What is 100% pg like?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Am ordering a few fsusa juices and they give otions on the vg/pg mix you want. I have found 50/50 and even 70/30 to have not enough flavor or th.

Am thinking 80pg and 20vg but maybe 100% pg is the way to go or 90pg 10vg....

Could anyone describe the 100% or 90/10 PG experienc ein comparison to heavier vg mixes like 50/50 or 70pg/30vg please...?



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
Northern California
I like a good throat hit, and find that 80percent PG is fine with me. I do find that some vendors have better throat hit than others.

I have found that Backwoods Brew, Malty Toffee and Caramel Cappuccino have great thoat hit, plus I love the juices. Malty toffee is a more subtle flavor. I order both at 80%pg, and with extra flavoring. I have also had some FSUSA juices with a very good throat hit as well. most vendors will let you customize their juices, with exception of some of their specialty flavors.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Could anyone describe the 100% or 90/10 PG experienc ein comparison to heavier vg mixes like 50/50 or 70pg/30vg please...?


I don't like Pure PG juices what-so-ever. There is so little vapor I don't "feel" like I'm getting a hit. If all you want is more TH, why don't you just put a couple of drops of Vodka in a 5ml bottle of your juice?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 3, 2010
so far i have stuck with 60pg/40vg, but i came across several posts that stated 80pg/20vg is the ratio most used by people. i decided to try 70pg/30vg and i don't like it at all. it's too thin, doesn't seem to have any consistency to it. i feel like i am vaping water. i guess i'm just used to the 60/40, but that's what i'll stick with from now on.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Ordered 70pg and 30vg to see how it goes. All with 1x extra flavor.

Reason I was tempted ot go higher on the pg was my last batch from GH! were 70pg 30vg and they were so weak I could barely taste anything at all but I think that is due to bein cheap juices. And it wasn;t steeping a sI just dripped their USA blend which I have had for 2 weeks now and not much flavor still.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2011
Cape Coral, FL USA
Maybe it's because I'm vaping 24mg/ml and using an eGo, but I've never had much problem with TH using 100% VG. Now, I do have a bottle of Cafe Filbert from Hot Vapes that's a 50/50 with 12mg/ml; it pretty much hit the same as my other juices. I have a bottle of EVJuice's Green USA (Dekang) that is 100% PG, and I can't take it: the vapor's too hot, the TH didn't impress me, and the vapor was pretty non-existent. I stick to 100% VG because I have a friend who is allergic to PG, and I like to share e-liquids with him (after all, he's responsible for me vaping in the first place!).

I don't believe the PG/VG battle is purely subjective, but YMMV from e-juice to e-juice, and I think the differences seem generally accepted to be the case.
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