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What Hardware/Device are you useing ?

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Sep 3, 2011
South Africa
lol forgot to say what i am useing,I am currently on an Ego setup consisting of 650mah and 1000mah batts,I am a dripper so i use attys and my atty of choice is 510 LR from walter.I Started off on a analog look alike,dono what modle but it was accually really good,was from the UK,I have tried clearomizers "Hated Them",Tankomizers "Hated them",Cartomizers "Hated Them,saw potential but still sucked"My dream device would have to be a Reo bottom feeder or a Provari.


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Mar 25, 2010
Jo'burg, South Africa
Using at the moment in my rotation:
Joye eGo 900 and 1000mah batts with Joye 510lr (dripping) - works fantastic but only good for home.
Ego mega dc's from vaping zone - works well but I've only tried 1 so far. Personally I'm not crazy about the length of them, they make the ego too long.
Echo auto with 650, 1000 and 1300mah batts - good device, I'm happy with it. Will get around to trying the dc echo cartos.
Leo with new lr cartos (around 2.5ohm) and the leo dc cartos - happy with it, much better than the the leo attys.

Have tried the following:
Started on the m201 and used it for around 7 months - it got me off smoking but I will never use carts again. Too many wicking and leaking probs.
Xpower by Smoore - the cartos sucked and the carts were way too small. Too many refills needed.
I've tried pretty much everything that can be screwed onto an eGo. Both types of tanks in std and lr resistance - meh, flavour issues, wicking issues - not for me. The 510-T tank works much better and are actually pretty good but way too small. I needed to refill every hour. eGo A type atties are ok in both resitances but using carts sucks. Wicking and leaking probs again.
The new generation kr's are pretty good but the cartos only hold about a mill and the batts only last a couple of hours.
Echo-e cartos are pretty good, they hold about 2.5ml and last well. I will get more of those.

My next purchase will be a 18650 mod. I'm keeping an eye on the 510-n and epower. I think that the 510-n looks nicer though. Both have had switch issues which will hopefully be sorted out. The Indulgence V3 from Eastmall looks promising but it's too new and there isn't too much info on it out there. (I wonder if there is still a $200 min order requirement to order from EM. I wish they would do plain old registered airmail.) The Omega, SB and Reo Grand are also on my wish list. Also gonna have to try variable voltage at some point. :facepalm:


Senior Member
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Mar 25, 2010
Jo'burg, South Africa
Fabsta, what do you mean by:
Leo with new lr cartos (around 2.5ohm) and the leo dc cartos - happy with it, much better than the the leo attys.
As far as I know the Leo has 2.5ohm attys and a cartridge plus mouthpiece or mouthpiece only for dripping can be attached to it.

Johnny, these are Leo cartomizers. (atty and cartridge built into one) They are not avalable in S.A (you can get the 3 ohm ones here at vaping101 for R60 a piece). They last a week or 2 and are cheaper than attys. I got them from vapingzone.com. 15 cartos plus shipping cost me R500 which is around R30 each. The dual coils are very good and hold 5ml each. Check out the Leo forum here: The Leo I can definately recommend these. they are so much better than the attys. Shipping cost $15 with usps priority mail which takes 2 weeks so I order at least 15 to justify that cost. If you just wanna try one pack you can go to whitestag vapor. I think the shipping is around $5 for 1 x 5 pack with usps 1st class mail which I presume takes a bit longer to get here. Go for it, read up on them at the Leo forum and order some, I think you'll dig them. I certainly do.:2cool:


Vaping Master
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Oct 18, 2010
upstate ny
I love my Reo Grand. I've had mine for almost a year and it just keeps working. Its been dropped many times but its like an army tank. Besides that its hassle free.

lol forgot to say what i am useing,I am currently on an Ego setup consisting of 650mah and 1000mah batts,I am a dripper so i use attys and my atty of choice is 510 LR from walter.I Started off on a analog look alike,dono what modle but it was accually really good,was from the UK,I have tried clearomizers "Hated Them",Tankomizers "Hated them",Cartomizers "Hated Them,saw potential but still sucked"My dream device would have to be a Reo bottom feeder or a Provari.


Vaping Master
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Oct 18, 2010
upstate ny
The Omega, SB and Reo Grand are also on my wish list. Also gonna have to try variable voltage at some point. :facepalm:

I have the Reo GRand and I can't say enough good things about it. I am looking forward to the "Kick" coming out very soon. The reason I am interested in the Kick is because it can be inserted into the Reo GRand. It will make the Reo Grand a watt regulated bottom feeding box mod much like the Darwin but with bottom feeding. You have to use 18490 batterys instead of 18650 for the Kick to fit but with its power regualtion and my style of vaping I should get more time before a battery change is required. The Kick will be selling for about 330 rand.


Vaping Master
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Oct 18, 2010
upstate ny
There is no website for the kick. Here is one thread on the kick: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/super-t-manufacturing/238041-kick-evolv-coming-super-t.html

The kick is in beta phase right now. Here is the information I have gathered.

The kick is being made by the same folks that make the Darwin...Evolv. It fit in mods that take 18650 batteries. It is 15mm long and about the same size in diameter as an 18xxx battery. It will be placed on the positive end of the battery. Mods that take an 18650 will take an 18490+ the kick. The Kick has a spring that touches the side of the mod to make a ground. This will work with metal mods or a wire would have to be run to make it work with wood mods.

The Kick works by dialing in a wattage you like. It regulates the wattage. You could put a 1.5 ohm atty or 2.5 ohm atty and the Kick will make it output the same wattage (heat) to whatever you have it set for. It will boost current or reduce current. It is protected as well. It requires IMR batteries. If the IMR reaches 3.2 volts the Kick shuts off and its time for a new battery. Your wattage stays the same until that 3.2 cut off voltage is reached.

Early estimates seem to indicate that an 18490 battery will be good for about 2.5 mls of juice...estimate only, ymmv.

The upper wattage will be limited to 10 watts and this is for safety reasons.

I hope this helps


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Oct 30, 2011
I have ordered quite a few things the past month or so, because I realy like the gadgetry and its allot better then smoking. SO with that sayd, here is my opinion, and quicke review on a few of them.

3.5ml giant clearomizer 2.3 - 2.5ohm
It works well on my Leo 3.7v batt but you must turn it upside down every now and again so that it wick. Allot of vapor, and the tate are also good. I am using it on my Leo batt as passthrough at the moment, the green LED is just a nice to have, but looks cool.

HH357's 510 Atomizers.... on my Mini
I got the 1.5 ohms and the 2 ohms for my mini, and it seems to me that they are for more advanced users then me. I almost got the hang of the 2 ohms but my timing seems to be off, I get tons of vapor at stages, then I flood them, and then they are dry, and you get that yukkie burnt taste, but I will not give up on them, because I can see that they will work, and when they work, they work well, when my timing is in.... For dripping, they are just excelent, allot of vapor, TH is high and they are realy fast.

Cisco speck 306 2 ohm atty....

WHAT a PLEASURE!!!!!!!! They work so well, I look and feel like a PRO on my minni, these little guys are the bomb!!!! Massive vapor, they just wont flood, and the taste are excelent..... WOW!!!!! And the fact that a 2 ohm atty works so weel, will give me some more time between batt changes.

Ohhh and last but in no sense the least....

REO mini...
What a pleasure..... it just keeps on working, fireing each and every time, such a simple, yet excelent device. I just love the bottom feeding, twice a day juice bottle changes, and some times 3 times a bay batt changes. But it works like a dream.... I think my next divice will most probably be the VV Grand fot extra batt live and the VV option..... just because there is little maintenance to the Grand, the woodvills looks verry special and nice, but I am a practical person, and are using it outdoors in the dust and rain. SO I love the fackt then when my Reo is durty, I just take out the batt, atty and bottle, and rinse it under the tap.
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Senior Member
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Oct 30, 2011
So the Reo Mini is your favourite device?

I think its actualy my only device....

My Leo I only use as a PT at this moment, the mini is much more user friendly in my work situation, because I am out all day and driving inbetween my clients (farmes). So there is not much time to refill and organise batt all day long. Personaly now I think I should have bought a Grand instead of the mini, because the grads batt will last me longer.


Moved On
Oct 9, 2011
I think its actualy my only device....

My Leo I only use as a PT at this moment, the mini is much more user friendly in my work situation, because I am out all day and driving inbetween my clients (farmes). So there is not much time to refill and organise batt all day long. Personaly now I think I should have bought a Grand instead of the mini, because the grads batt will last me longer.
The Grand costs over a grand. Quite expensive, but if you take the savings on analogues !!
If you get the Grand and want to get rid of your mini, think of me. I will buy it off you.
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