What I did with the ashtrays...

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As cheesy as it sounds...this has really helped me relax!

I haven't smoked a real cig since I started e-smoking. I am actually ENJOYING it when I e-smoke...as opposed to smoking a real cigarette to get a quick nicotine fix.

So, what to do with those ashtrays? I threw away most of them, but kept the pretty oversized ones. I put them in my Gazebo outside....and bought the cone-shaped incense in my favorite aromas. When I go outside to enjoy the weather, I take my e-cig with me. I light an incense in the ashtray. When I set my e-cig down on the ashtray, the ashtray smokes as if it were a real cig....but with a very peaceful aroma. A big stress reliever!

My husband says I've taken my e-smoking a bit too far with my fancy-dancy ashtrays...LOL

So I ordered him an e-cigar for Father's Day. He'll be hanging out in the gazebo with me before ya know it!
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