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Sep 28, 2013
Carrollton, Georgia, United States
youtube, i posted a thread on rebuilding coils a while back and i got a few good links... grimmgreen has a great video on there about it... then there is like the vape lady... i am actually going to try her method... i use kanger products. kanger uses a 2mm wick with two 1mm placed on top as flavor wicks... she uses 1 3mm wick for the coil no flavor wicks... if i can get it to work with no gurgle, that would be awesome...

Awesome thank you! I just got a Kanger T3 and love it! i plan on getting a few more so ill have to check out her video! me and a buddy were on youtube for 5hr watching Greens reviews on mods trying to figure out what mod to get. and some of the other big vape guys videos. Ill have to start on the coil videos today! thanks again!


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Sep 28, 2013
Carrollton, Georgia, United States
youtube, i posted a thread on rebuilding coils a while back and i got a few good links... grimmgreen has a great video on there about it... then there is like the vape lady... i am actually going to try her method... i use kanger products. kanger uses a 2mm wick with two 1mm placed on top as flavor wicks... she uses 1 3mm wick for the coil no flavor wicks... if i can get it to work with no gurgle, that would be awesome...

Awesome thank you! I just got a Kanger T3 and love it! i plan on getting a few more so ill have to check out her video! me and a buddy were on youtube for 5hr watching Greens reviews on mods trying to figure out what mod to get. and some of the other big vape guys videos. Ill have to start on the coil videos today! thanks again!


Senior Member
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Oct 12, 2013
Crystal, MN USA
Having the same problem. Cigarettes taste terrible now. I am down to my last pack I had to smoke them I paid enough for them. I can't wait till I am done with the last one! I smoke about 2 a day. I still have to have the first one in the Morning. But I am finding out the after dinner one I take a few puffs and put it out and grab my Vap. It's working! I know my body is detoxing all the bad stuff from analogs slowly but I feel a heck of a lot better that's for sure been doing this now for almost 3 weeks now.


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  • Jan 22, 2012
    Vape Hartwell, GA
    What the heck i just wanted to quit smoking!!!!! Its like a zombie Apocalypse! Every friend that has taken a hit off my Ecig has been infected with this! my symptoms are I have to find the best juice, Mod, Atomiser, Clearomizer, tank, volt, watt, etc... anything to make the best vape possible! Man i love the Vape world!!!

    You da man!

    Get ready to be the go-to guy.


    ECF Guru
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    May 11, 2013
    CA, USA
    The SVD is nice.
    And heck, it's only $37 here....

    I rebuilt like 2 coils, decided that wasn't "my thing," and then gave DIY a shot.
    THAT is working out fine - I haven't had to dump out anything yet, but I've created a "Fairly Random Fruit" a nice RY4, and a Stawberry-Banana that's an everyday vape for me already.

    in order to find the perfect vape, i will be starting by taking a stab at diy to custom tailor juices to my liking... assuming that i will be able to accommodate this, my next step will be rebuilding coils... i have been looking extensively into all of this... hopefully i will be able to convince my dear wife into letting me get my svd sooner rather than later... (part of the reason i have been scouring to find other classified e cig sales to attempt at getting one used to save on cost...) its not that i dislike my ego vv2 mega, i just want a better set up...


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
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    Sep 28, 2013
    Carrollton, Georgia, United States
    The SVD is nice.
    And heck, it's only $37 here....

    I rebuilt like 2 coils, decided that wasn't "my thing," and then gave DIY a shot.
    THAT is working out fine - I haven't had to dump out anything yet, but I've created a "Fairly Random Fruit" a nice RY4, and a Stawberry-Banana that's an everyday vape for me already.

    Ive found a few Boba's blend clones i really want to try! so hopefully next week ill start buying supplies! im excited!


    Super Member
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    Sep 28, 2013
    Carrollton, Georgia, United States
    Ahh good luck!
    Boba's is a complex flavor that people have tried and tried to duplicate.
    Not my "cup of juice" so I haven't gone that way - but I hope you make a blend you love, at least!

    yea exactly but Bobas is my all day vape but if i can give it a shot and end up with something im happy with that will same me money ill be a happy happy guy!


    Insane Halon
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 27, 2013
    Austin, Tx
    What the heck i just wanted to quit smoking!!!!! Its like a zombie Apocalypse! Every friend that has taken a hit off my Ecig has been infected with this!

    you hafto shoot ur friends in the head...double tap...only way to kill a zombeh. sorry, it's tru cuz i read it on the interweb.

    also, after they're down, steal their vape stuffs.
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