping mark as a reward. At the time the only two VV devices I was familiar with were the LavaTube and the Provari. There were a lot of bad reviews of the LavaTube at the time and a lot of good reviews for the Provari. I've had it close to a year now, and it's still working great, so I feel no need to replace it. (I'm not a mod collector) I've seen a lot of changes over the last year, or maybe I'm just more informed, and there seem to be a lot of options out there. Would I still pick a Provari over any other VV mod? I don't know, honestly. It seems that there are a lot of VV mods now that seem to do exactly the same at a much lower price point. I love my Provari and I believe if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I will continue to use it. Is it the greatest thing since sliced bread? Probably not, but it works for me and I'm no longer smoking so that's good enough for now.

I really like this post and appreciate seeing a nice, calm, friendly addition. :)


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Nov 20, 2012
I'm really happy that I quit, and congratulations to everyone that kicked the Ash.......Keep it up and keep the faith that you can do it.
The most important part isnt the device, isn't the atomizer or isn't even your EJuice seletions, its the fact that you quit, you did it...This is what makes vaping great.

I Shall Not Recant

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Jul 6, 2012
Dumbarton, Scotland
I think that some people start vaping and spend money on devices (after taking advice) that they then feel let them down so they feel like they received bad advice. When they later decide to just pay the money and buy a ProVari the consistency and build quality is like a revelation to them, so they rave about it. How can they understand that other people didn't have that disappointment?

I was fortunate and have a modest collection of cheap and/or quality devices that I spent time thinking about and researching. None of my devices have let me down so I am more open to alternatives. My ProVari is just one of many.

(Oddly, it also seems that some people went straight to a ProVari and haven't even tried other devices. I don't know what makes them think they are in the position to offer advice.)

Unfortunately the ProVariisti just don't seem to understand there their experience is not everyone's experience.
I do wonder if these people rave in the same way that the TV they bought is the best and everything else is crap. Or the phone they have is the best etc... etc...


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Nov 10, 2012
Chantilly VA
I think that some people start vaping and spend money on devices (after taking advice) that they then feel let them down so they feel like they received bad advice. When they later decide to just pay the money and buy a ProVari the consistency and build quality is like a revelation to them, so they rave about it. How can they understand that other people didn't have that disappointment?

I was fortunate and have a modest collection of cheap and/or quality devices that I spent time thinking about and researching. None of my devices have let me down so I am more open to alternatives. My ProVari is just one of many.

(Oddly, it also seems that some people went straight to a ProVari and haven't even tried other devices. I don't know what makes them think they are in the position to offer advice.)

Unfortunately the ProVariisti just don't seem to understand there their experience is not everyone's experience.
I do wonder if these people rave in the same way that the TV they bought is the best and everything else is crap. Or the phone they have is the best etc... etc...

I have wondered that myself, about the TV and such and yea, some have gone straight provari and haven't experienced the ups and downs of other devices. People who also start on a provari and go to another mod will also recommend the provari because it helped them quit, sits fresh in the memory. Personally, I try them all and like the pokemon mentality, god save me with the reference, gotta collect them all! :D


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Oct 27, 2012
Southwest Pa
I have seen the same thing in other Forums I was a member in. I remember being treated like an idiot cousin because I didn't own a certain brand of "whoyah", notably tractors, welders, tools, firearms. There are just elitist people out there that feel that if you don't buy brand X, you are a substandard person, then the sheep that follow them. I have learned to ignore them and make my own decisions to get the most bang for my hard earned buck. I just feel sorry for the new people who get lead into their mentality and feel that they have to get brand X just to be a member of the cool crowd. If the "tool" gets the job done to your satisfaction, and you like using it, then its the right "tool" for you, regardless of what brand/style it is.


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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I think that some people start vaping and spend money on devices (after taking advice) that they then feel let them down so they feel like they received bad advice. When they later decide to just pay the money and buy a ProVari the consistency and build quality is like a revelation to them, so they rave about it. How can they understand that other people didn't have that disappointment?

I was fortunate and have a modest collection of cheap and/or quality devices that I spent time thinking about and researching. None of my devices have let me down so I am more open to alternatives. My ProVari is just one of many.

Unfortunately the ProVariisti just don't seem to understand there their experience is not everyone's experience.
I do wonder if these people rave in the same way that the TV they bought is the best and everything else is crap. Or the phone they have is the best etc... etc...
I agree with much with what you stated. There seems to be many people who went with cheaper devices that promised to do what the more expensive Provari does, and for whatever reasons they ended up being disappointed with their results. I base this statement from multiple threads on the Provari forums. They remark about wishing that they had just bit the bullet and gotten the more expensive Provari to begin with, and would have ended up saving time and money in the long run. I think these people are just trying to help others that are looking into purchasing their first VV mod by avoiding the same mistakes that they made.

I agree about the more obnoxious people who degrade the less expensive devices. I fully realize not everyone has the funds up front for a Provari. And not everyone wishes to put that much of an investment into a single device. For many people, the cheaper devices will work fine for them.

I personally detest the people who don't bother reading a questioner's needs, and automatically recommend a Twist and a Vivi Nova for everyone, because that is what they use. This annoys me as much if not more than the Provari fanboys.

I love my Provari. I'd really like a Mini, too. But at the present time I can't justify the money for a second Provari at this point in time. I often find I have to restrain my own enthusiasm for the product, I genuinely believe it is worth the money to me. But I certainly don't recommend one for everyone; I try to understand what the person's needs are, and make appropriate recommendations based on those. I often make recommendations for things that I don't own, because the product has solid reviews and recommendations.

If you find certain posters to be obnoxious or anoying, there IS a feature here to block or ignore their comments.
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